Just thought of this so sorry if it has been said before but i have a theory of faraday being radinski (i no its allready one of those big questions) But i think that faraday saves the island from its dramatic shifts through time. With faraday being a time travel master, he relasies the only way to save the island and everyone on it (possibly oceanic 6) is to shoulder the burdon. I believe that in the last time shift daniel saves the island by doing a ben like donkey wheel move the island scenario in which whoever moves the island can never come back but in this case it is whoever saves the island in that way must stay on the island and at whatever time it is at. The island then transports everyone else back to the present day i think this explains why he is in the orchid he is transported their before saving the island alone and poses as dharma and does something to do witht the great energy source when he does ! this he is automaticly sent back with other losties and whoever else in the time they are in when they are all together everyone except daniel is transported to the present day. Daniel is in dharma clothes from previosly being in orchid crying of charlotes shock departure kelvin then runs out, are you him Kelvin says . He also does this to save charlotte. Now Daniel is stuck in the time he was left i think the time he is stuck in will not be revealled until kelvin runs out as one of the huge twists of the series. When early 90's, Kelivin in the hatch. He relaises his only chance of survial is to stay with kelvin in the hatch. Which also explains some dharma knowlage plus other island facts on blast door map. Eventually. Daniel ends his life maybe after a year by blowing his brains out when relasieing he will never see charlote again. I believe bringing the oceanic six back is part 1 of the islands restoreation and part 2 is daniel. Also to add to that it could be vice verca! and faraday/radinski could house up in the hatch and then kel! vin come s in on him as his partner or other reason he came to the island. He lies about his name and how long he has been there.
Just a theory but would be awesome if something related to that was in the story line or we finally find out who radinski really is?......Theory by JohnLockeHero
Just a theory but would be awesome if something related to that was in the story line or we finally find out who radinski really is?......Theory by JohnLockeHero