Since the beginning of Lost I have had a splinter in the back of my mind regarding Adam and Eve. With the revealations surrounding time travel I have tried my best to summorise my thoughts on what may be going on.
Please note that this theory does not answer all the questions but I have tried to look at the bigger picture.
A few important things the bear in mind before I ramble on. The bible (im not an expert or a believer) and The Matrix trilogy.
My Theory
The island is both the end and the begininng of human life on Earth. The reasons I think this is partly due to the Matrix Revolutions. After rewatching the film the other night I had a sudden thought. What if there are similarities between my favourite island and my favourite film. Ill explain why I think this…
Neo was given the choice. Take the path back to Zion or try to save Trinity. If he choose Zion then human life would be saved and the matrix reset. If he went after Trinity then that’s it game over.. 6 times prior to this event his previous permitations choose to save the world. Making the Matrix another time loop event, with the same thing happening over and over again. What if Lost is the same?
The Island has a bomb on it. Jughead. Which is sitting idly by deep in concrete. This Theory takes a bit of jump from current Island time to the future (which we know is quite possible) The island is constantly moving. If somehow the bomb were to explode, then what would stop the resulting effects from spreading through all the gateways across the world (of which I think there are many not just Tunisa) Thus ending the world as we know it, sending everyone back to dark ages. A world with no technology (as Jacobs seems to hate)… The island (I think) would still be left with a few remaining survivors (I guessing that we have not seen a nuclear bunker yet). Once the world has settled down again, the surviving inhabitants of the island begin to re start their life. A long long road… We know the Island is old but not how old… the same applies for Richard, what if Richard has been stuck in this time loop forever. Forcing him to relive the same events over and over until somet! hing can change (ala Neo in the Matrix).
This leads me to believe that the Island is birth of the Bible. The names that keep cropping up are not coincidence, neither are the numerous Bible related suggestions. Jacob, The Virgin Mary statues, The Birth of Locke miraculous conception, what if this was real and not a hoax and of course Adam and Eve, The island would essentially become Eden, could it be that the losties are not in 2004 at all but closer to a date far far in the future but human civilisation only dates it at 2004? Like a record playing from the start, this is track 10 of 20.Theory by Daronias
Please note that this theory does not answer all the questions but I have tried to look at the bigger picture.
A few important things the bear in mind before I ramble on. The bible (im not an expert or a believer) and The Matrix trilogy.
My Theory
The island is both the end and the begininng of human life on Earth. The reasons I think this is partly due to the Matrix Revolutions. After rewatching the film the other night I had a sudden thought. What if there are similarities between my favourite island and my favourite film. Ill explain why I think this…
Neo was given the choice. Take the path back to Zion or try to save Trinity. If he choose Zion then human life would be saved and the matrix reset. If he went after Trinity then that’s it game over.. 6 times prior to this event his previous permitations choose to save the world. Making the Matrix another time loop event, with the same thing happening over and over again. What if Lost is the same?
The Island has a bomb on it. Jughead. Which is sitting idly by deep in concrete. This Theory takes a bit of jump from current Island time to the future (which we know is quite possible) The island is constantly moving. If somehow the bomb were to explode, then what would stop the resulting effects from spreading through all the gateways across the world (of which I think there are many not just Tunisa) Thus ending the world as we know it, sending everyone back to dark ages. A world with no technology (as Jacobs seems to hate)… The island (I think) would still be left with a few remaining survivors (I guessing that we have not seen a nuclear bunker yet). Once the world has settled down again, the surviving inhabitants of the island begin to re start their life. A long long road… We know the Island is old but not how old… the same applies for Richard, what if Richard has been stuck in this time loop forever. Forcing him to relive the same events over and over until somet! hing can change (ala Neo in the Matrix).
This leads me to believe that the Island is birth of the Bible. The names that keep cropping up are not coincidence, neither are the numerous Bible related suggestions. Jacob, The Virgin Mary statues, The Birth of Locke miraculous conception, what if this was real and not a hoax and of course Adam and Eve, The island would essentially become Eden, could it be that the losties are not in 2004 at all but closer to a date far far in the future but human civilisation only dates it at 2004? Like a record playing from the start, this is track 10 of 20.Theory by Daronias