Daniel's journal said that "If something goes wrong," Desmond Hume would be his constant. But we haven't seen this obviously foreshadowed event come to pass. So I'll speculate on this missing event. I think we're absolutely going to see something more between Des and Dan.
I propose that Faraday is alive somewhere in the future (after 2007) and it was a mind-time-shifted version of himself--traveling like Desmond in The Constant--that died in 1977. But being linked to Desmond will keep him alive.
This sounds preposterous, you say, but consider some curiousness: 1) Desmond has his own rules, and 2) Faraday himself could be the "Variable" element he esposes in The Variable episode. There's some wiggle room on the preposterous-ness meter when you have variable, special rules.
So, when, and how did Dan get back to the future? Remember, he left the island in 1977 to visit the outside world and we don't know everything that happened with him. When he returned to the Island, he was different and I think that's a little clue. I think that when off Island, he was able to return to 2007, and since his return to 2007 involved something along the lines of his own time-shifting experiments, He became special like Des. Then, something happens to time-shift him back to '77, or he does it deliberately to play a vital role.
Having been to the future, he's able to set the '77 losties on a path--maybe even knowing he will die all along. He knows what buttons to push with Jack, etc. (And this explains his more confident self)
During this speculated mind-travel back to 1977, as Daniel is dying, mother-shot, he thinks of Des, and he saves himself.
They are mind-linked (again, both have special rules--didn't Daniel's mother tell both of them they were special?). One might be constant, one is variable (it doesn't matter who's who), and together they make up an Equation that will be the key. Daniel will insert himself as the variable leading to the incident, leading to the "reuniting" for a final battle between the powers that be--during which events, Daniel and Des team up to save the day.
But what about Dan's '77 body? What happened to it? How can there maybe be two bodies at once? I think that just because you have a second dead body floating around doesn't necessarily mean you can't be alive in another one somewhere else--Hm? I think I've seen evidence of that...
So, like my Daniel theory: I think that as Locke was dying, hung from the rafters, he was able to sync up with his Constant and save himself. His "future-alive" self was on the island waiting for Ajira to land.
The Locke that died was a mind-traveling shell.
So I've wandered around a bit, sorry! Fill in the holes.
I propose that Faraday is alive somewhere in the future (after 2007) and it was a mind-time-shifted version of himself--traveling like Desmond in The Constant--that died in 1977. But being linked to Desmond will keep him alive.
This sounds preposterous, you say, but consider some curiousness: 1) Desmond has his own rules, and 2) Faraday himself could be the "Variable" element he esposes in The Variable episode. There's some wiggle room on the preposterous-ness meter when you have variable, special rules.
So, when, and how did Dan get back to the future? Remember, he left the island in 1977 to visit the outside world and we don't know everything that happened with him. When he returned to the Island, he was different and I think that's a little clue. I think that when off Island, he was able to return to 2007, and since his return to 2007 involved something along the lines of his own time-shifting experiments, He became special like Des. Then, something happens to time-shift him back to '77, or he does it deliberately to play a vital role.
Having been to the future, he's able to set the '77 losties on a path--maybe even knowing he will die all along. He knows what buttons to push with Jack, etc. (And this explains his more confident self)
During this speculated mind-travel back to 1977, as Daniel is dying, mother-shot, he thinks of Des, and he saves himself.
They are mind-linked (again, both have special rules--didn't Daniel's mother tell both of them they were special?). One might be constant, one is variable (it doesn't matter who's who), and together they make up an Equation that will be the key. Daniel will insert himself as the variable leading to the incident, leading to the "reuniting" for a final battle between the powers that be--during which events, Daniel and Des team up to save the day.
But what about Dan's '77 body? What happened to it? How can there maybe be two bodies at once? I think that just because you have a second dead body floating around doesn't necessarily mean you can't be alive in another one somewhere else--Hm? I think I've seen evidence of that...
So, like my Daniel theory: I think that as Locke was dying, hung from the rafters, he was able to sync up with his Constant and save himself. His "future-alive" self was on the island waiting for Ajira to land.
The Locke that died was a mind-traveling shell.
So I've wandered around a bit, sorry! Fill in the holes.