I don't know if anyone else has posted this theory before, and it's not a complete answer to things, but I'll post it anyway.
Last year, there was a show on the Science and the History channel, which by the way, I have on DVD if anyone wants to have a copy, but anyway, it was titled "Earths Black Hole", it was not, about "Science Fiction" but was based on theories that originated with Albert Einstein and other scientists like Stephen Hawking who believe that it is possible that some of the same elements that create Black Holes,White Holes and Worm Holes can at least in theory, be present here on earth and interestingly enough, in theory, CREATED. In theory at least there are point on the globe that exhibit anomalies that exhibit to lesser degrees some of the same elements of their big brother counterparts and some scientists suggest even replicated here on earth.
For instance, there are points on the earth where magnetic north becomes magnetic south and the show also included some experiments to prove this, and that there are also points on the earth that "Ready Lost fans?", exhibit huge "electrometric" anomalies. There are also points on earth where even the earth's gravity changes dramatically.
Now this is where the show in my view gave me my "Lost" theory connections. The show makes some scientific factual explanations for centuries old myths, about where on the planet these "anomalies" take place. They happen to take place in the deepest parts of the earth's oceans, specifically near the Marianas Trench and also near the Puerto Rico Trench.
For centuries, these trenches and their associated anomalies are located where mythology meets science and for us conflicted humans the line between science fiction and science fact conflict.
If you look on the globe, these locations are where,(and this is what got my attention)the much famed "Bermuda Triangle" (near the Puerto Rico Trench) is near, and where the much lesser known, Pacific Ocean's "Dragon's Triangle" near the Marianas Trench is located.
Now you can write ten thousand theories about this and it could be the source of endless debate on if any of this is connected to "Lost" In fact, I think I have read other theories about Lost and the Bermuda Triangle and there have been some pretty bad movies about the Bermuda Triangle that share some similarities with Lost but that is not what this Science show was about. What is interesting, is that both locations are famous for the same reasons, magnectic anomalies and famous disappearances. One of the most famous disappearances in the "Dragons Triangle" was Amelia Earhart. In the Bermuda Triangle, the disappearance of Flight 19 and the PBM Mariner flying boat carrying 13 crewmen and rescue equipment that went out looking for the missing flight and also was never seen or heard from again.
Please note, this show had nothing to do with "Lost" or any other popular media about the two, but then I thought about several things about Lost that got my mind going.
First we have to go back to the Science/History Channel's show. One of the shows scientist's theory is that the two "Triangles" might somehow be connected. This is where several scientists debate it's relevance, but this much is agreed. If you were to take a globe of the earth, and punched a straight rod through the center of the "Bermuda Triangle", it would punch out directly into the center of the "Dragon's Triangle" Some of the scientists have a theory, and just a theory, that maybe the two can be connected somehow, even possibly by some type of small "Worm Hole" Now if you believe in Worm Holes, and Einstein did and Hawking do, they involve the whole bending,flipping of "Time and Space" aspect we are constantly teased with on lost.
According to the theory, If a person stepped through a wormhole they could emerge at a remote time or distant location.
There has been speculation that micro black holes could be created, maybe by certain transformations in radioactive elements, or maybe by physics experiments that tinker with the nature of matter, creating "strangelets", a quark-like configuration change that could restructure all matter by template change the way prions can infect brains and cause scrapie. If mini-black holes really exist, in time they could become disruptive, they can cause hurricanes, global warming and dare I say around Christmas of 2004,Tsunamis!
Can this explain the "Just saving the world" That Kelvin Joe Inman and Desmond have mentioned before? Could have the Swan Station have had some function in controlling this that is now not functioning? Maybe we might find out next week when we see the next Dharma Station?
When I began trying to apply what this show demonstrated, several interesting still unexplained mysteries began to really get my attention. Especially this one, how did Flight 815, flying from Sydney Australia, to Los Angeles, end up on the same Island as Yemi's Beechcraft. If you look at a globe you can easily figure out that Yemi's plane was not headed for the pacific, not at least without several stops or "mid air refueling" which I don't think it was equipped for. In my opinion, (and correct me if it's been explained before)that plane's most likely intended destination was for some Island in the Caribbean.
Here is where this theory comes together on this one mystery. Flight 815, even off course, would place it directly over the "Dragons Triangle" and Yemi's Beechcraft if flying from the African continent to the Caribbean, would have taken it over the "Bermuda Triangle" so, can this explain how they both ended up on a remote island "somewhere" or "sometime" in the pacific?
Like I said at the beginning, this is just one of my Lost theories and I have others, but I have one reason to really believe in this one. Theories to be proven to be true need something more, something concrete like proof, or evidence and I have seen on Lost at least one thing to lead me to believe in this theory and if I'm wrong, I'm wrong but here is what leads me to believe this has something to do with Lost.
You have to back to Season 3, actually Season 3 episode 22, "Through The Looking Glass". If you remember near the end of that episode, there is the scene where future Jack is lying on the floor of his dilapidated apartment drinking Tequila. His apartment is strewn and unkept, and we see maps of the Pacific abound, we see compases, charts but it's the scene when we see him lying on the floor about to make that call who we later learn is Kate. If you freeze that frame as he's lying there in dispare, look at the large map on the wall above him. There is a map, and it's not just any map, it's a map of the Pacific Ocean. When I looked really close at that map,(and I have studied it several times),I seen one thing that really confirmed for me that I might be onto something with my "Dragons" Triangle" theory. On the map, you can see the Dragons Triangle.
I don't profess that this is total evidence of my theory, some of what we just seen in "Episode S4E05 - The Constant" lead me to believe that Dharma or someone else might have used these unique locations on the earth to unnaturally amplify or harness this micro-black hole,worm hole effect.
you can look for yourself and I encourage anyone interested to contact me for a copy of that History/Science Channel documentary.
Info on the documentary, can be found here:
My email is biker236@hotmail.com
Theory by Sawyer Hawking
Last year, there was a show on the Science and the History channel, which by the way, I have on DVD if anyone wants to have a copy, but anyway, it was titled "Earths Black Hole", it was not, about "Science Fiction" but was based on theories that originated with Albert Einstein and other scientists like Stephen Hawking who believe that it is possible that some of the same elements that create Black Holes,White Holes and Worm Holes can at least in theory, be present here on earth and interestingly enough, in theory, CREATED. In theory at least there are point on the globe that exhibit anomalies that exhibit to lesser degrees some of the same elements of their big brother counterparts and some scientists suggest even replicated here on earth.
For instance, there are points on the earth where magnetic north becomes magnetic south and the show also included some experiments to prove this, and that there are also points on the earth that "Ready Lost fans?", exhibit huge "electrometric" anomalies. There are also points on earth where even the earth's gravity changes dramatically.
Now this is where the show in my view gave me my "Lost" theory connections. The show makes some scientific factual explanations for centuries old myths, about where on the planet these "anomalies" take place. They happen to take place in the deepest parts of the earth's oceans, specifically near the Marianas Trench and also near the Puerto Rico Trench.
For centuries, these trenches and their associated anomalies are located where mythology meets science and for us conflicted humans the line between science fiction and science fact conflict.
If you look on the globe, these locations are where,(and this is what got my attention)the much famed "Bermuda Triangle" (near the Puerto Rico Trench) is near, and where the much lesser known, Pacific Ocean's "Dragon's Triangle" near the Marianas Trench is located.
Now you can write ten thousand theories about this and it could be the source of endless debate on if any of this is connected to "Lost" In fact, I think I have read other theories about Lost and the Bermuda Triangle and there have been some pretty bad movies about the Bermuda Triangle that share some similarities with Lost but that is not what this Science show was about. What is interesting, is that both locations are famous for the same reasons, magnectic anomalies and famous disappearances. One of the most famous disappearances in the "Dragons Triangle" was Amelia Earhart. In the Bermuda Triangle, the disappearance of Flight 19 and the PBM Mariner flying boat carrying 13 crewmen and rescue equipment that went out looking for the missing flight and also was never seen or heard from again.
Please note, this show had nothing to do with "Lost" or any other popular media about the two, but then I thought about several things about Lost that got my mind going.
First we have to go back to the Science/History Channel's show. One of the shows scientist's theory is that the two "Triangles" might somehow be connected. This is where several scientists debate it's relevance, but this much is agreed. If you were to take a globe of the earth, and punched a straight rod through the center of the "Bermuda Triangle", it would punch out directly into the center of the "Dragon's Triangle" Some of the scientists have a theory, and just a theory, that maybe the two can be connected somehow, even possibly by some type of small "Worm Hole" Now if you believe in Worm Holes, and Einstein did and Hawking do, they involve the whole bending,flipping of "Time and Space" aspect we are constantly teased with on lost.
According to the theory, If a person stepped through a wormhole they could emerge at a remote time or distant location.
There has been speculation that micro black holes could be created, maybe by certain transformations in radioactive elements, or maybe by physics experiments that tinker with the nature of matter, creating "strangelets", a quark-like configuration change that could restructure all matter by template change the way prions can infect brains and cause scrapie. If mini-black holes really exist, in time they could become disruptive, they can cause hurricanes, global warming and dare I say around Christmas of 2004,Tsunamis!
Can this explain the "Just saving the world" That Kelvin Joe Inman and Desmond have mentioned before? Could have the Swan Station have had some function in controlling this that is now not functioning? Maybe we might find out next week when we see the next Dharma Station?
When I began trying to apply what this show demonstrated, several interesting still unexplained mysteries began to really get my attention. Especially this one, how did Flight 815, flying from Sydney Australia, to Los Angeles, end up on the same Island as Yemi's Beechcraft. If you look at a globe you can easily figure out that Yemi's plane was not headed for the pacific, not at least without several stops or "mid air refueling" which I don't think it was equipped for. In my opinion, (and correct me if it's been explained before)that plane's most likely intended destination was for some Island in the Caribbean.
Here is where this theory comes together on this one mystery. Flight 815, even off course, would place it directly over the "Dragons Triangle" and Yemi's Beechcraft if flying from the African continent to the Caribbean, would have taken it over the "Bermuda Triangle" so, can this explain how they both ended up on a remote island "somewhere" or "sometime" in the pacific?
Like I said at the beginning, this is just one of my Lost theories and I have others, but I have one reason to really believe in this one. Theories to be proven to be true need something more, something concrete like proof, or evidence and I have seen on Lost at least one thing to lead me to believe in this theory and if I'm wrong, I'm wrong but here is what leads me to believe this has something to do with Lost.
You have to back to Season 3, actually Season 3 episode 22, "Through The Looking Glass". If you remember near the end of that episode, there is the scene where future Jack is lying on the floor of his dilapidated apartment drinking Tequila. His apartment is strewn and unkept, and we see maps of the Pacific abound, we see compases, charts but it's the scene when we see him lying on the floor about to make that call who we later learn is Kate. If you freeze that frame as he's lying there in dispare, look at the large map on the wall above him. There is a map, and it's not just any map, it's a map of the Pacific Ocean. When I looked really close at that map,(and I have studied it several times),I seen one thing that really confirmed for me that I might be onto something with my "Dragons" Triangle" theory. On the map, you can see the Dragons Triangle.
I don't profess that this is total evidence of my theory, some of what we just seen in "Episode S4E05 - The Constant" lead me to believe that Dharma or someone else might have used these unique locations on the earth to unnaturally amplify or harness this micro-black hole,worm hole effect.
you can look for yourself and I encourage anyone interested to contact me for a copy of that History/Science Channel documentary.
Info on the documentary, can be found here:
My email is biker236@hotmail.com
Theory by Sawyer Hawking