To understand my theory on the “Smoke Monster” you must take a few moments to read the following theories by my friend S.D. Wynn.
“LOST in the Kabbalah: a Passion Play of Isis, Osiris, & Horus" and “LOST Plato’s Atlantis Rebuilt” by S.D. Wynn
I would like to offer some evidence that Steve's theory is right on the mark! In my research on Isis (read S.D. Wynn's other posts), I discovered that she was a magician. It is the BEST explanation I have found to explain the Smoke Monster....
This is a quote from Isis, TourEgypt,
Thus when she wished to make Ra reveal to her his greatest and most secret name, she made a venomous reptile out of dust mixed with the spittle of the god, and by uttering over it certain words of power she made it to bite Ra as he passed. When she had succeeded in obtaining from the god his most hidden name, which he only revealed because he was on the point of death, she uttered words which had the effect of driving the poison out of his limbs, and Ra recovered. Now Isis not only used the words of power, but she also had knowledge of the way in which to pronounce them so that the beings or things to which they were addressed would be compelled to listen to them and, having listened, would be obliged to fulfill her bequests.
Feel free to Google Isis, TourEgypt to read the great description of this great god. I wonder if the Island is Isis….
Let me know what you all think!
Jane Theory by Jane Slates
“LOST in the Kabbalah: a Passion Play of Isis, Osiris, & Horus" and “LOST Plato’s Atlantis Rebuilt” by S.D. Wynn
I would like to offer some evidence that Steve's theory is right on the mark! In my research on Isis (read S.D. Wynn's other posts), I discovered that she was a magician. It is the BEST explanation I have found to explain the Smoke Monster....
This is a quote from Isis, TourEgypt,
Thus when she wished to make Ra reveal to her his greatest and most secret name, she made a venomous reptile out of dust mixed with the spittle of the god, and by uttering over it certain words of power she made it to bite Ra as he passed. When she had succeeded in obtaining from the god his most hidden name, which he only revealed because he was on the point of death, she uttered words which had the effect of driving the poison out of his limbs, and Ra recovered. Now Isis not only used the words of power, but she also had knowledge of the way in which to pronounce them so that the beings or things to which they were addressed would be compelled to listen to them and, having listened, would be obliged to fulfill her bequests.
Feel free to Google Isis, TourEgypt to read the great description of this great god. I wonder if the Island is Isis….
Let me know what you all think!
Jane Theory by Jane Slates