Everyone is experiencing Time Travel
Everytime someone in the show has a flashback or flash forward, they are experiencing a quick consciousness time travel. However, with the exception of Desmond they have not become unhitched. The radiation that Faraday used to radiate Eloise with is the same type that made the sky turn purple when Desmond turned the key in the Swan hatch. Danielle Rousseau's fellow crewmates became unhitched and she interpreted it as a sickness. The Dharma Initiative saw it as a sickness as well and gave the button pushers in the Swan hatch a vaccine to prevent them from becoming unhitched since they are at ground zero for the radiation discharge.
Desmond's Flashes:
When unhitched Desmond came into contact with Oasis playing Charlie he became connected to Charlie and saw flashes of Charlie's future. I think that Desmond will have the same connection with Faraday in the coming episodes.
Alternate timelines converging in the present on the island:
In Greatest Hits, Charlie changed the current island timeline. When he leaped back to when he was a kid at the pool with his father he made the choice to jump into the pool. Originally, Charlie did not jump and was afraid of the water and therefore did not know how to swim. By leaping back and jumping into his father's arms, island Charlie now could swim and was a swim champ.
The issue with the bunnies in the Orchid video is that the island converges all timelines together. The bunnies were not clones of one another, they were the same bunnies from diffrent timelines existing on the island at the same time. Unable-to-swim Charlie and Swim-Champ Charlie replaced one another in the current island timeline and did not occur on the island together at the same time. Judging from the reaction of the Doctor in the Orchid Video having the bunnies come in contact with one another is a bad thing. I would even guess that Marvin Candle, Edgar Halliwax are like the duplicate bunnies and the same guy from multiple timelines existing on the island at the same time.
"Everything Happens for a Reason": Creating Nietsche's Superman:
Coincedence favors island Locke, He lost his kidney in the past and Ben couldn't kill him with the gun. Ben spoke about Locke bringing his father to the island and the metaphor of the magic box. I think that Locke will become unhitched in a future episode and will eventually figure out how to control his time leaps. He will be able to time slip and set things in motion to prepare himself for the eventual end game scenario. The show is about redemption and remaking yourself. The characters in the series will be able to control their pasts in order to create their own future Supermen and find the solution to whatever the end game will become.
Theory by Chaupoline
Everytime someone in the show has a flashback or flash forward, they are experiencing a quick consciousness time travel. However, with the exception of Desmond they have not become unhitched. The radiation that Faraday used to radiate Eloise with is the same type that made the sky turn purple when Desmond turned the key in the Swan hatch. Danielle Rousseau's fellow crewmates became unhitched and she interpreted it as a sickness. The Dharma Initiative saw it as a sickness as well and gave the button pushers in the Swan hatch a vaccine to prevent them from becoming unhitched since they are at ground zero for the radiation discharge.
Desmond's Flashes:
When unhitched Desmond came into contact with Oasis playing Charlie he became connected to Charlie and saw flashes of Charlie's future. I think that Desmond will have the same connection with Faraday in the coming episodes.
Alternate timelines converging in the present on the island:
In Greatest Hits, Charlie changed the current island timeline. When he leaped back to when he was a kid at the pool with his father he made the choice to jump into the pool. Originally, Charlie did not jump and was afraid of the water and therefore did not know how to swim. By leaping back and jumping into his father's arms, island Charlie now could swim and was a swim champ.
The issue with the bunnies in the Orchid video is that the island converges all timelines together. The bunnies were not clones of one another, they were the same bunnies from diffrent timelines existing on the island at the same time. Unable-to-swim Charlie and Swim-Champ Charlie replaced one another in the current island timeline and did not occur on the island together at the same time. Judging from the reaction of the Doctor in the Orchid Video having the bunnies come in contact with one another is a bad thing. I would even guess that Marvin Candle, Edgar Halliwax are like the duplicate bunnies and the same guy from multiple timelines existing on the island at the same time.
"Everything Happens for a Reason": Creating Nietsche's Superman:
Coincedence favors island Locke, He lost his kidney in the past and Ben couldn't kill him with the gun. Ben spoke about Locke bringing his father to the island and the metaphor of the magic box. I think that Locke will become unhitched in a future episode and will eventually figure out how to control his time leaps. He will be able to time slip and set things in motion to prepare himself for the eventual end game scenario. The show is about redemption and remaking yourself. The characters in the series will be able to control their pasts in order to create their own future Supermen and find the solution to whatever the end game will become.
Theory by Chaupoline