Time: a universal constant that cannot be broken or altered by conventional means. Would you agree? Time is universal, yet it is relative to your location and speed, correct. Einstein stated if we could move at the speed of light, that time would stop. As we have seen, 20 minutes off the Island is equivalent to over a day on the Island. This explains Richard Alpert. He is NOT immortal, he merely moves between quicktime (on the Island) and normal time, so as he ages on the Island quickly, when he leaves he goes to normal time and ages normally to us, therefore upon returning to the Island, he has aged but NOT VERY MUCH. If he were to stop going back and forth, he would age normally. Time is the key to Lost: the flashbacks, the flashforwards, the happenings, and second most importantly: Jacob. Jacob knows about the Island and the time alterations, as does Ben. But Jacob knows how to properly go about this "time travel" and how to use it to his ad! vantage such as when appearing invisible and when moving his cabin. Also, Jacob is not a literal, tangible, normal, mortal person. He is the power of the Island in a human form, but he is NOT the Island. He is a manifestation, just as the others who have appeared who should be dead. Locke is the whole purpose of the show. he is The Chosen One, so to speak. He has bonded with the Island and knows the special qualities, but doesnt understand yet. Soon, he will do what FATE has decided and will commune with the Island to a spectacular degree. THE ISLAND and its TIME are what define the events on the it and the happenings around it. Its physical properties and its fourth dimension of TIME are the defintion and the fate that is destined to all who know about it ad all who have contact with it. BUT, what is The Island? A literal place, a place with religious ties, a place where all time meets, a buffer, a manifestation, a vision, a Gift of God? One thing is for sure: it is now Lo!cke's domain. Lol. Hope you enjoyed
Theory by Kinne 27
Theory by Kinne 27