Since "they're coming" and apparently there's gonna be a war or showdown of some sort, I was trying to figure out who was on each side. Here is what I have come up with:
Jacob "Esau"
Richard Smokey
Ben Linus Widomre
Ajira Crew Mercenary Crew
No I believe there to be some variables but first, what about the Others? If you think about it, there really hasnt been any individual character development of the remaining Others, so I feel that with one season to go, they, as a group, will tend to be "red shirted". Also, where are the castaways in all of this. This is where I believe them to be the variables. Who they decide to side with will have great rammifications on the outcome of the show. Also, other variables include, Eloise, Christian, the apparitions of Walt, etc. When we know more about their allegiances, this may look more definite. Let me know what you think.