I just finished watching "Raised by Another" from Season 1 and some thing new caught my ear. The psychic tells Claire, towards the end of the episode, that she must take the baby to LA. Now, I know as well as everyone else does that Hawkings is in LA. Wouldn't it make sense that the only one, besides Claire that could raise the baby would be someone who knows the baby's true purpose and importance. Hawkings claims that a great catastrophe is coming soon, and what if this has to do with Aaron. I recently posted a theory that claimed the Shepard bloodline is of immense importance. I think the psychic knew Aaron's importance and the need for him to be on the island. That is why he said that she "must" fly on that flight and that she must take the baby to Los Angeles to be raised by someone there. It is a two part direction. First, she must take the flight. The Island will revive Aaron, Claire claimed she hadn't fel! t him move for days after they had arrived until she had fish on the Island. She had to go to the Island to have the baby. The second part is LA. Aaron must end up in Hawkings care, because other than Claire (who is now dead with Christian in Jacob's cabin)she is the only one capable of raising Aaron to become the leader he must be when he returns to the Island. The psychic said that if he was raised by another then no good would come of it. It is clear that Aaron is special, without Claire (his mother) or Hawkings (a spiritual guide who understands his "special-ness") he could be a force for great evil. Remember Claire's dream from the episode where she found blood in the cradle, what if this represents the blood Aaron could potentially shed. The island needs him to complete the circle (the Shepard link) and more importantly the world needs him as a force for good and not evil. Hawkings is right, in 70 hours a great catastrophe will happen and it could very well be Aaron a! t the heart of it all. Theory by Jack=Jacob