LOST Theories - DarkUFO

Part 2 – Desmond is the Metal Fork in the Microwave of the Universe (s)

(Part 1 is below this entry in case you did not read it.)

We can all agree that Desmond is unique. In all of the Lost world, he is most likely the only person that can withstand the reality shifting trauma caused by exposure to extremely high levels of electromagnetic radiation.

I propose that Desmond always had this ability. It was innate, but untapped, like Luke Skywalker living on Tatooine, and having no idea what the hell a midi-chlorian ever was. He was chosen by Jacob to come the island because of this preexisting condition.

His survival at ground zero of the Dharma Swan Station blast was the first major exposure he experienced with this otherworldly electromagnetic (em) radiation emitted by the Source. He survived, but it came with some unpredictable side effects. He was able to glimpse the future. Not his future though. Additionally, these glimpses were not random by any means. They were very exact glimpses he was meant to see of Charlie Pace dying. This situation harks back to an idea that I’ve mentioned more than once, regarding a sentience to the Lost universe. The Lost Universe/ Island is self-aware and is able to problem solve and provide fixes for itself. In this case the fix was Desmond. The Island saw the series of events as they needed to happen and fate was standing in the way of it’s and everyone’s continued existence by attempting to end the life of Charlie. To combat this problem, Desmond was granted his flashes, so he could keep Charlie alive until he could perform his ultimate act and sacrifice by shutting off the jamming device in the Looking Glass Station.

The Island was by no means done with Desmond after Charlie’s death though. The Island has a mortal enemy in the Smoke Monster (more below on why they are enemies). It knew that it would need a person of Desmond’s ability to shut off the magic of the island, because the only way to kill the Smoke Monster was to shut off the Source. The Source nearly sacrificed itself to finally remove the threat of the smoke monster. Desmond was the failsafe key to the lock that extinguished the source (for a short while) and made Smokey mortal, so Jack could rough him up and Kate could put him out of his misery.

With regards to Desmond’s glimpses of the Sideways universe – I think that after Charles Widmore gave him his second bath in EM energies, the side effect wasn’t that he could see Charlie’s fate. Rather, he was seeing his own fate, or at least beyond it into his next life. He thought he was supposed to turn off the light so he could traverse to another place where they all get to be with their loved ones. It was all a mistake, but it wasn’t a mistake at the same time. He was supposed to shut it down. Snuffing out the Source made Smokey mortal, and allowed him to finally be killed. It was all meant to be, and it was Desmond’s destiny.

The Underverse:

Why did the smoke monster become mortal when the door was opened? Guess what? I’ve got a theory. The smoke monster is the last remaining survivor of the universe that preceded the Lost universe. It’s home died. Everything it ever knew died. It has been here since the beginning of time in the Lost Universe and it hates it. It holds the Island responsible for replacing and eradicating it’s home.

More tomorrow with Part 3 of 4

This Post on my site with Pics and a dash of visual humor. (Direct Link : http://wp.me/pKvwt-bA )

Part 1 – As Posted Yesterday on Dark UFO

Part 1: The Source

Jacob was the protector of The Island. He did that job in an overly complicated way until Benjamin Linus was manipulated into killing him. Jacob then gave the job to Jack. Jack’s first day on the job was a rough one. The Island contains the Source. It is the eye of the island. The Source, as I’ve come to understand it, is what gives every living thing… well, life. If that is the case, it stands to reason that it is the spark that caused the first cells to spontaneously combine in the primordial amino acid ooze of the planet.

Those cells multiplied and grew, and then split off, mutated, adapted, climbed out of the muck, grew feathers, gills, rooted itself in forests, giving birth to all LIFE. The Source, in itself (in the world of Lost) is the miracle of Life. When Desmond removed the ancient ‘cork’ in the Source, it began to overheat, and the miracle of life began to overheat too.

The Source might be something akin to a nuclear power plant, where heavy water is used to keep nuclear rods at a manageable temperature while also partially protecting the surrounding area from radiation. The sheer amount of power contained in the Source requires a coolant, to keep it from overheating, expanding, and swallowing up the entire planet. That was where the mystical waters of the island came in, flowing into the cave, and down into the mouth of the Source


The Source might be the energy left over from the past universe which precede Lost Prime. The statement by Christian to Jack in the church at the end of “THE END” regarding everything that happened in the Sideways universe ‘being real’ as well as the island being real had me thinking in a karmic sort of way. It is clear that they died in the Original Lost Prime universe. Everyone in the Church had died in Lost Prime. In the Sideways universe, as a gift, they got to live out their lives with their loved ones with no island, smoke monster, and significantly less tragedy. It is hinted that it is a purgatory-like place. I would like to suggest that it is merely the next stage upward in the many different planes of existence. As they all passed away in Lost Prime, their spirits graduated to the next plane of existence, and as a reward for all of their sacrifices in defense of all of existence, they were granted a lifetime reprieve to love one another. If this were the case, I suggest that the cosmic cork in the source was keeping the universe that preceded the Lost Prime universe from overcoming Lost Prime. It is most likely a dead universe, and all of its life had graduated up to Lost Prime. A little crazy, but so is this show.


(This is where I get a little abstract) The hole in the ground on the island might be a small gateway to another universe all together. The source could very well be the exact point at which the energy required to act as the catalyst to begin life, spilled through into the Lost world. What if, on the other side of that hole, there was an alternate reality in which the entire Lost universe was a child’s third grade science experiment? What if there is a grand designer that planned the whole thing from start to finish, sitting right on the other side of that hole. That would make the hole a wormhole of some sort. From my many hours watching Sci Fi Science on The Science Channel, along with my new obsession, Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking, I understand that in order to open such a fissure in the first place, it would take so much energy that the planet would be shattered. But what if it was opened from the other end? The Lost universe would just be dealing with the energy caused by the spill over. Maybe they would just need to cork it? Also, what if the actual Laws of Nature were radically different over there? What if there were energies at work that could cause miracles to occur? Hugely extended lifespans? Sentient Energy Monsters? Time Travel? The harnessing of the energy of a person after they die, and keeping them nearby, sort of like the ghosts of the island? What if those were the energies seeping onto the island?

FROM WIKI: In DC Comics The Source (and it is really called that in the comics) is:
“The Source can be considered a shared Consciousness in the DC Comics Universe, where it is the non-religious equivalent to Buddha-nature. It is the “source” of all that exists. Alternatively, it can be considered a description of the Creator God of the Universe, a science-fiction analogue based on Judaeo-Christian doctrine. Mostly associated with the New Gods, the Source was the supposed origin of the “god-wave” that is believed to have been responsible for creating and empowering the “Gods” of the DC Universe with their divine abilities. It also seems to be partially responsible for the ability of DC residents to develop super-powers, especially those that defy physics. Lying at the edge of the known universe in the Promethean Galaxy is the Source Wall, which protects the Source, and traps all those who attempt to pass beyond it.”

Sounds really really familiar doesn’t it? I’m sure a few Issues of the New Gods were passed around the Lost Writing rooms.

The Source is something that can be theorized about for years to come.

Thanks for reading!


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