Theory Having watched the Season Episode, 'Raised By Another' Aarons father, Thomas, bears a striking resemblence to Ben - in both looks AND mannerisms, so it's my theory that Ben is Aarons father. it could be the reason that The Others were so interested in Aaron..
Also, my apologies if anybody has already noted this but in the Season 3 ep, 'Flashes before your eyes' one of Thomas's paintings appears in Charles Widmores office (over Des's shoulder). AND, in the same scene, there is a huge painting which depicts amongst other things, a polar bear and an upside-down Bhudda. This is on the wall to Des's LEFT. To his RIGHT is Widmores McCutcheon whiskey and tumblers. The camera cuts to Widmore, then back to Des - and we see that the whiskey and tumblers have been replaced by the polar bear/ bhuddist picture that was originally on the wall opposite, then the whiskey is there again, then the picture again!
Theory by Tina V
Also, my apologies if anybody has already noted this but in the Season 3 ep, 'Flashes before your eyes' one of Thomas's paintings appears in Charles Widmores office (over Des's shoulder). AND, in the same scene, there is a huge painting which depicts amongst other things, a polar bear and an upside-down Bhudda. This is on the wall to Des's LEFT. To his RIGHT is Widmores McCutcheon whiskey and tumblers. The camera cuts to Widmore, then back to Des - and we see that the whiskey and tumblers have been replaced by the polar bear/ bhuddist picture that was originally on the wall opposite, then the whiskey is there again, then the picture again!
Theory by Tina V