LOST Theories - DarkUFO

This is to all who say that ALT means a RESET, and that WHH and ALT can't live in the same universe, and to the ones confused about the whole situation in general. This is my attempt to ease the minds of people that are either afraid of ALT or think it will upset them, or think it isn't possible in a WHH universe.

It has been recently considered that ALT means 4 different things:

1) RESET - A total negation of what we know has happened essentially a whole new show with the same character that we know. (Not happening Ladies and Gents.)
2) "Final Destination ALT" - An alternate timeline that will be corrected by course correction, (possible sure, but just the idea of this make me wanna vomit)
3) "A Christmas Carol ALT" (Ghosts of Past, Present, and Future scenario) - This is a better idea than the "Final Destination" idea but almost equally as sickening to me.
4) ALT, an alternate time line that sticks and becomes reality in the future, also a problem due to the paradoxes it creates. and the whole reason the RESET theory was bad.

This will be the fifth scenario of what could happen, and to me and a few others here it is the only Scenario, worth even considering besides a totall WHH scenario. so here goes:

If ALT, then Tangent timelines are the only way to go to prevent Paradox, the negation of season 1-5, and let Jack and friends make some sort of impact on the as yet to be seen future post Jacob-kabob scene.

They are coming indeed! From where? Well the second timeline that has been playing out for the last 30 years, right along side of the one we know about already. It is the only way to make everyone happy just wait and see


Above is a single timeline as some of you think is true (total WHH senario) it just has people jumping around like fleas on it while time-traveling.


Next: Above is parallel timelines; That's two fully separate timelines that can NEVER come together(not gonna happen).


Finally: Above, this is a tangential timeline. It starts off as a single past, it then splits for whatever reason (Incident energy perhaps?), then it becomes two identical timelines that run parallel for a time (30 years), One side is preserved for the sake of no paradoxes,(WHH). The other side is totally malleable (ALT), and it has no paradoxical consequence, because there is still a version that Time-Travels back to the 70's in 2004 via the donkey wheel, and in 2007 via the flash off of Ajira, to create the Incident on the preserved side.

How do they get the two to become one?

Well that remains to be seen, but I trust the writers to figure it out. Maybe it will have something to do with Faraday's Journal.

When will the two become one?

Shortly after Jacob's Death.
Because at that point the whole reason for the 70's time-travel will finally reach fruition, I/E the splitting of the timelines will have occurred, Ben will have been made future leader thanks to Sayid, Ethan will have been born Thanks to Sawyer and Juliet, The incident will have happened, so the swan will get built, and the button will get pushed, and Jacob's Counter loophole will have been set into motion by "Jack and Friends".

There are three possibilities for the how.
1) They will just appear in 2007.
2) They will crash on the island on another plane in 2007.
3) They will already be on the island in 2007 but they will be in the temple waiting.

That is a scaled down version of exactly why Tangential timelines will work in the scope of all the WHH, and still be able to have changes made to satisfy Jacob, Jack, all us ALTers and Daniel Faraday. And still have everyone right back to where they are supposed to be, in the end, to have their WAR (without any paradoxes that have not already been seen).

What do you think about that?

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