I have recently decided that Locke must be Jacob. It almost pains me, because Locke is just about my least favorite LOST character. But after rationalizing so many thoughts over the years, and so many occurrences on the show, it has become quite obvious to me. Let me now what you think.
The thing that makes it most obvious to me is the flashback to when Alpert visited Locke and he had the smoke monster drawing hanging up. Up until now I had thought it was because Locke had seen smokey in a different time, but now I think that he created the smoke monster with that drawing as a child. I don’t know if the smoke monster appeared on the island at the same time he drew it, or how it manifested itself, but I believe that Locke didn’t draw it because he had already been to the island. As far as I can tell, we have been given no indication Locke had been to the island between his birth and the time Alpert visited him and saw the drawing, or that the time travel aspect of the island works in a way that it allows people to remember stuff before it even happens, except maybe with Desmond’s flashes, but that is completely different as far as I’m concerned. I
think Locke has the ability to manifest things much like Walt does. Like when Walt was reading about birds, said you're not looking, and the bird flew into the glass. Maybe Locke doesn’t realize it yet, but he still feels a connection with Walt because of their similar abilities. This could also explain his hunting prowess. It would be pretty easy to track and kill a boar if the fact that you believe there is a boar in the brush two miles east actually is the reason there is a boar there. Maybe Locke knows when it is going to rain because he thinking about it raining makes it happen. He doesn’t yet know his thoughts are what are controlling it; he just thinks he is more in touch with the island.
Another thing, besides the “help me” heard in Jacob’s cabin with Ben, Locke has never been able to see or talk with Jacob. Perhaps Christian MUST speak for Jacob because it is impossible for the
two to interact. Maybe that is the point of the show, to have Locke become aware that he is in fact Jacob and can control what happens on the island. You can’t just tell him because of the repercussions that could arise if he isn’t yet ready for that responsibility, all you can do is groom him and lead him in that direction. I think a few people know that Locke is Jacob, and a few have an idea. I think that Alpert, Christian, and Claire all know he is Jacob. That is why Alpert is so intent on helping Locke find his purpose, like handing him the file on Sawyer. Maybe when Alpert gave Locke the choice when he was a kid he was upset because what he choose didn’t mean he
was supposed to lead the others, but perhaps over the next 50 years, Alpert realized Locke was supposed to be on the island, and it was supposed to be as Jacob. Christian somehow knows, and that is why he is trying to help Locke. Maybe Jacob realized when the plane crashed he would need a medium to speak himself while he is still Locke and that is why he reanimated Christians body. Claire knows as well, and while I don’t know exactly what her purpose is, her sly smirk to Locke in the cabin could be a nod to her knowing that Locke was Jacob and trying to keep the secret safe. I think that Ben and Hurley both suspect Locke is Jacob. That is why Ben tries to kill Locke while
he is in his earthly form. He wasn’t successful on the island, so he tried again off the island, only to have it fail again. I think Hurley is aware due to stumbling onto the cabin. This would
explain his awkwardness around Locke from that point on. I’m sure there is more to Hurley/Locke/Jacob that I’m leaving out, or maybe I’ve misinterpreted their interactions. I guess I am not too sure about that one.
Since I’ve already written 700 words on this theory, let me go on further and say how I think everything will play out. Keep in mind I am not nearly as certain on this as I am on the Locke=Jacob stuff. I believe that the folks who were separated on the Ajira 316 crash are in two separate times. Kate, Jack, and Hurley are in 1977 or whenever, and Ben and the others are in the present time. I also believe that in Locke’s “reborn” state, time doesn’t strictly apply to him anymore and he can be in both places. I think this because it would be a creative way to show changes those in 1977 make on current events. Since it is 1977 or thereabouts, Ben is on the island, and he is old enough to be formidable. I think that young Ben will sometime trick Locke into visiting Jacob and lock Locke (character name coincidence?) inside the cabin, using the ash or whatever to keep him there since he is not technically alive. I also think that Hurley being in the past is impor! tant, because he can find the cabin and free Jacob/Locke letting him get his revenge on Ben by killing him. Now that Jacob/Locke is free he can begin to realize his power and do some magnificent things leading to the war Widmore referred to. That is why Jacob/Locke is so important. He will eventually have full control over smokey that he inadvertently created, he will
be the reason his side wins the war.
Do I know who the war will be with? No I do not, although something inside me says it will be with Alpert and the others. It could also be a war with Ben. Maybe that will be the end season, Jacob/Locke against Ben. Maybe the end of the season is simply him being freed from the cabin and realizing his place, but I just don’t see a war between Jacob/Locke and Ben being climatic, whereas a war between Jacob/Locke and Mr. Forever Alpert could be far more interesting.
Oh, and one more thing that I find interesting, if Locke was off island doing someone else’s bidding, like bringing the people back b/c Jacob or the island wants so, then doesn’t it seem awful brave of him to sat Walt has been through enough and doesn’t need to come back? At first I thought it was just another bad decision by a character I disliked, but now maybe it was just foreshadowing for his future decision making ability. I do believe that certain folks off the island will end up back, Desmond for one, possibly Walt and Widmore. For some reason I can actually see all three of those coming back together, especially if Ben did in fact hurt Penny.
Des and Widmore going together, and Widmore saying they needed Walt for some reason.
Anyways, that is my Jacob/Locke theory, with a little extra thrown in. The good thing is, with only a season and a half left, if this is how it’s going to play out, it’ll start to unfold soon. Like anything with this show, though, I fully expect my expectations to be flipped upside down 10 minutes into next week’s episode. Take care. Theory by Jacob Lambert
The thing that makes it most obvious to me is the flashback to when Alpert visited Locke and he had the smoke monster drawing hanging up. Up until now I had thought it was because Locke had seen smokey in a different time, but now I think that he created the smoke monster with that drawing as a child. I don’t know if the smoke monster appeared on the island at the same time he drew it, or how it manifested itself, but I believe that Locke didn’t draw it because he had already been to the island. As far as I can tell, we have been given no indication Locke had been to the island between his birth and the time Alpert visited him and saw the drawing, or that the time travel aspect of the island works in a way that it allows people to remember stuff before it even happens, except maybe with Desmond’s flashes, but that is completely different as far as I’m concerned. I
think Locke has the ability to manifest things much like Walt does. Like when Walt was reading about birds, said you're not looking, and the bird flew into the glass. Maybe Locke doesn’t realize it yet, but he still feels a connection with Walt because of their similar abilities. This could also explain his hunting prowess. It would be pretty easy to track and kill a boar if the fact that you believe there is a boar in the brush two miles east actually is the reason there is a boar there. Maybe Locke knows when it is going to rain because he thinking about it raining makes it happen. He doesn’t yet know his thoughts are what are controlling it; he just thinks he is more in touch with the island.
Another thing, besides the “help me” heard in Jacob’s cabin with Ben, Locke has never been able to see or talk with Jacob. Perhaps Christian MUST speak for Jacob because it is impossible for the
two to interact. Maybe that is the point of the show, to have Locke become aware that he is in fact Jacob and can control what happens on the island. You can’t just tell him because of the repercussions that could arise if he isn’t yet ready for that responsibility, all you can do is groom him and lead him in that direction. I think a few people know that Locke is Jacob, and a few have an idea. I think that Alpert, Christian, and Claire all know he is Jacob. That is why Alpert is so intent on helping Locke find his purpose, like handing him the file on Sawyer. Maybe when Alpert gave Locke the choice when he was a kid he was upset because what he choose didn’t mean he
was supposed to lead the others, but perhaps over the next 50 years, Alpert realized Locke was supposed to be on the island, and it was supposed to be as Jacob. Christian somehow knows, and that is why he is trying to help Locke. Maybe Jacob realized when the plane crashed he would need a medium to speak himself while he is still Locke and that is why he reanimated Christians body. Claire knows as well, and while I don’t know exactly what her purpose is, her sly smirk to Locke in the cabin could be a nod to her knowing that Locke was Jacob and trying to keep the secret safe. I think that Ben and Hurley both suspect Locke is Jacob. That is why Ben tries to kill Locke while
he is in his earthly form. He wasn’t successful on the island, so he tried again off the island, only to have it fail again. I think Hurley is aware due to stumbling onto the cabin. This would
explain his awkwardness around Locke from that point on. I’m sure there is more to Hurley/Locke/Jacob that I’m leaving out, or maybe I’ve misinterpreted their interactions. I guess I am not too sure about that one.
Since I’ve already written 700 words on this theory, let me go on further and say how I think everything will play out. Keep in mind I am not nearly as certain on this as I am on the Locke=Jacob stuff. I believe that the folks who were separated on the Ajira 316 crash are in two separate times. Kate, Jack, and Hurley are in 1977 or whenever, and Ben and the others are in the present time. I also believe that in Locke’s “reborn” state, time doesn’t strictly apply to him anymore and he can be in both places. I think this because it would be a creative way to show changes those in 1977 make on current events. Since it is 1977 or thereabouts, Ben is on the island, and he is old enough to be formidable. I think that young Ben will sometime trick Locke into visiting Jacob and lock Locke (character name coincidence?) inside the cabin, using the ash or whatever to keep him there since he is not technically alive. I also think that Hurley being in the past is impor! tant, because he can find the cabin and free Jacob/Locke letting him get his revenge on Ben by killing him. Now that Jacob/Locke is free he can begin to realize his power and do some magnificent things leading to the war Widmore referred to. That is why Jacob/Locke is so important. He will eventually have full control over smokey that he inadvertently created, he will
be the reason his side wins the war.
Do I know who the war will be with? No I do not, although something inside me says it will be with Alpert and the others. It could also be a war with Ben. Maybe that will be the end season, Jacob/Locke against Ben. Maybe the end of the season is simply him being freed from the cabin and realizing his place, but I just don’t see a war between Jacob/Locke and Ben being climatic, whereas a war between Jacob/Locke and Mr. Forever Alpert could be far more interesting.
Oh, and one more thing that I find interesting, if Locke was off island doing someone else’s bidding, like bringing the people back b/c Jacob or the island wants so, then doesn’t it seem awful brave of him to sat Walt has been through enough and doesn’t need to come back? At first I thought it was just another bad decision by a character I disliked, but now maybe it was just foreshadowing for his future decision making ability. I do believe that certain folks off the island will end up back, Desmond for one, possibly Walt and Widmore. For some reason I can actually see all three of those coming back together, especially if Ben did in fact hurt Penny.
Des and Widmore going together, and Widmore saying they needed Walt for some reason.
Anyways, that is my Jacob/Locke theory, with a little extra thrown in. The good thing is, with only a season and a half left, if this is how it’s going to play out, it’ll start to unfold soon. Like anything with this show, though, I fully expect my expectations to be flipped upside down 10 minutes into next week’s episode. Take care. Theory by Jacob Lambert