So I've been reading theories that talk about Dr. Richard Alpert and through that I checked him out on Wiki and learned that he wrote the book 'Be Here Now." I decided to bust the book out and see what kind of connections I could find. 'Be Here Now' is also an anagram. Be Nowhere!
I found a lot of things that seemed related to concepts that we see in Lost. I took some pictures so I thought I would share them with the folks here on LT. Here are the ones that I thought were the most related to the show:
This first one is the cover of Dr. Alpert's book. Notice the chair in the center of a circle with lines drawn across several points. This chair looks something like Jacob's chair (yet not a rocking chair, I know). What I like is the lines through the circle. The lines all meet on the perimeter at 12 different points. I think the circle represents the earth and the 12 points are Vile Vortices.
This second picture just talks about the distribution of profits made from the book sales. A percentage goes to the Lama Foundation (Hanso?) and there's the sentence at the end, "Yours in the dharma." Connection?
This third picture is the preface page to the section that describes the journey of the transformation from Dr.Richard Alpert to Baba Ram Dass. I think this whole concept has a lot to do with Lost. The writers are trying to tell us a character story and, much like Alpert/Ram Dass, our characters are making a transition in their lives. They must all reflect and learn to be better people, and for some it has been difficult.
This fourth one says Namaste.
The Heart Cave…hmmm. I wonder if it has any connection to the cave that Jack and Kate found that contained the bodies of Adam and Eve.
Open for discussion. Consciousness as defined by BRD.
"Astral Plane" and the Yin & Yang concept, I've heard these before.
More on Yin & Yang and the Astral plane. Talks about duality and this is something that is ever present in Lost.
This one is interesting. It is about a universal guru (Jacob?) and "a Level of consciousness, a frequency of vibration, a connection on another plane." More below.
And this final picture was found just below the previous one about the guru. It has an empty chair, yet there are footprints below the chair. Is there someone in the chair that cannot normally be seen? Looks familiar. The quote about "blessed are those that have not seen and yet have believed." I this this could be related to Jacob.
*updated from here:
So I saw that some folks mentioned that this might be related to the Room 23 video that was used to brainwash Karl. I think this may be right. I looked a little further and found a few things. Here is a link to the brainwashing video just for a reminder:
OK, first of all, look at the very beginning, there is a picture of faces and eyes and it makes a strange square shape with indented edges. It looks very similar to the shape below (this is the cover page to the second part of the book, From Bindu To Ojas):
Next thing in the video that I noticed is the quote, "Plant a good seed and you'll joyfully gather fruit." This picture from the book may relate to the same concept:
And this next one looks similar to an images that is flashed several times in the video, which almost looks like the Oceanic 6 symbol. It is also the cover page to part 3 of the book, Cook Book for a Sacred Life.
That's all for now on the room 23 video references, I'll try to find more for you all later. But I'll continue with other interesting pages that I found.
Interestingly enough, the second part of the book, From Bindu to Ojas, has exactly 108 pages. Here is a shot of the final, and 108th page:
And while I'm at it, might as well show you all pages 4, 8, 15, 16, 23 and 42:
Here is page 4, drama of nature, maybe a reference to the show in general:
Here is page 8, very interesting. Talks about a gate to get to another side and says that you must die in the process. Probably a symbolic death of ones current, selfish, self. It seems to relate to that fact that they should have died in the plane crash. Maybe in a sense, the point is for them all to die, to rise above and become a better person.
Here is page 15, it talks about a trip "frought with paradox," which is very much related to the show. I like the part that mentions "as long as you have an ego, you are on a limited trip." Sounds like the battle that Jack is fighting, and ego that keeps him from seeing truth..
Here is page 16, this one is interesting. Talks about going crazy, which may relate to Hurley.
Here is page 23, It talks about being in the moment, which is a main theme of the book.
And here is page 42, it's about being in a prison in our minds, not 100% sure how it relates.
Here are the more pages that I think relate to the show:
The one above talks about time and space and gravitational field…very interesting.
The above shows, we must tune our receive mechanisms to the correct frequency to understand the secret.
Well these pictures could spark all sorts of discussion, I'm interested to hear what you think. Thanks. Theory by Lost_Dbutz
I found a lot of things that seemed related to concepts that we see in Lost. I took some pictures so I thought I would share them with the folks here on LT. Here are the ones that I thought were the most related to the show:
This first one is the cover of Dr. Alpert's book. Notice the chair in the center of a circle with lines drawn across several points. This chair looks something like Jacob's chair (yet not a rocking chair, I know). What I like is the lines through the circle. The lines all meet on the perimeter at 12 different points. I think the circle represents the earth and the 12 points are Vile Vortices.
This second picture just talks about the distribution of profits made from the book sales. A percentage goes to the Lama Foundation (Hanso?) and there's the sentence at the end, "Yours in the dharma." Connection?
This third picture is the preface page to the section that describes the journey of the transformation from Dr.Richard Alpert to Baba Ram Dass. I think this whole concept has a lot to do with Lost. The writers are trying to tell us a character story and, much like Alpert/Ram Dass, our characters are making a transition in their lives. They must all reflect and learn to be better people, and for some it has been difficult.
This fourth one says Namaste.
The Heart Cave…hmmm. I wonder if it has any connection to the cave that Jack and Kate found that contained the bodies of Adam and Eve.
Open for discussion. Consciousness as defined by BRD.
"Astral Plane" and the Yin & Yang concept, I've heard these before.
More on Yin & Yang and the Astral plane. Talks about duality and this is something that is ever present in Lost.
This one is interesting. It is about a universal guru (Jacob?) and "a Level of consciousness, a frequency of vibration, a connection on another plane." More below.
And this final picture was found just below the previous one about the guru. It has an empty chair, yet there are footprints below the chair. Is there someone in the chair that cannot normally be seen? Looks familiar. The quote about "blessed are those that have not seen and yet have believed." I this this could be related to Jacob.
*updated from here:
So I saw that some folks mentioned that this might be related to the Room 23 video that was used to brainwash Karl. I think this may be right. I looked a little further and found a few things. Here is a link to the brainwashing video just for a reminder:
OK, first of all, look at the very beginning, there is a picture of faces and eyes and it makes a strange square shape with indented edges. It looks very similar to the shape below (this is the cover page to the second part of the book, From Bindu To Ojas):
Next thing in the video that I noticed is the quote, "Plant a good seed and you'll joyfully gather fruit." This picture from the book may relate to the same concept:
And this next one looks similar to an images that is flashed several times in the video, which almost looks like the Oceanic 6 symbol. It is also the cover page to part 3 of the book, Cook Book for a Sacred Life.
That's all for now on the room 23 video references, I'll try to find more for you all later. But I'll continue with other interesting pages that I found.
Interestingly enough, the second part of the book, From Bindu to Ojas, has exactly 108 pages. Here is a shot of the final, and 108th page:
And while I'm at it, might as well show you all pages 4, 8, 15, 16, 23 and 42:
Here is page 4, drama of nature, maybe a reference to the show in general:
Here is page 8, very interesting. Talks about a gate to get to another side and says that you must die in the process. Probably a symbolic death of ones current, selfish, self. It seems to relate to that fact that they should have died in the plane crash. Maybe in a sense, the point is for them all to die, to rise above and become a better person.
Here is page 15, it talks about a trip "frought with paradox," which is very much related to the show. I like the part that mentions "as long as you have an ego, you are on a limited trip." Sounds like the battle that Jack is fighting, and ego that keeps him from seeing truth..
Here is page 16, this one is interesting. Talks about going crazy, which may relate to Hurley.
Here is page 23, It talks about being in the moment, which is a main theme of the book.
And here is page 42, it's about being in a prison in our minds, not 100% sure how it relates.
Here are the more pages that I think relate to the show:
The one above talks about time and space and gravitational field…very interesting.
The above shows, we must tune our receive mechanisms to the correct frequency to understand the secret.
Well these pictures could spark all sorts of discussion, I'm interested to hear what you think. Thanks. Theory by Lost_Dbutz