This is my first post so please be kind and let me know what you all think.
In the incident we meet Jacob "god" as most of you guys like to call him, but I really don't think so because would a god have to weave a thread? Hunt (catching the fish)? Cook? Eat? I don't think so!!
Also the man in black is offered food but kindly declines saying something like thanks but I already ate. So are these guys really gods? Do gods really need to eat? No!! I don't think so, gods do not need to eat!!
I believe in season 6 we will see exactly what mib ate and who with before his conversation with Jacob. Maybe he eats babies and that's why there is a problem having kids on the island to stop mib from gaining strenth or something. thats way out there but just came to my head now!!
One more thing I was studying the map of the island and to me it looks like it use to be connected to Africa at one point right next to Tunsia and above Libya the shape of it looks like it would slot in lovely!!
Thanks for Reading please let me know what you think