I like the idea about Widmore working for Mr. X and I started to think that way too until I remembered Widmore's conversation with Locke after he arrived in Tunisia. He could have been lying but he said that he sent the mercenaries there to remove Ben from the island and power so Locke could have his time to lead. And that if Locke wasn't on the island the wrong side would win. Now Widmore knew that sending the mercenaries would push Ben to try and move the island as a last result but did he know that by doing so he would succeed starting this time jumping and leading to them meeting in the 50's, then some more jumping and Locke would finally turn the wheel and get off the island. But then he would die and return only to be taken over by Mr. X?
This also got me thinking who is Christian really working for, he told Locke he was originally suppose to move the island not Ben. But that would have taken him off the island and possibly preventing the time skips from ever happening. But he wouldn't have been on the island anymore and Ben would still be the leader. So was Christian really speaking for Jacob and trying to prevent the time skipping and Locke from leaving then dying and returning as Mr. X? So many questions to make your head spin, hopefully we finally get some real answers as to what's been going on for the last 5 years.