We know that people whos minds time travel suffer from nose bleeds unless they have a constant. It may be that they still did a constant if their bodies are time travelling too. Which means everyone who is time travelling has a constant except for Charlotte. the losties could be subconsciously using the island as a constant. After having lived there for so long they have an intimate relationship with the island.
Why isn't Daniel getting nose bleeds?
He could be using Charlotte as his constant because he is in love with her. But she doesn't love him, her feelings for him are not strong enough for him to be her constant.
Why isn't Miles getting nose bleeds?
Because he used to live on the island, possibly Pierre Changs son. So he can use the island as his constant.
But didn't Charlotte live on the island?
She said she is looking for where she was born, she may have left the island as a baby so did not get an intimate connection with it, where as Miles stayed there into childhood so did connect with it enough to use it as a constant.Theory by TheHunt
Why isn't Daniel getting nose bleeds?
He could be using Charlotte as his constant because he is in love with her. But she doesn't love him, her feelings for him are not strong enough for him to be her constant.
Why isn't Miles getting nose bleeds?
Because he used to live on the island, possibly Pierre Changs son. So he can use the island as his constant.
But didn't Charlotte live on the island?
She said she is looking for where she was born, she may have left the island as a baby so did not get an intimate connection with it, where as Miles stayed there into childhood so did connect with it enough to use it as a constant.Theory by TheHunt