1. For the first time lines are blurring between the information released from the Lost Experience and the show itself - History of Black Rock.
2. In Daniel Faraday's Diary There are references to Imaginary Space , Imaginary Time along with Real Time references in 2 different diagrams.
3. Now there is a 20 degree variation from the one given to Michael from Ben. from 325 to 305.
4. Time is moving along at the same speed both on and off the the Island. If there is not then surely someone would have mentioned that Day/Nights are shorter/longer.
5. Clarity about The Constant. According to D.F. - Its an Anchor -Something familiar in both times. something that you really, really care about in the future ... That also exists back here. This constant can be a person. But you have to make some kind of contact. Here the importance is "Really really care about" and "Contact". Whats interesting is the here the contact between Penny and Desmond was not physical per se.
Now my theory regarding this Space -Time whatever.
1. Time paradox does not exist. However Imaginary space Time do exist. No one can last long in Imaginary Space Time (there might be an exception - tried to explain this in 7.), he has to return to Real Space Time. There are very few (possibly only one) Imaginary Space-time and nature course correct this Imaginary space-time with Real space-time. That why Isabelle too showed up there in Desmond's imaginary flashback.
2. Daniel Faraday has experienced these time loop before 1996. However he managed to find his constant and got back to real space time. In 2004 Daniel Faraday knows that in imaginary space-time he made contact with Desmond in 1996. It changed his imaginary space time memories profoundly. If something goes wrong and Daniel Faraday got stuck in Imaginary Space Time then he can contact his new Constant Desmond) to get his concious back in Real-Space Time.
3. Desmond in Season3 thought just the opposite and will in the future "will question the thought that would Charlie have sacrificed himself" had he not told him about his imminent death. This is pretty consistent with podcast statements of CC and DL.
4. The future cannot be changed - because no one knows what the future (real space time is. You have to know about the events in real-space time to alter it. So far no one has seen Real Space Time in future.
6. Desmond and Danielle Faraday has seen only Imaginary future. Desmond's flashes of the future were of this Imaginary Space-time. Even all the events of flashbacks in "Flashes before your eyes" belonged to Imaginary Space-time.
7. I am little skeptical about this one, but still give this point a shot. The Island is stuck in Imaginary Space Time and so has all the people on it. Its the only stable Imaginary Space Time pace in the world. One has to be very careful in leaving and returning to this Space-Time. Any error can lead to side effects. However if a person has received large or prolonged amount of electromagnetic radiation will always be affected. Example are Desmond and Danielle Faraday.
I think in the past The Island was displaced in only Imaginary Space. However later due some accidents (AH/MDG incident", "The Orchid tape" etc) its been displaced in Imaginary Time too. Swan Station Implosion accelerated this process. However there is a big difference of time in leaving in the Island (many hours) from Entering the Island (31 minutes) Why I have no clue.
8. Isabelle was too caught in some time loop and like Minkowski and Brian and she's dead too.
9. Danielle Rousseau's Sickness theory connecting to the Constant - Its fascinating and extremely plausible. However still some crucial info is missing, no wonder TBTP are holding off her flashback. My theory - Her team was part of the Science experiment but we don't know its details, Huge possibility that it concerned Electromagnetic radiations. Although since DR was pregnant, she deliberately her shielded from it.; Thats why she was the only one who did not get sick.
Theory by Jeetu