My theory involves letting go of the ALT theory. The producers of the show have stated explicitly that the way timelines work in the LOST universe is NOT the way it works in Star Trek. NO Reboot!! Get it. It is a cherished theory of Sci-Fi...but it isn't scientific fact. No one knows how time-travel would work. The producers of LOST have stated that there is one singuler timeline. NO Alt.
My theory of WHH+ still holds. If something is IS NOW the new WHH.
There is no old timeline to disappear. The old time line is replaced. It would mean that the old Star Trek version of the time-travel rules theory would not hold. If you were born and killed your parents in the past, you are still there. No past...altered present..and the future is what you make it.
What would this mean for the LOSTIES? How would dong what JACK said effect them. No plane crash.
I believe that Jacob said to Locke: " I'm sorry this happened to you." Was that about being pushed out the window? Or was it about dying at the hands of Ben? Both? Or was it about being manpulated by Flocke?
If the plane lands in LA...What does it mean for Sayid, Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Hurley. and most importantly, Juliet. If she isn't sent back to the past, she doesn't die in that hole. Of course, it means she has no connection with Sawyer.
Jacob's touch has significance. The producers state we won't have the information necessary to understand the direction of the show until the end of next years season premiere.
I believe that his touch means they will all know what happened in the OLD past. Does this mean they all find Desmond and set sail for the island? Won't that be wild for BEN to be the one not knowing what is going on for a change.
Speaking of Ben...I keep thinking that his path is either to redemption or damnation. What if the entire series has been about him?
My theory of WHH+ still holds. If something is IS NOW the new WHH.
There is no old timeline to disappear. The old time line is replaced. It would mean that the old Star Trek version of the time-travel rules theory would not hold. If you were born and killed your parents in the past, you are still there. No past...altered present..and the future is what you make it.
What would this mean for the LOSTIES? How would dong what JACK said effect them. No plane crash.
I believe that Jacob said to Locke: " I'm sorry this happened to you." Was that about being pushed out the window? Or was it about dying at the hands of Ben? Both? Or was it about being manpulated by Flocke?
If the plane lands in LA...What does it mean for Sayid, Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Hurley. and most importantly, Juliet. If she isn't sent back to the past, she doesn't die in that hole. Of course, it means she has no connection with Sawyer.
Jacob's touch has significance. The producers state we won't have the information necessary to understand the direction of the show until the end of next years season premiere.
I believe that his touch means they will all know what happened in the OLD past. Does this mean they all find Desmond and set sail for the island? Won't that be wild for BEN to be the one not knowing what is going on for a change.
Speaking of Ben...I keep thinking that his path is either to redemption or damnation. What if the entire series has been about him?