Honestly I believe not much needs said about this at all. Hear me out- In the Season 1 episode "House of the Rising Sun" Jack finds the bodies while getting water from the caves. One is male, one is female. One has white stone, one has a black stone. Jack states he believes the bodies to be decomposing for 40 years...(hmmm, starting to follow me?) Also, for whatever reason Jack decides to take the stones and not tell a questioning Locke about them. Now, I'm no racist but it seems to me that Rose and Bernard were black and white. Also male and female. Now given that we have not seen them in season 5 for some time now, i would guess that after getting separated from the other losties they made there way to the cave- a place they knew- and to put it simply; died in each others arms, waiting.
In case anyone who knew them came across their bodies they each put a colored stone on their chest, thinking that whoever found them would then know who they once were. Symbolizing their love for one another as well could be a reason, one black one white. Theory by Dazemegood
In case anyone who knew them came across their bodies they each put a colored stone on their chest, thinking that whoever found them would then know who they once were. Symbolizing their love for one another as well could be a reason, one black one white. Theory by Dazemegood