LOST Theories - DarkUFO

Three factors....

Random crash/shipwreck survivors

So....I'm watching the episode where Jack,Sawyer,Hurley,Kate,and Michael find the tube pile dump from the Pearl...and I thought...all that for nothing?Just dumped there....a time wasting test to keep two people busy....DUMPED?...KEEPING PEOPLE BUSY?...this makes me think of DHARMA and their purpose on the Island and their Truce with the Others.....

"This is our Island...the only reason your living on it,is cause we let you!"-Tom(an Other).

1st off.The OTHERS have always been on the Island(As far as we know).

2nd.The OTHERS(the concept)is older than Richard and was around way before he was made into what he is now,by Jacob(Richard states that he did age normal at one point to Flocke...this also shows that MIB knows really nothing about Richard and vice-versa).

3rd.I think the Others are good people and are related to ancient Egyptian people that might have at one point lived on the Island.

Now....back in the 50's...the Others wanted NOTHING to do with Outsiders and were quick to chase anyone they felt a threat...off the Island(if not,it forces them to take action).

...So...why let DHARMA on the Island?...what makes this time so different?.

...I think it's because they are babysitting the DHARMA people and that is why they are confined to a certain set area for their personal safety(more on this later).

...WAIT! WAIT! WAIT!..Babysitting!? what am I talking about here?....

Here's what I'm talking about....(MY THEORY)

I think with the exception of Horace,Radzinsky,Olivia,Chang and his wife,and Amy,Ben and his father....all of the rest of 70's DHARMA is clones!....Now,Now,before I lose you....keep reading....

WHAT IF...the DeGroots had two problems going on at once,and used one to solve the other?.....


We know the Island is special(and I'm sure the DeGroots also know this)...but what if the DeGroots,with them finding the Island...along the way,found other "Spots".And one of those spots is PORTLAND.And the effect might have the Orchid effect and duplicates people.Well...they play around with this and before you know it...Duplicates everywhere!...so...to make this right....

The DeGroots come up with a solution....let's take the real person and put them into deep sleep at the PORTLAND HQ(maybe a warehouse) and ship their duplicates off to the Island to do minor task and help with work to keep them busy.They send a "Live" staff with the duplicates to monitor them and make sure things go smooth....but with all those duplicates....less than a dozen staff members can't watch all of them,eventually it would get out of hand....so...Horace goes to Richard....talks(maybe the Others needed something from them?) and comes up with the TRUCE.

At some point...this works and DI starts to slowly bring in real people to mix things up a bit(Ben,Roger,and maybe a dozen others maybe).

...But there is a catch...the duplicates don't realize that they are duplicates...so they do their work and test and just like science(or a lottery winner)...it get's out of control!...and maybe by the late 80's early 90's....it got so outta control that the OTHERS said..."Screw this...we have to get rid of them,they are breaking all the rules!"

...But 20's Ben says..."Look Richard,some of us are real...let us join you and we will wipe out the duplicates to make you happy?"

It always struck me weird that Richard would do this with NO REMORSE....But...can you have remorse if you knowingly kill a duplicate of someone you know is safe packed away?I mean....Richard is a peaceful guy...he likes kids,and respects women,and is always the first to talk it out...and with the exception of him shooting Keamy to save Sayid...Richard has never been seen normally with a gun.

I mean....there was 40-60 DHARMA people on that Island...an operation that BIG....they never search for them or go back to the Island to see what happen to there workers,friends,and loved ones?...c'mon.... and before you say it...who did really order the gas?....Ben or Charles?

...so to sum this up....

DHARMA was duplicating people-got outta control-shipped/hid duplicates on Island-Everybody else(Des,815'rs,Henry Gale,French team,etc.) are not duplicates...they were just un-lucky.


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