This theory just adds more evidence that the MIB was definitely the man living in the cabin and instructing the others. It also proves that the writers have had a good idea on what they were doing since season 3 and had a general idea on the direction they were taking the show on. As john locke is about to leave the cabin after seeing what we now know as Ben's hoax of encountering Jacob, John Locke hears a voice saying "help me". Well, now that we know that the circle of ash was broken and that Jacob was NOT living in the cabin, we can assume that the man in the cabin was the MIB. And well what happened? John Locke essentially did help the MIB(although indirectly) by fulfilling his self prophecy by dying and well you all know the whole series of events. Anyways, I just wanted to point out that the writers were foreshadowing this huge complicated use of John Locke since season 3 which I thought was pretty cool, al! so this adds a lot of evidence to the fact that it definitely was the MIB in the cabin and thus instructing the others. Any thoughts guys? I'd love to hear them, and again sorry if this has been said before.