LOST Theories - DarkUFO

What if? by Niknar

What makes a good story? Does a good story always have a simple message or a moral imperative? It catches our attention for some reason or another, and our curiosity draws us into its depths. Most of us are drawn to some stories as opposed to others because we are looking for justification. We simply want to reaffirm ideas that we already had. Some of us want to travel away to a time in the past where everything is familiar and everything makes sense. Some of us want to believe that the message of that story has an element of eternal truth.

It is a message implying that the story itself has a moral imperative that will guide us for the rest of our lives. All scenarios are possible in a sense. However, I am skeptical that any one of these scenarios alone explains Lost. A storyline that is as labyrinthine and mysterious as that of Lost could be trying to do something else. What if Lost was never about fi! nding any answers only discovering infinite possibilities? If we are only looking to see what happens at the end of Lost then we have truly failed to see the forest because of the trees. The MIB at the end of season 5 said “it always ends the same”, but Jacob replied “it only happens once and everything before that is just progress.” This is all said after the man in white (Jacob) cooks a “red herring”. A red herring is an argument given as a response to another argument but it does not address the original argument. Thus, the destination of Lost is not the message it is the journey. It is about being “lost”!! Therefore, when we are lost we are forced to ideas and place that under other circumstances we might not. The writers will tell a story and that will be the story, or will it?

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