Robert Heinlein, whose Science Fiction books include “Stranger in a strange land”, also wrote a book, in 1985, entitled “The cat who walks through walls”. In this book, he describes a “Time Corps” - a group of Historians, Mathematicians, Soldiers and Secret Agents whose mission is to protect several Time-lines from the efforts of various Enemies whose agenda is to alter these timelines in their favour.
The leadership of the Time Corps is called The Circle of Ouroboros.
Ms Hawking (in FBYE) wore an Ouroboros brooch. A picture of herself with Brother Campbell was visible in his Abbey office. Mr Widmore was a regular customer of the Abbey’s. Widmore knows Ben Linus very well - and he knows Ms Hawking well enough to supply her LA address to Desmond.
Something I noticed long ago: Tom had an Ouroboros tattoo on his chest - visible in The Hunting Party and in LTDA.
So ... my current theory about all of this is that appearances to the contrary, Widmore, Linus and Hawking are all working toward a common goal - and the Real Enemy ... the Real Bad Guys are the backwards-talking haters, including the one who yelled “I hate you” to Kate as she entered the Courthouse for her trial. I believe these guys are the ones who are trying to prevent the Return of The Six to the Island. Theory by Roland
The leadership of the Time Corps is called The Circle of Ouroboros.
Ms Hawking (in FBYE) wore an Ouroboros brooch. A picture of herself with Brother Campbell was visible in his Abbey office. Mr Widmore was a regular customer of the Abbey’s. Widmore knows Ben Linus very well - and he knows Ms Hawking well enough to supply her LA address to Desmond.
Something I noticed long ago: Tom had an Ouroboros tattoo on his chest - visible in The Hunting Party and in LTDA.
So ... my current theory about all of this is that appearances to the contrary, Widmore, Linus and Hawking are all working toward a common goal - and the Real Enemy ... the Real Bad Guys are the backwards-talking haters, including the one who yelled “I hate you” to Kate as she entered the Courthouse for her trial. I believe these guys are the ones who are trying to prevent the Return of The Six to the Island. Theory by Roland