They have all been here before, but not all of them remember it.
There have been hints to this all along-especially with Locke:
Locke knows it’s his destiny to go to the island. He sees Boone’s death before it happens. He knew Theresa fell up and down the stairs. He knew where the hatch is. He knew the Beechcraft crashed.
They have all had some sort of vision of past or future while on the island, whether it be Charlie’s visions of saving Aaron, Jacks’ visions of his father, Eko’s of his brother, Claire’s visions of someone wanting to take her baby, Kate seeing the horse and hearing her father’s voice, Sawyer hearing the whispers saying, “It will come back around,”…you get the point.
Now why do they all have these flashes?
The electromagnetic atmosphere of the island. It is, in a sense, a hidden place, a Bermuda Triangle of sorts.
Now, even though Faraday may have found a way to travel through time, it is the island itself that has given him the key to do it with. It is a link between times…a doorway. Entering an exiting the island’s atmosphere at different bearings allows one to jump from one place to another. There is no paradox however. When you jump there is no alternate you. You would not run into yourself and go out for a beer and a good laugh…it would be traveling in your “mind” as Faraday put it. Some have done this before and it has led to mental disturbances:
Lenny Toomey…from passing near the island’s atmosphere.
Hurley…He mentions to Sayid that they can hear music from “another time.”
Radinsky…killed himself because he had no constant? the future…talking about his father being alive? Is he having flashes? When he tells Kate they have to go back…Does he mean back to the island? Or back in time? Hmm
Sawyer even said something is season one that has always stuck with me….To Kate: I made this wish four years ago.
The whispers and hallucinations are a result of traveling into and being trapped in the doorway between worlds (which is the island). This is why they envision people and things that are not there…voices that are not real…they are all things that the islands atmosphere “receives” from other times because it is traveling between. It is a tesseract.
God I’m back to season one :|
Now, when Des meets up with Mrs. Hawking she tells him he has to go to the island and push the button or they will all die.
Hold that thought….....
Claire’s psychic, Malkin, tells her she and she alone must raise this baby…yet in the future we see Aaron is being raised by Claire. When Malkin gets this vision of danger in the future he puts Claire on a plane he knows will crash and thus, hopefully killing her and her unborn child.
Since, however, the island is somewhere hidden even from God (as Ben told Locke) Malkin could not foresee Claire and Aaron surviving the crash.
The event Malkin saw happening if Claire boarded the 815 was that they would end up on the bottom of the ocean…as we saw where 815 was discovered.
Malkin saw an event in an alternate timeline.??
So one of the big questions still remains….WHAT DANGER DOES AARON BRING TO THIS WORLD?
The universe will course correct itself.
No matter how many times they are doomed to repeat this…the universe will correct it.
If Charlie is supposed to die…he will die. If Locke is supposed to find the hatch...he will find it. If Aaron is supposed to be raised by another…HE WILL BE.
Now what about Danielle?
Was the sickness insanity from time traveling with no constant?
Is that why she had to kill them all?
I was just in another thread where someone said maybe Danielle had a constant which is why she survived. It would be cool if her constant were to be the music box she had Sayid fix for her. What if she leaves it for herself on the island to find in the…um future?
Why is it that Walt is so special?
Does he remember the past? Future?
Is that how he can know when things are going to happen?
Has he figured out how to jump back and forth without his body actually being there?
Remember when Bea Klugh asked Michael if Walt ever appeared somewhere where he wasn’t supposed to be? (Like when he appears to Shannon and Locke?)
So why is it that some of them remember and some don’t?
Which ones could have been exposed to it?
Des (the hatch)
Faraday (his own experiments)
Locke (his time in the hospital perhaps?)
Kate…visiting her mother in the room with MRIs?
All the Mrs. Hawking in the worlds can tell Des he has to push that button, but one day Locke will stop him. And the world will be doomed.
Widmore and Hanso and Dharma have found the island and know of its properties…and are working with the Valenzetti equation…the doomsday mathematical equivalent for the end of the world, and have figured out that through the island it is possible to travel back and forth, but have yet to find a way to change the actual outcome.
The island is a way to go back and forth between times…but if no one remembers…if they all have the Cassandra Complex…then nothing will change.
So this time Des has his constant…will it change things? Or has this already happened before?
How will they all get back to the island? (and I do believe they will)
I still think this whole show will end in the airport with the scene of all the Losties boarding Flight 815….flag in the sand !
Theory by Kharmabites
There have been hints to this all along-especially with Locke:
Locke knows it’s his destiny to go to the island. He sees Boone’s death before it happens. He knew Theresa fell up and down the stairs. He knew where the hatch is. He knew the Beechcraft crashed.
They have all had some sort of vision of past or future while on the island, whether it be Charlie’s visions of saving Aaron, Jacks’ visions of his father, Eko’s of his brother, Claire’s visions of someone wanting to take her baby, Kate seeing the horse and hearing her father’s voice, Sawyer hearing the whispers saying, “It will come back around,”…you get the point.
Now why do they all have these flashes?
The electromagnetic atmosphere of the island. It is, in a sense, a hidden place, a Bermuda Triangle of sorts.
Now, even though Faraday may have found a way to travel through time, it is the island itself that has given him the key to do it with. It is a link between times…a doorway. Entering an exiting the island’s atmosphere at different bearings allows one to jump from one place to another. There is no paradox however. When you jump there is no alternate you. You would not run into yourself and go out for a beer and a good laugh…it would be traveling in your “mind” as Faraday put it. Some have done this before and it has led to mental disturbances:
Lenny Toomey…from passing near the island’s atmosphere.
Hurley…He mentions to Sayid that they can hear music from “another time.”
Radinsky…killed himself because he had no constant? the future…talking about his father being alive? Is he having flashes? When he tells Kate they have to go back…Does he mean back to the island? Or back in time? Hmm
Sawyer even said something is season one that has always stuck with me….To Kate: I made this wish four years ago.
The whispers and hallucinations are a result of traveling into and being trapped in the doorway between worlds (which is the island). This is why they envision people and things that are not there…voices that are not real…they are all things that the islands atmosphere “receives” from other times because it is traveling between. It is a tesseract.
God I’m back to season one :|
Now, when Des meets up with Mrs. Hawking she tells him he has to go to the island and push the button or they will all die.
Hold that thought….....
Claire’s psychic, Malkin, tells her she and she alone must raise this baby…yet in the future we see Aaron is being raised by Claire. When Malkin gets this vision of danger in the future he puts Claire on a plane he knows will crash and thus, hopefully killing her and her unborn child.
Since, however, the island is somewhere hidden even from God (as Ben told Locke) Malkin could not foresee Claire and Aaron surviving the crash.
The event Malkin saw happening if Claire boarded the 815 was that they would end up on the bottom of the ocean…as we saw where 815 was discovered.
Malkin saw an event in an alternate timeline.??
So one of the big questions still remains….WHAT DANGER DOES AARON BRING TO THIS WORLD?
The universe will course correct itself.
No matter how many times they are doomed to repeat this…the universe will correct it.
If Charlie is supposed to die…he will die. If Locke is supposed to find the hatch...he will find it. If Aaron is supposed to be raised by another…HE WILL BE.
Now what about Danielle?
Was the sickness insanity from time traveling with no constant?
Is that why she had to kill them all?
I was just in another thread where someone said maybe Danielle had a constant which is why she survived. It would be cool if her constant were to be the music box she had Sayid fix for her. What if she leaves it for herself on the island to find in the…um future?
Why is it that Walt is so special?
Does he remember the past? Future?
Is that how he can know when things are going to happen?
Has he figured out how to jump back and forth without his body actually being there?
Remember when Bea Klugh asked Michael if Walt ever appeared somewhere where he wasn’t supposed to be? (Like when he appears to Shannon and Locke?)
So why is it that some of them remember and some don’t?
Which ones could have been exposed to it?
Des (the hatch)
Faraday (his own experiments)
Locke (his time in the hospital perhaps?)
Kate…visiting her mother in the room with MRIs?
All the Mrs. Hawking in the worlds can tell Des he has to push that button, but one day Locke will stop him. And the world will be doomed.
Widmore and Hanso and Dharma have found the island and know of its properties…and are working with the Valenzetti equation…the doomsday mathematical equivalent for the end of the world, and have figured out that through the island it is possible to travel back and forth, but have yet to find a way to change the actual outcome.
The island is a way to go back and forth between times…but if no one remembers…if they all have the Cassandra Complex…then nothing will change.
So this time Des has his constant…will it change things? Or has this already happened before?
How will they all get back to the island? (and I do believe they will)
I still think this whole show will end in the airport with the scene of all the Losties boarding Flight 815….flag in the sand !
Theory by Kharmabites