LOST Theories - DarkUFO

Jacob keeps trying by Sawyer

Alright, so a lot of pivotal stuff happens in the season finale. The show starts right off with Jacob and the other man. (Credited as Samuel, thought to be named "Esau.") They're set with what's presumably The Black Rock out in the ocean. The other man says to Jacob "You brought them here, you're still trying to prove me wrong aren't you." Jacob says "You are wrong" and the other man says "Am I? They come, fight, they destroy, and they corrupt. IT ALWAYS ENDS THE SAME." (I'm putting the important parts in capitals) Jacob then replies "but IT ONLY HAPPENS ONCE (Time travel, continuous loop) anything that happens before is just progress." Then the other man continues to say he's going to find a loophole to kill Jacob.

What's all this mean? We go to the part where Ben kills Jacob. Right after Ben stabs Jacob, Jacob says to "Locke" (Who we assume is really the other man) "THEY'RE COMING."

The basis of this theory is that this entire time Jacob has been trying to prove Jacob wrong about the nature of the people he brings to the island. The idea is that The Black Rock didn't work, and the Oceanic 815 didn't work, so they go back in time, and, in the end, Juliet blows up the bomb. (We assume by the explosion at the end) Now if you think about it all the original people from the Oceanic 815 crash are either dead or in 1977. (Except Walt) We found out in the finale that the real Locke was actually dead, and Sun (Who was the only living original from the crash that didn't wind up in 1977) went with Christian to find a way to get back to Jin. This means that NONE of the people from the original plane are left in 2009, they either died, crashed in the 1977 island, or moved with the island. So, it's very possible that the bomb DID blow up, killing all the island's inhabitants (A way to wipe everyone out and hit the restart button) but not blowing up the island. This a! ll goes back to the important conversation where Jacob says "IT ONLY ENDS ONCE, EVERYTHING ELSE IS JUST PROGRESS." Jacob realized the current group (from Oceanic 815) was corrupted and basically used the time travel and the bomb as a sort of "Reset" button, where he could wipe everything out and start over. This goes back to when he's killed he says "THEY'RE COMING," which is presumably the people he's going to use to prove the other man wrong about the nature of the inhabitants.

Now, there's a few reasons to believe the island didn't blow up when the bomb exploded.

1. In the finale, Marvin Candle/Edgar Haliwax has his arm crushed (I can't remember how) and in the Swan Orientation video, he is seen with a prosthetic arm.

2. Back in Season 2, Jack and Sayid are under the Swan and Jack says "What do you think of all this" while Sayid replies "THE LAST TIME I SAW CONCRETE POURED OVER EVERYTHING IN IT'S PATH LIKE THIS WAS CHERNOBYL." I'm assuming we all know what a reference toward Chernobyl has to do with a nuclear explosion.

3. Back in season one in the caves Jack and Kate find bodies, and they conclude that people have been there before them. Am I the only one who thinks it was 2 of the people who are blown up by the bomb?

SIDE NOTE: For the love of God please not Jack and Kate, everybody knows it should be Sawyer.

There's also reason to believe that the island "reset" but the inhabitants Jacob brings are always the same people.

1. Back in season 3, I can't remember the entire conversation, but Mikhail is being sarcastic after Kate said "You don't know us" and when he got to John he says "I REMEMBER YOU DIFFERENTLY, BECAUSE THE JOHN LOCKE I KNEW..." And then get's cut off by Danielle. This indicates Mikhail may have known him before.

2. It's obvious to anyone reading this website that Lost is looking to sign the majority of the cast from the original plane crash, indicating that all the people who crashed "reset."

So that's basically my theory, the people who crashed are basically pawns in Jacob's mission to prove the other man wrong about the nature of humans (Assuming he and Jacob aren't human, they certainly have a godly presence about them) isn't how the other man says it to be, and he keeps resetting to try again, using the same people in the same place.

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