Now before you theroy scavangers tell me I am over reacting reaching and wrong, remember that is the allure to this show. It makes you think, as the writer but that is what it was intended to do. So instead of scavaging other peoples regurgitated ideas and reject them.. come up with some ideas of your own.
So what if the island is the Garden of eden, which according to the bible is guarded by an angel with a flaming sword ( which possibly could be a lil smokey by now.. you laugh here) John (Locke)(flight) 316 is a scripture in the bible that says God loved the word that he gave his only son that whoever BELIEVEs in him will not perish but have ever lasting life. John would not had to die if the 6 didn't leave, they did not believe him they were tempted. Jesus would not have had to die if adam and eve didn't sin after being tempted by the snake. They were thrown out.. ad an angel was sent to guard the entrance with a flaming sword and no one knows where it is, but if you are a person of faith you know it exisit. Again the faith vs. science.
Also in the bible there are many refrences to Gods spirit as a cloud that resided over the temple. What if smokey is a cloud, or the "HAND OF GOD" who is the only one who can judeg the heart of man. A cloud that went before the people of isreal out of Egypt (hence the hyroglifics), a cloud of smoke is seen before the others attack.
AND there is also a scripture about kindgoms falling, and it is done through a story about a statue with a bronze head silver body( or something AND CLAY feet. The 4 toed statue. There are way too many biblical references to ignore.. we can't ignore anything when it comes to this show, everything has a purpose.
Hate on Me Haters.. others I hope you enjoy a piece of my theory... feel free to make it make more sense!! Theory by lostdivanista
So what if the island is the Garden of eden, which according to the bible is guarded by an angel with a flaming sword ( which possibly could be a lil smokey by now.. you laugh here) John (Locke)(flight) 316 is a scripture in the bible that says God loved the word that he gave his only son that whoever BELIEVEs in him will not perish but have ever lasting life. John would not had to die if the 6 didn't leave, they did not believe him they were tempted. Jesus would not have had to die if adam and eve didn't sin after being tempted by the snake. They were thrown out.. ad an angel was sent to guard the entrance with a flaming sword and no one knows where it is, but if you are a person of faith you know it exisit. Again the faith vs. science.
Also in the bible there are many refrences to Gods spirit as a cloud that resided over the temple. What if smokey is a cloud, or the "HAND OF GOD" who is the only one who can judeg the heart of man. A cloud that went before the people of isreal out of Egypt (hence the hyroglifics), a cloud of smoke is seen before the others attack.
AND there is also a scripture about kindgoms falling, and it is done through a story about a statue with a bronze head silver body( or something AND CLAY feet. The 4 toed statue. There are way too many biblical references to ignore.. we can't ignore anything when it comes to this show, everything has a purpose.
Hate on Me Haters.. others I hope you enjoy a piece of my theory... feel free to make it make more sense!! Theory by lostdivanista