LOST Theories - DarkUFO

This theory if its right will explain most of what is going to happen in season 6.I think that the bomb did blow up.Miles was left and juliet died but everyone that was touched by jacob was transported into an alt. timeline.But it a little bit later after that i think we find out elloiuse turns the donkey wheel for some reason(maby to protect farraday?).And by turning the wheel which transports bernard and rose possibly back to the 50's where they die together and eventually come to be who we know as "adam and eve".I think everything that happened after 2004 when the plane crash never happend.But i strongly believe that that the events that happened before that like when they visited the past in 77 still happend.I think we will find that when they losties land in LAX they go about there lives and get a sort of "deja vu" like other theories have concluded.I know the producers have stressed desmond is "special" I ! think hes going to be the only one who still has his memory of what happend.The main part of this theory is that once they go about there lives time "course corrects" itself and everyone that died on the island will die in the real world in the same order that they died on the island.I think eventually desmond plays a huge part in the next season.I have not been able to come up with how it could possibly end yet.But im sure when I figure it out ill post it.Soooo comment and tell me what you think about this.

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