LOST Theories - DarkUFO

THE BASIC PREMISE............ by michael wallace

I always thought that it would be a good idea to use the time travel premise to it's full potential.It seems that over the years stories have been told about time travel.But beliefs have developed from those stories which encouraged the veiwer to assume that time travel has to conform to existing "rules".Any story which has used time travel all have the same "science" applied as far as how time travel effects characters.

I think lost has/will break out of this mold.A great example would be to describe what happened to the losties in season 5.In season 5 we all saw all the losties vanish from existence repeatedly,to any other character in the show it would seem to be the case,they did vanish from existence.It reminded me of any other story about time travel.Whenever someones past gets messed up they disappear,vanish!..Although these losties disappeared for a different reason, we the audience never see where these people go.Like in "back to the future"marty mcfly nearly disappeared.where might he have gone if he did disappear.I think "lost"answers this question.So,lost makes its own rules,or is the progression of the existing "science" of time travel.

Now let me get to the main point i was going to make.We saw jack,rose,locke,kate,bernie etc on the beach when the plane crashed.Who's to say these particular guys were'nt already there.It's difficult to explain or understand what i am getting at because if they were already there then we would have seen two versions of these characters from the start.In some way these other versions get killed by the crash.I remember in the first season jack saying to kate "we all died a number of days ago,we all get a second chance"or words to that effect.My idea makes no sense if you were to apply existing rules of time travel and i think that's the problem when it comes to explaining it.Basically my idea is this.In the end the losties will end up back on the beach just before their plane chrashes.jack takes his position in the jungle,bernie gets up in the tree etc.They wait for the plane.This final episode will end slightly before the first episode begins/where the story star! ts.

Imagine reading your favourite book.Its quite likely you'd read that book repeatedly.Lost could be a story which when read through can be started from the beginning again whilst also continuing the story where it left off.

Another part of my theory consists of hugo's dad.Where did he go for all those years when hugo was young?Did he go to the island?,i think he did.I think he went there and found he could use time travel to win the lottery.Does hugo know this?.Yes i think hugo knows everthing.What we will see in the final season will be how hugo's dad did all this.

I realize none of this makes sense, but only when you apply existing time travel rules.
Think about it this way...If you could go to the future would you use it to win the lottery?
Hugo won the lottery.He won 150 million or there abouts.Oh,and there is time travel in the story.It doesnt take a genius to see these two facts in the story,and can't be ignored.

So,for my idea to work the losties all have to die in the crash.The first time it happened the losties lived.But every other instance thereafter of the plane crashing the other versions of them die.Don't ask me how this is going to happen.Maybe it's because of all the skipping about in time during the 5th season.I simply don't know.

One final note.The version of christian on the island is one from the past.Christian had been to the island years ago,thats the person we are seeing,even though he is dead in the present a past version of him is on the island and is using time travel to get about.CHRISTIAN IS VERY DEAD.Oh before i forget somehow another version of locke turns up on the island.And we will find out how he got there too!

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