The biggest question at the end of last season was where has the island gone. it obviously has been moved in time, possibly also in space. Another question was why Ben could not return to the island. well it just came to me the other night.
it has been well documented that the next season will center around the DI.
I believe that the island has gone back in time to when the DI populated the island.
Why cant ben return to the island? Because in the past he is already there. if he was to bump into himself something bad would happen (as with the rabbit video)
is it also possible that other people may meet themselves in the past?
Is this what Bentham meant when he told the o6 that bad things had happened after they left the island?
what do you think? i don't believe i have read this before anywhere.
on a totally separate note. When the plane crashed and the oxygen masks dropped, all the passengers passed out and could not remember the crash - except Kate. Why only Kate? Because of her being handcuffed it took her much longer to get the oxygen masks on. I do not believe it was oxygen in those masks, more likely anesthetic. this could explain why Jack and others were found so far from the crash. I believe that the crash was orchestrated. The passengers were selected by another party.
Theory by Richard Tomkinson
it has been well documented that the next season will center around the DI.
I believe that the island has gone back in time to when the DI populated the island.
Why cant ben return to the island? Because in the past he is already there. if he was to bump into himself something bad would happen (as with the rabbit video)
is it also possible that other people may meet themselves in the past?
Is this what Bentham meant when he told the o6 that bad things had happened after they left the island?
what do you think? i don't believe i have read this before anywhere.
on a totally separate note. When the plane crashed and the oxygen masks dropped, all the passengers passed out and could not remember the crash - except Kate. Why only Kate? Because of her being handcuffed it took her much longer to get the oxygen masks on. I do not believe it was oxygen in those masks, more likely anesthetic. this could explain why Jack and others were found so far from the crash. I believe that the crash was orchestrated. The passengers were selected by another party.
Theory by Richard Tomkinson