Theory Duality, Light and Dark, right and wrong, a matter of perspective.
Something different so far. by M.O.S
What did we see so far? What have we understood? Well it is not really obvious, neither is it clear so far, or is it? Five seasons of back and forth and right back again. So many theories and speculation everywhere. Why? Because the creators keep us in the dark. They give too little while we want more! I have read a lot of theories, and based on these here’s my shot.
Many theories claim that everything is a timeloop. The same record has been played and keeps playing for no one knows how many times. “It always ends the same” MIB said. According to this, flight 815 has crashed multiple times on the island, in different timeloops, but I am not certain if it happened in every single timeloop (if that is the case). Based on this I can say that the passengers of 815 are important to change the final outcome (because “it only ends once, everything else is just progress” Jacob quoted), but not that important because it is not their game. Speaking of the game, (if again this is really the case) Jacob and MIB seem to be the key players here. Everyone else just fulfills their purpose, having their own incentives, and ultimately help one of the key players.
“One is light, the other is dark” John Locke quoted. Duality. That seems to be one of the key characteristics in Lost. We have observed that almost every single moment in Lost there are two sides contrasting. Losties and tailies, all 815ers against the others, everyone on the island against the Widmore’s commandos, Jack against Locke, Ben against Charles, Dharma against Hostiles, Jacob against MIB. Seldom there is a third party, one to break the opposing pairs, someone neutral. We have even witnessed the “my enemy’s enemy is my friend” take place so no one can break this duality. I agree that characters motives vary but only due to their different backgrounds. They always team up with either side.
That brings me to the meaning of two sides. John Locke used the game of backgammon to hint the viewers. Well in the game of backgammon light is neither good nor bad. The same applies to dark. They are just opposing colors. The same would apply to red – green, or yellow – blue. So far the thing we do not fully know is each character’s motives, what they want as a final outcome. Specifically we do not know what Jacob and MIB want (the big picture that would answer many questions so far) what the others want (save the island, keep it safe and blab la, there is something more we do not know), why Jack is obsessed with “get us of the island” and then “get back to the island”? Well what we have seen is not enough. In all these circumstances we are missing something, so we cannot tell who is right who is wrong, who is light who is dark, who is good who is evil. My point here is that there are always just two choices and in Lost you have to pick one. Jacob is neither g! ood nor bad. The same applies to MIB. They think differently. They are after different things. The same applies to everyone. (Jack, Locke, Kate, Ben, Dharma, Others…). It all is a matter of perspective.
In particular now:
Jacob – MIB
So far they seem to be the key players. Judging from the spoilers we are going to see them in S6. Summing up Jacob: he is ageless, wise, clever cunning, can see ahead of his time (if he has one), he have some kind of power/ability (he brought Locke back to life) but not immortal (he was killed with just a knife stab?!?) and he is somehow responsible for Nadia’s death. And what about Ben’s relationship to Jacob. Is he a puppet? Serving someone he never met blindly? Richard said only the leader can ask an audience from Jacob. And Ben was the exception? I think we are missing something here. Maybe he wasn’t their official leader (a tempie perhaps). Maybe there is someone higher than he is. Notice the episode where they judge Juliet (where he feels uncomfortable with the presence of the Sheriff (I can’t recall her name). Is she superior to Ben? My guess is we are going to get an answer. However little do we know about MIB. He played in one scene and one scene only. He wa! s never mentioned before, or has it? No one knows about his existence? Not even the leader and the advisor of the others? I don’t think so. Richard knows more than he’s telling he may be hearing both but using the “Jacob” sign as a façade (if we accept that there are not more Jacob and MIB kind of people or even greater yet to shown). MIB’s name was omitted intentionally. Nevertheless I was wondering what if his name was mentioned and no one noticed. What name would we give him someone told us that you already heard that name, and seen some of his background? (because I think one season’s time is limited to elaborate on every single question plus what happens next, so they gave away almost everything without the missing dots of course). If duality applies here too, light – dark, faith – science (Jacob has to be the man of faith) then the name we are looking for is Hanso(!), the entepreneual mind behind dharma, or his descendant the owner/captain of the blac! k rock. I know this is pretty far fetched (everything is) but:! 1) we d o not yet know for sure that the ship we saw in S5 finale is the black rock, and even if it did run ashore how did it end up in the middle of the jungle (doesn’t make any sense at all). 2) Magnus Hanso lies somewhere on the island.
Others - Richard - Ben
We don’t know what the others are after. We have seen so much yet so little. I mean literally, who are they? Could they be deriving from the Black Rock crew members? That’s the closest shot we have until now. Furthermore why they don’t let losties leave while at the same time they don’t let them live in peace. Some things about them don’t add up. They seem bloodthirsty while on the other hand … they don’t seem too eager to kill without reason. They took Walt, and they had the other three on the raft at their mercy yet they didn’t finish them off. They attack the camp with the direct orders from Ben to kidnap specific targets and kill any person resisting, just to sustain casualties, while having Jin, Sayid, Bernard at their mercy, and want revenge paid in blood they receive a second order for their execution, and ultimately they shoot at the ground (!!) claiming that Ben lost his mind (!). It could be a script error. The only time they really tried to kill so! meone is when Ethan hung Charlie from a tree. I think it is because Charlie was meant to die (by Ethan, in the hatch, inside the looking glass). This brings me to Ben. Ben seems like a dictator, yet his actions are justified because “we answer to Jacob”. Why then he ordered the abduction of Jack? He wasn’t in Jacob’s list (Tom said that). Ben defied Jacob? Secondly Jacob ordered the abduction of the other two (Kate, Sawyer) just to build a runway?!? Maybe the others were short on manpower (!). There is something bigger which we didn’t see due to Jack’s escape plan combined with Ben’s operation. Or was it just Ben’s plan to have Juliet team up with Losties? It’s pretty vague.
Dharma and the Others
The Others made peace with the D.I. Did they have to? They could extinguish the D.I any time they wanted. Why the purge then with the poisonous gases? (they used Dharma’s technology to bring Dharma down). Because of the bloodthirsty evil Ben? Something else happened we’re missing. It happened sometime after the incident which occurred according to the blast door map in 1985. Then what’s up with 1977 incident? Maybe it is something different from the incident Dr Chang was talking about in the tapes. My opinion it is another incident, a different one, a new version of it that will have the same outcome (course correction). After the purge the others took D.I members’ place in Darmaville premises and also in D.I stations. Why? They seem to be pretty familiar with technology and medication, despite living in the jungle. Where all that hitech info and cutting edge technology did came from? We are still missing something or they just evolved (!). They used the sonic fence ! despite being the undisputable rulers of the island? They were so afraid of what? In addition even after the Dharma purge there were still packages falling from the sky. Could the Others be collaborating with Dharma central administration? Could they be doing that so no Dharma member of the island wouldn’t suspect that something like a purge happened and everything is ok? They even introduced themselves as D.I members (Richard and Ethan to Juliet). My point exactly. That leads me to the blast door map. Why there is Latin all over it. Could it be because the rest of D.I alive joined the others? Or they just knew Latin. The reason why I insist on the blast door map is because the creators put some effort in this. Think about it. They were giving away clues about things we would find out a season or more later. Why so many clues? I don’t believe they were talking random gibberish just to get people excited, they showed so much because the intended to explain all (at least ! some of these later).
Continuing, D.I stations are somehow the landmarks of the island. What other landmarks do we have? The statue is where Jacob resides, the Black Rock, the Temple…speaking about it could there be any Dharma involvement? In the beginning I thought that was possible but I am not so sure anymore. We are given so little information about it. Dharma were all about science and the hostiles all about faith (at first at least). The only common thing that the temple and Dharma has is… well Smokey. Smokey is found under the temple, but can be summoned from Dharmaville (possibly the question mark station, it makes sense if Smokey can be summoned from there) by unclogging a hole (?). Something else about the smoke doesn’t feel right. It seems ancient yet hi-tech because all the digital noise. It was not present when the statue existed. According to Russo’s story it was there in the 90’s. My call is that it is Dharma manufactured (yes, possibly after the incident) at least at its! first state and it supposed to be a security system (for the island, the temple maybe, or some D.I station we haven’t seen). After its malfunction it was loose filling some purpose we are not going to find until the end of the series. The same applies to its original purpose. Could be the producers biggest secret.
I don’t know his purpose, if he truly can speak for Jacob. He doesn’t touch anything but baby Aaron. I believe he is a different entity (that is ‘cause we don’t know what else there is on the island and these producers are full of surprises!). Maybe he was (the same way Jack wasiswill be Dharma) some kind of member of the others. Think about it. We are missing the forest for the tree here. He was a head surgeon, turned alcoholic for some reason got canned because Jack’s testimony, went to Australia to see his daughter hiring a bodyguard (!). I am sure that he was in pain but he also saw something coming he greatly feared of. What? I always wondered what his point was by telling 10 year old Jack that he (Jack) doesn’t have what it takes. For what? To do something onof the island 20 years later? Doesn’t make any sense. I think he freed someone/something from the cabin with the help of Claire. Well it is him or Hurley did it accidentally. Finally something about t! he ass. Ass has something to do with smoke, what is missing is fire and something to burn (!)
This actor is the only one who knows the end. Why? Maybe his character has a significant role and producers should tell him. Maybe he demanded it (tell me or I walk!). Some claim that Jack has something to do with Jacob and Locke something to do with MIB. If that applies why Jack wears dark colors during the crash, while Locke wears lighter? If Jacob is man of faith what does he have to do with a man o f science. I may be wrong at this, because I am missing something.
If Locke in S5 is MIB, is so certain where to go, what to do why he doesn’t know where Jacob lives?! Maybe he expected them to take him to the cabin? Plus he is utterly surprised to know that Ben will help him because the black smoke told him to. Well it almost clear that MIB is not Locke because he would have known where Jacob is. Locke can speak for the MIB (possibly future Locke). Just like Christian. The thing he saw inside the cabin could be the MIB or future Locke (they both need(ed) help, they have issues!). It is uncertain. As for the comparison MIB/Smoke I believe they are separate entities. The much further fetched theory that MIB can control or take the form of the black smoke (dharma incorporated) which it’s still something different!
Adam and Eve
Maybe the less interesting thing in Lost concerning the plot, it doesn’t change anything whoever they are, yet the most intriguing. My guess is that it’s Jin and Sun (yes I know that no one has said that before) but I think it’s the more romantic and matching couple in lost. If both their families’ background was different, they would be fine in contrast to every other couple. Yes even more than Rose – Bernard. Jin and Sun didn’t seem to have even the slightest argument before Jin met Pike. After that… well…That theory also makes perfect sense with the marbles (I don’t remember what it was) they had in a bag. It reminds me of Asian culture. Could be.
He is the most unlucky person ever! He is kind of jinx while nothing happens to him personally. I don’t think his numbers are random (the first two or three are repeating on the blast door map, they appear on the flight “815”) and they sum 108 (for the ones that haven’t noticed). My call is if he dies, everyone and everything else dies with him (period!).
Juliet is possibly responsible for his wife’s run over. That is why she said to Sayid “if I told you who I am you would kill me”. There is no more serious reason why Sayid out of a sudden would kill in cold blood.
Everything else
What I am really looking forward is get a satisfying final season, where every question get answered or at least the missing link to be given so it would be easy for anyone to make the connection. Too many questions. 5 seasons of them. What to answer first: the polar bear, the island, Walt, Libby, Jack’s tattoo’s, the numbers, Christian, Claire, Jacob, MIB, Smokey, time travel, others, Richard, Hanso, character connection, who threw Sun’s lover of a balcony (I get the feeling we will not find out who did this), the statue… the list is endless.
Enough said, time for closure. I think lost is the best script based series ever, it will be remembered as a peak of the standards television concerning entertainment has set. Producers will test their writers on how well they can write, the world of fiction they can create, the “depth” of the characters that can set an individual’s profile, and every single clue of scientific, political, social, economical background add-on story that can “dress” the main scenario, creating all together a unique solid story.