LOST Theories - DarkUFO

Desmond is an example of what the entire show is going to be about by the time the last episode airs. That is that free will and change is better than doing what you're told to do. This is the revelation of Lost.

Remember the conversation Des had with the physicist in the bar? He told him about the outcome of the soccer game and had the wrong day. Another guy was supposed to get hit with the croquet thing. But what happened? Des got hit with it. He changed the past. OK - in a very small way, but he still changed what his memory told us had actually happened. This is Lost. Changing the past, having the free will to make your own decisions. "Don't Tell Me What I Can't Do."

This idea is mostly in response to the theory just posted about "Season 3." Thanks for getting me thinking about one of the best characters on the show, but I just have to add something to your theory.

The whole show really revolves around this debate. You have all gone on wiki to research the names of Locke, Rousseau, Humes, Burke, etc. You know the deal. What do these folks all have in common? Freedom. They were all Libertarians. The whole show is based on the revelation that we as a human race do not have to conform to the run of the mill society we are used to. We can choose everything and that means our Destiny is not written. We make our own.

Why were these certain people chosen and touched by Jacob? Why them? Because he saw in them the strength to make the hard choices and be exemplars of free will. Notice that most of the struggles are with parents - the very people who tell you to do and try to guide your future.

Kate - killed her father for wrong acts - free will.
Jack - sold out his father for wrong acts - free will
Sun & Jin - married even though both of their parents had issues - free will
Sawyer- revenge for who he thought killed his parents - free will
Sayid - searching for his love he willingly let go and changed his life forever - free will

Desmond was the example, now we have to see our main characters in their own flashes before their eyes. How will they change their pasts? Will they be as subtle as the bar fight? I doubt it. Love to hear your thoughts.

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