This will be short. I've been thinking about the consequences of Desmond turning the key for the fail safe button. He experienced his first time shift that was the epiosde flashes before your eyes. I believe that the result of the incident will be similar to the turning of the fail safe due to it being caused by similar energy. The 77 losties will undergo a time shift that will eventually lead them back to the current time frame. This will probably be a time shift similar to desmond in the episode flashes. The main flash will probably be through the initial post 815 plane crash experience possibly up until they intially left the island. During this they will learn whether or not they really can change things (whichever way DL and CC decide to go). This way they can keep all the character development and have them come to better terms with the past. I know youll all probably fry me for staying with whatever happen! ed, happened atleast part of the way. Just a thought I felt like sharing. Give me a break this is my second post.