This theory is based upon my reading of King's books & "The Constant".
Please someone provide information either to correlate or contradict my theories.
This episode reminds me of King's The Dark Tower series. (spoiler alert, btw) where the "beginning" of the story may not really be the beginning at all & may have happened infinite amounts of time before with slight variances each time.
Some characters may notice this & have "premonitions/flashbacks" etc while others may be "reliving" their lives & never suspect anything. As the timeline progresses some may grow to forget more & others may grow to remember more. Events within their lives may begin to interweave leading to "odd coincidences". Some may even start to "manipulate the timelime" if they know enough about what is/has happened.
Some "course correction" may even be necessary (King added this as "himself" into TDT as well) in order for all necessary events to occur in order for the future to be correct.
This may "blow your mind", lol, as it eventually did to Minkowski, but if you have a constant to give your confused mind something to hold onto it may well fix itself. As long as you're travelling through time "unsuspecting" that you are your mind may remain fine, but like in "The Jaunt" an infinitesimal amount of time can be forever in your mind.
I know in TDT Roland & Jake both suffered from a similar affliction when Jake "died" his mind fought with itself until his "timeline" was corrected. He also saw future events that were unalterable (like the death of Oy on the tree) "through the looking glass" of the ball.
A couple of my personal theories:
Faraday designed the Island or his personal (rat) experiment of "time displacement" is very similar to what the Island is doing or the "purple sky" was all about (like the light directed at Eloise). When you see Farady in the past he's already "looking confused" and it appears that he has possible mental problems or a displacement syndrome.
The importance of Aaron & Babies born on the island:
They have no off-island constant to hold onto in "real time" so their mind ruptures, killing the mother & child. Not sure why it kills the mother yet though, but they are sharing the same body at that time...
Aaron was "with his mother" before the plane crashed so he has her as a constant. Not sure if that works both ways (possibly why Claire dies if she does?) (Jack has Christian? Kate has her horse? etc?) Is the smoke monster "Course Correction"/Deux Ex Machina? Is that why it "sees flashes of your lives"?
Possibly the off-island "flashbacks" where characters run into each other are not coincidences & this is "creating their constant" in both timelines, when they arrive on the island and already "have met before" this is why they do not suffer the same fate of Minkowski. They just do not know it, as this fixes their "constant" problem.
I assume the death of the mothers is due to them having an "in-constant" in the fact that off-island they would NOT have gotten pregnant as they did on the Island with the same person they did on the Island if even at all (Sun & Jin), therefore their futures are "inconsistent" when the new life arrives & their brain/mind/consciousness ruptures?
Could the deaths caused by Smokey have to due with inconsistencies in time, like off-Island they would have died somehow?
Maybe this also allows for the "miraculous healing" that has been shown on the Island, as the injuries are either a result of something that happened on the island (wouldn't have happened off-island) or are related to healing (Locke) that the injuries are vital to course correction of others (Locke leading them) or due to a result of someone (Locke's Dad) attempting course correction (trying to kill Locke) in the past that "smokey/God" does not approve of?
So many new possibilities have been put in place through just this one episode.
Ok, I have to quit before I have an aneurysm myself thinking about time travel.
Theory by jfiscus
Please someone provide information either to correlate or contradict my theories.
This episode reminds me of King's The Dark Tower series. (spoiler alert, btw) where the "beginning" of the story may not really be the beginning at all & may have happened infinite amounts of time before with slight variances each time.
Some characters may notice this & have "premonitions/flashbacks" etc while others may be "reliving" their lives & never suspect anything. As the timeline progresses some may grow to forget more & others may grow to remember more. Events within their lives may begin to interweave leading to "odd coincidences". Some may even start to "manipulate the timelime" if they know enough about what is/has happened.
Some "course correction" may even be necessary (King added this as "himself" into TDT as well) in order for all necessary events to occur in order for the future to be correct.
This may "blow your mind", lol, as it eventually did to Minkowski, but if you have a constant to give your confused mind something to hold onto it may well fix itself. As long as you're travelling through time "unsuspecting" that you are your mind may remain fine, but like in "The Jaunt" an infinitesimal amount of time can be forever in your mind.
I know in TDT Roland & Jake both suffered from a similar affliction when Jake "died" his mind fought with itself until his "timeline" was corrected. He also saw future events that were unalterable (like the death of Oy on the tree) "through the looking glass" of the ball.
A couple of my personal theories:
Faraday designed the Island or his personal (rat) experiment of "time displacement" is very similar to what the Island is doing or the "purple sky" was all about (like the light directed at Eloise). When you see Farady in the past he's already "looking confused" and it appears that he has possible mental problems or a displacement syndrome.
The importance of Aaron & Babies born on the island:
They have no off-island constant to hold onto in "real time" so their mind ruptures, killing the mother & child. Not sure why it kills the mother yet though, but they are sharing the same body at that time...
Aaron was "with his mother" before the plane crashed so he has her as a constant. Not sure if that works both ways (possibly why Claire dies if she does?) (Jack has Christian? Kate has her horse? etc?) Is the smoke monster "Course Correction"/Deux Ex Machina? Is that why it "sees flashes of your lives"?
Possibly the off-island "flashbacks" where characters run into each other are not coincidences & this is "creating their constant" in both timelines, when they arrive on the island and already "have met before" this is why they do not suffer the same fate of Minkowski. They just do not know it, as this fixes their "constant" problem.
I assume the death of the mothers is due to them having an "in-constant" in the fact that off-island they would NOT have gotten pregnant as they did on the Island with the same person they did on the Island if even at all (Sun & Jin), therefore their futures are "inconsistent" when the new life arrives & their brain/mind/consciousness ruptures?
Could the deaths caused by Smokey have to due with inconsistencies in time, like off-Island they would have died somehow?
Maybe this also allows for the "miraculous healing" that has been shown on the Island, as the injuries are either a result of something that happened on the island (wouldn't have happened off-island) or are related to healing (Locke) that the injuries are vital to course correction of others (Locke leading them) or due to a result of someone (Locke's Dad) attempting course correction (trying to kill Locke) in the past that "smokey/God" does not approve of?
So many new possibilities have been put in place through just this one episode.
Ok, I have to quit before I have an aneurysm myself thinking about time travel.
Theory by jfiscus