Just some general thoughts, probably pointed out before but thought I’d make a little collaboration.
The opening scene of the incident displays Jacob making an awesome tapestry, I believe the tapestry is one of the most important elements of the finale.
Here are a few points to illustrate why,
First is the quote from The Odyssey “may the God’s grant you all your heart Desires” . I don’t believe the quote to be ultra important, well, maybe the reference to "the God’s" could be something to debate, but I believe it’s the general reference to "the Odyssey" that is important.
For those unfamiliar with the story, Penelope is Odysseus’ wife who waits for him for over 10 years as he fights the Trojan War and tricks his way in and out of Hades (the Underworld). Penelope weaves a blanket furiously over time, in between fending off suitors with her son, it turns out over time that Penelope weaving the blanket was in fact weaving dreams and events that helped Odysseus return to her in Ithaca……
Point being I believe Jacob’s allusions to his tapestry and his choice of words when he tells UnLocke “it takes a really long time to make the thread, but I suppose that’s the point isn’t it?” are in fact him alluding to time. Could this possibly mean that Jacob is the weaver of the thread of time, we see him weaving through time changing events and meeting Losties at crucial times. Also the only way to change a pattern in a weave is to find a “loophole”, hmm, coincidence?
I believe by finding a loophole in the weave UnLocke created a line of thread, It would be part of the original weave until the loophole, then a new pattern can made. This wouldn’t ruin the original tapestry but allows a new weave to be made at the same time, an alternate pattern if you like.
To go completely out of the box, Maybe Unlocke is from this alternate pattern, able to travel through because he turned the wheel , Maybe coffin ridden Locke is the good Locke in Jacob’s thread and the Evil Locke in MIB’s Loophole. I feel that Locke being special is a loophole, during Claire’s dream in raised by another, we see Locke with one white eye and one black. Imagine if Locke is very special, not only is he capable of being possessed by the good God’s he’s also equally capable of being occupied by the bad.
If this is the case then maybe that’s why Christian was present when Locke turned the FDW maybe his being was able to transfer to Locke or allowed UnLocke to posses him.
I’m also starting to think that something could be going on with the underworld, the fact that the tapestry displays an eye of Horus with the wings of a Lamassu is a reference to the underworld as the Lamassu were guardians of the Gates (much like Cerberus).
Another thought on the underworld and the Smoke Monster (Cerberus) could be that Rousseau and her crew referred to it as a security system. The job of Cerberus is to be pretty much a security system to stop people entering and leaving the underworld. The smoke monster appears to be some form of judge maybe it’s deeming people worthy of being on the Island or maybe it’s taking them to alternate timeline or the underworld.
Don’t quote me on this but I’m pretty sure the Monster has NOT been seen pre Science crew (Rousseau’s team) could this be a result of the Incident? Seems strange, but I could be just be over-analysing!
If you have any ideas about this please comment :)
Another idea I had was about Ilanna, There is a Sumerian Goddess called Inanna, she was a deity who decided who would be king, her role is defined as "kingmaker". Could this be why Jacob needs her help? Maybe she has more power than we’re being led to believe, Jacob seems happy they’re coming and UnLocke seems momentarily disturbed by it. Inanna also visited the underworld although the reason behind it is unclear, I believe the fact Inanna can enter the underworld is important.
Be sure to check out some info on Inanna,Also there are a lot of parallels between Desmond/Penny and Odysseus/Penelope that could be useful.
Thanks for reading and feel free to ruin me if you think otherwise :)
The opening scene of the incident displays Jacob making an awesome tapestry, I believe the tapestry is one of the most important elements of the finale.
Here are a few points to illustrate why,
First is the quote from The Odyssey “may the God’s grant you all your heart Desires” . I don’t believe the quote to be ultra important, well, maybe the reference to "the God’s" could be something to debate, but I believe it’s the general reference to "the Odyssey" that is important.
For those unfamiliar with the story, Penelope is Odysseus’ wife who waits for him for over 10 years as he fights the Trojan War and tricks his way in and out of Hades (the Underworld). Penelope weaves a blanket furiously over time, in between fending off suitors with her son, it turns out over time that Penelope weaving the blanket was in fact weaving dreams and events that helped Odysseus return to her in Ithaca……
Point being I believe Jacob’s allusions to his tapestry and his choice of words when he tells UnLocke “it takes a really long time to make the thread, but I suppose that’s the point isn’t it?” are in fact him alluding to time. Could this possibly mean that Jacob is the weaver of the thread of time, we see him weaving through time changing events and meeting Losties at crucial times. Also the only way to change a pattern in a weave is to find a “loophole”, hmm, coincidence?
I believe by finding a loophole in the weave UnLocke created a line of thread, It would be part of the original weave until the loophole, then a new pattern can made. This wouldn’t ruin the original tapestry but allows a new weave to be made at the same time, an alternate pattern if you like.
To go completely out of the box, Maybe Unlocke is from this alternate pattern, able to travel through because he turned the wheel , Maybe coffin ridden Locke is the good Locke in Jacob’s thread and the Evil Locke in MIB’s Loophole. I feel that Locke being special is a loophole, during Claire’s dream in raised by another, we see Locke with one white eye and one black. Imagine if Locke is very special, not only is he capable of being possessed by the good God’s he’s also equally capable of being occupied by the bad.
If this is the case then maybe that’s why Christian was present when Locke turned the FDW maybe his being was able to transfer to Locke or allowed UnLocke to posses him.
I’m also starting to think that something could be going on with the underworld, the fact that the tapestry displays an eye of Horus with the wings of a Lamassu is a reference to the underworld as the Lamassu were guardians of the Gates (much like Cerberus).
Another thought on the underworld and the Smoke Monster (Cerberus) could be that Rousseau and her crew referred to it as a security system. The job of Cerberus is to be pretty much a security system to stop people entering and leaving the underworld. The smoke monster appears to be some form of judge maybe it’s deeming people worthy of being on the Island or maybe it’s taking them to alternate timeline or the underworld.
Don’t quote me on this but I’m pretty sure the Monster has NOT been seen pre Science crew (Rousseau’s team) could this be a result of the Incident? Seems strange, but I could be just be over-analysing!
If you have any ideas about this please comment :)
Another idea I had was about Ilanna, There is a Sumerian Goddess called Inanna, she was a deity who decided who would be king, her role is defined as "kingmaker". Could this be why Jacob needs her help? Maybe she has more power than we’re being led to believe, Jacob seems happy they’re coming and UnLocke seems momentarily disturbed by it. Inanna also visited the underworld although the reason behind it is unclear, I believe the fact Inanna can enter the underworld is important.
Be sure to check out some info on Inanna,Also there are a lot of parallels between Desmond/Penny and Odysseus/Penelope that could be useful.
Thanks for reading and feel free to ruin me if you think otherwise :)