I came to this revelation yesterday after re-watching the conversation between Jacob and MIB on the beach, and teasing everyone with a comment I made to Carole Anne's theory. There is a very important aspect to the episode 'The Incident' that we've all been missing. Specifically in the first and last scene of the episode. Understanding this will not only help us understand where season 6 will be going, it will change the major consensus of the believes of both MIB and Jacob, it will also unveil a new entity on the island, and pretty much change the entire plot of LOST.
The two VERY important scenes in 'The Incident' are the beach scene conversation between MIB and Jacob and the end scene of Jacob's murder.
Let's start at the end. There is one VERY important line that Jacob says before he's kicked into the fire. Jacob says, "They are coming." What does that mean? Who is 'They.' For quite some time 'They' have been thought to be the Losties somehow time-skipping coming back from 1977. But this isn't true. (the losties may time-skip back home, or to LAX...I'm not talking about them here)
Let's now re-hash the opening scene of 'The Incident.' And to do so we need to reread the conversation between Jacob and MIB.
Here is the script of the conversation (Thanks Carole Anne):
Mib: Morning
Jacob: Morning
Mib: Mind if I join you?
Jacob: Please
Jacob: Want some fish?
Mib: Thank you, I just ate
Jacob: I take it you’re here because of the ship.
Mib: I am. How did they find the island?
Jacob: You’ll have to ask them when they get here.
Mib: I don’t have to ask, you brought them here. You’re still trying to prove me wrong, aren’t you?
Jacob: You are wrong.
Mib: Am I? They come, they fight, they destroy, they corrupt, it always ends the same.
Jacob: It only ends once. Anything that happens before that is just progress.
Mib: Do you have any idea how badly I want to kill you?
Jacob: Yes
Mib: One of these days sooner or later, I’m going to find a loophole my friend.
Jacob: When you do, I’ll be right here.
Mib: Always nice talking to you Jacob.
Jacob: Nice talking to you to.
The one VERY important line is said by MIB. This line pretty much tells us who 'They' are. The line: "Am I? They come, they fight, they destroy, they corrupt, it always ends the same." MIB says 'They' FOUR(4) times. So who is they? I'll answer the question with another question. Who are they talking about in that conversation? For quite some time everyone has been assuming that 'They' are the human race in general. But no, that's WAY OFF. For the answer, you'll have to reread this line, Jacob says, "I take it you're here because of the ship."
'They' are the members of the Black Rock crew. 'They' in context to the conversation. The reason MIB walked down to the beach is because of that ship arriving on the island. The ship arriving was the purpose of the conversation. We all know the writers of LOST take the dialogue very seriously. It's not a coincidence the writer's started AND ended that episode using the word 'They.' The writers were just setting us up for what is to come in season 6. Very much like the scene that took place after the freighter exploded and Michael & Sawyer floated back to the island. Jin came out running yelling 'Others.' (yes, i know he was talking about the Tailies) That scene was setting us for the first appearance of the 'Others' in the episodes to follow. Just like Jacob's murder is setting us up for 'They', a new entity that has been living on the island, perhaps longer than 'The Others'...see a connection between the types of names given to the natives? They?...The Others? Both are rea! lly general words.
Now reread that conversation between Jacob and MIB, what do you now understand from it? We now understand that the entire series of LOST...the loop, time travel, kidnapping, everything is because 'They' came to the island. MIB doesn't have a hatred for the human race, MIB's purpose, his plan, is to rid the island of 'They.' Why would MIB hate the human race if he needs humans' as puppets? MIB hates Jacob because, he brought 'They' here.
'They' come, 'They' fight, 'They' destroy, 'They' corrupt....and 'They' are coming.
We've been thinking that the Losties caused all this havoc on the island and they're trying to fix what they messed up. But that's also not true. Jacob caused everything, and he's trying to fix the mistake he made. That's why he went around touching the Losties, he is trying to fix everything. I really don't think MIB & Jacob are necessarily good or bad. They just have opposing views on things. The whole science vs. faith argument. Jacob think he can fix things by nudging people. MIB thinks people need a little more than a nudge.
'They' have been living on the island, in the Temple since they're arrival on the Black Rock. This makes me rethink a hell of a lot of widely-accepted theories. So what will we see in season 6? Some Pirates!