Picture a "time loop" something that keeps happening forever and ever, how do you picture it as a circle? Instead picture it as an infinity symbol, a loop on the left that meets in the center and a loop on the right.
The left loop is a timeline(a)
the right loop is timeline(b)
Lost begins on the left circle timeline(a) it begins at the center point where the lines meet and events occur which lead to a climax, and something happens, maybe a nuclear bomb going off in a pocket of energy (it don't really matter), this event "fixes" the timeline and a new time line begins, timeline(b).
now we have moved from the left timeline to the right timeline. This timeline plays out and eventually something happens, say i dunno, some dharma people decide to dig a hole in the ground, and poof, that timeline ends in the middle, and causes the right timeline to play out.
so instead of a big circle time loop, you have a sorta twisted time loop. The left timeline causes the right time line to occur, the right time line causes the left timeline to occur. the center point of the infinity symbol represents the beggining and end for both timelines, the "cause" of the timeline and the "effect" of the timeline.
Now in order for the "equation" to balance you need to have the same amount of negative and positive on both sides.
so i present to you this.
Lost starts in timeline(a), and during this timeline things are "bad" for some people, and "good" for others. Hurley wins the lottery, but nothing but bad things happen after that and Kate blows up a building then ends up making a deal and is no longer a crimianl.
the timeline(a) ends, and the event causes timeline (b) to occur.
now during this time hurley wins the lottery, opens up a chicken franchise in australia and everything is good for him, but for kate everything is bad, she remains a criminal and on the run.
in order for that to make sense look up the comic con 2009 lost commercials.
its not a complete theory really, but I think its kkinda cool
The left loop is a timeline(a)
the right loop is timeline(b)
Lost begins on the left circle timeline(a) it begins at the center point where the lines meet and events occur which lead to a climax, and something happens, maybe a nuclear bomb going off in a pocket of energy (it don't really matter), this event "fixes" the timeline and a new time line begins, timeline(b).
now we have moved from the left timeline to the right timeline. This timeline plays out and eventually something happens, say i dunno, some dharma people decide to dig a hole in the ground, and poof, that timeline ends in the middle, and causes the right timeline to play out.
so instead of a big circle time loop, you have a sorta twisted time loop. The left timeline causes the right time line to occur, the right time line causes the left timeline to occur. the center point of the infinity symbol represents the beggining and end for both timelines, the "cause" of the timeline and the "effect" of the timeline.
Now in order for the "equation" to balance you need to have the same amount of negative and positive on both sides.
so i present to you this.
Lost starts in timeline(a), and during this timeline things are "bad" for some people, and "good" for others. Hurley wins the lottery, but nothing but bad things happen after that and Kate blows up a building then ends up making a deal and is no longer a crimianl.
the timeline(a) ends, and the event causes timeline (b) to occur.
now during this time hurley wins the lottery, opens up a chicken franchise in australia and everything is good for him, but for kate everything is bad, she remains a criminal and on the run.
in order for that to make sense look up the comic con 2009 lost commercials.
its not a complete theory really, but I think its kkinda cool