One theory is that the numbers are spatial co-ordinates which could be the actual location in time and space when the universe is set to end as predicted by the Valenzetti Equation. The mission of Dharma is to try to change it perhaps by pushing it further into the future and changing events in the time line. This is the theory I’m persuing here.
If the island hops about in time in relation to off island then essentially it’s path could be 2000, 1950, 1845, 1999, 1927, 1970… depending on where the island goes next. Each time the island stays in that time period for a few days perhaps. I would guess it could be the same amount of time each time but that may also vary. At first glance it might seem random but there must be a pattern if the Lamppost can predict where it will be at a certain point in time. This could be it’s natural state to be jumping about in time. The Lamppost was used to track it’s next appearance and predicting it’s next spatial co-ordinates. They consist of 6 digits just like the numbers inputted into the Swan.
The island naturally wants to jump from one time period and location to another but Dharma had been keeping it in one place since 1970s, one place in location that is but not in time. Hawking told us it was constantly moving and that's why no one came to rescue our Losties. Before they came Dharma had tethered it to stop it moving on it's seemingly random path and harnessed it so that they could move it and create time travel experiments. So they were actually the ones moving it when the Losties landed on it in time rather than space. I think they were only altering the time co-ordinates rather than the co-ordinates used for longitude and latitude. I do think Dharma are still active are working behind the scenes in the experiment which has developed much more than when it was started in the 70’s. At the start they would move the island back a few minutes to create 2 bunnies for a short while. I am saying that in the bunny experiment they sent the island back in time not th! e bunny, by 20 minutes As a result of the experiment the island would be out of time by 20 minutes and it would be out of phase with normal time. They would then be able to move it back again to be back in sync with off island time.
Of course their experiments would have continued onto human subjects, like in the Swan for example. Another theory that the Swan is like a Faraday's cage, which is said to, “dissipate any electric currents generated from the external electromagnetic fields”. This could prevent the EM from penetrating the Swan to stop the inside of the Swan from moving in time. The island time travels but the people in the Swan stay in the same time period as off island. Having the blast doors down would also mean that the people inside wouldn't accidentally encounter their "other selves" the ones who were outside of the hatch out of time. Say they would move the island to spatial grid 4,6,13,16,21,40 for arguments’ sake and that moves it back 1 day in time. The first and fourth numbers were longitude and latitude in the Lamppost and the others are unknown but must relate to points in time. They would of course need to move the island back again and to do this they would need to reset t! he island to the same spatial co-ordinates that they left from 4,8,15,16,23,42. This was what was supposed to happen in the experiment but it didn’t.
They drilled into the pocket of EM and this would have been catastrophic, this would have ended the world, but they covered it in concrete. This was only a temporary fix though. The EM would leak out the first time Dharma conducted an experiment causing the incident which was the end of the universe. However the people in the Swan at the time were OK in a time in the past. This team consisted of several Dharma personnel which probably included MIB, MIW, Christian, Radzinsky, and maybe Chang and Ilana, maybe more. At some point they realised what had happened and started trying to fix the problem. They have managed to delay the end of the world and are still manipulating the time line to stop the end of the world that they actually started in the first place. As long as they don’t affect WHH to stop the Swan sending them back in time or the numbers being inputted they can carry on experimenting.
To try to fix their mistakes they started more experiments and Radzinsky was the one who was introducing the changes. He goes back in time and poses as his other self. In that way he can build more Dharma stations to do different experiments to help them in their task. The rest of them tried to go back further and further into our history to try to solve the problem by manipulating the course of events which leads Dharma destroying existence as a result of their experiments. They went back so far to 1845 when they must have arranged for the ship to come to the island. They then used the people who came on the boat in their experiments and they became known as the Others. They have of course been added to and probably lost as well over the years.
The DST (Dharma Swan Team) at first would not have realised that they were stuck in a loop but at some point they realised that someone needed to enter the numbers to regularly reset the island's spatial co-ordinates, every 108 minutes. This somehow allows them to remember what they did last time in the loop so that they could continue their work from where they left off each time. That’s why they set up the Pearl, so that they could record what they’d done in the previous loops. Until they worked out how to input the numbers they had people recording everything that they did. It may have taken them years to set this up by rereading a load of notes made by observers in the Pearl each time they reset in time. Of course it may have taken years to learn that inputting the numbers was the way to do it. Putting into action, however would be easy the next time the loop got to 1980 they asked Chang to film an orientation video for people enlisted to do the job. After they’d s! et up the numbers there was no need for the Pearl any more. They then arranged for someone else to be enlisted who wouldn’t know what was going on, eg Inman, to input the numbers for them. They would have invented some excuse for him not to go outside like a disease, hence the quarantine hoax. If they did go outside he might realise that he was actually out of time…
I think the DST discovered about special people, like Walt, Hurley, Miles who can see the overlaps in time may be as a result of some past exposure to EM and so their focus changed. They decided to experiment again and invented the Temple where certain people have been changed so that they don’t reset like everyone else does when the island goes back in time. This must have been at least Richard but maybe several of the Others. Obviously not Juliet because she went skipping though time with our Losties when the wheel was off it’s axis. We know Ben was templed due to his comments about when they last celebrated Birthdays and of course that we did see him go into the Temple, but which iteration of the loop this was who knows. I think we have been seeing a mixture of scenes from different iteration and that explains why things don’t fit. It did seem a lot of the time that Ben was winging it so he definitely wasn’t given all the info he needed while he was follow Jacob�€! ™s orders. In fact the DST set themselves up to be God-like and so the Others worshiped them thinking that they were achieving something else entirely.
So to the FDW. This allows someone to time travel like Des did into his own consciousness instead of in person like the DST did. It exposes a person to a concentrated amount of EM and allows them to leave the island. Something to do with the idea that two bodies cannot occupy the same space and time. The idea was that if they could become their past selves then maybe they could make a difference. I have a feeling that most of them gave up except for the MIB and the MIW and went off island into themselves in the past and started to self destruct and caused their kids all sorts of problems. Christian obviously became a drunk and eventually got his son and daughter pulled into this messy time travel experiment which had gone drastically wrong. I think Jacob was trying to get them involved to try to get the team back together and the MIB is trying to stop the whole thing. Radzinsky must have felt to blame and thought it was all pointless and he shot himself unless it was Inman w! ho did it discovering what Radzinsky had done.
The failsafe blew up the Swan and ended the world again but this time the Losties got caught up in the blast and they went back in time as well as the DST. In the meanwhile I think the Black Smoke is the differences between all these loops and like Monika was saying the Losties cannot interpret what it is that they are actually seeing. It’s a cross over of time discrepancies trying to course correct in a way. Also people are trapped in the loops as being dead or undead depending on which loop they were killed in and it’s all gone a bit loopy.
The Losties have been caught in the loop for a while now with Des blowing the failsafe. They don’t keep their memories like the DST. Except the FDW is the next level of the battle. Jacob wants to send Locke back in time with information from the future to see if he can make a difference. I think he will gain future knowledge from the point he fell out of the window and Jacob touched him. He also has Kate, Jack, Hurley and Sayid lined up to have a go at turning the wheel. Frank is also a possible candidate according to Ilana.
So what could these people have done differently which will affect the MIB? It would seem that the MIB’s idea is to manipulate the players involved in the game. Since we’ve seen his manipulation of Ben I think that he has been looking for someone to kill Jacob and he discovered Ben’s jealousy and played on it. The people who are coming are not the people the MIB thinks they are for this time they are ready for the counter strike. They are different people than they were and they have changed things since last time MIB saw them in the loop. I think that it’s the decisions that we have already seen our Losties make in the flashbacks that could make the difference in the end. Sun was going to leave Jin except she didn’t she ended up on the island. Her meeting with Widmore makes more sense to me now too. I think this is all due to Jacob’s touch and giving them future knowledge. Actually come to think of it I bet Sun is the main swerve ball in the scenario. Of course ! Hurley has decided to take something with him in the guitar case to help him since he was touched after he left the island.
So that’s my theory of what’s happened to date. I am missing a big bit and that when Ben turned the wheel it did something different. I think when I get a chance to look into this further I may change my mind a bit about the end of Lost. As to theory for season 6 the war must be between the people who want to end the world and those who wish to continue to eek out an existence of sorts. Unfortunately I think the MIB will win and the end of Lost will be the white screen although I hope our Losties gain higher consciousness at the same time. A series to watch again and again until all the little seemingly inconsistent elements are explained. I’m so glad I’ve bought all the box sets up till now!
If the island hops about in time in relation to off island then essentially it’s path could be 2000, 1950, 1845, 1999, 1927, 1970… depending on where the island goes next. Each time the island stays in that time period for a few days perhaps. I would guess it could be the same amount of time each time but that may also vary. At first glance it might seem random but there must be a pattern if the Lamppost can predict where it will be at a certain point in time. This could be it’s natural state to be jumping about in time. The Lamppost was used to track it’s next appearance and predicting it’s next spatial co-ordinates. They consist of 6 digits just like the numbers inputted into the Swan.
The island naturally wants to jump from one time period and location to another but Dharma had been keeping it in one place since 1970s, one place in location that is but not in time. Hawking told us it was constantly moving and that's why no one came to rescue our Losties. Before they came Dharma had tethered it to stop it moving on it's seemingly random path and harnessed it so that they could move it and create time travel experiments. So they were actually the ones moving it when the Losties landed on it in time rather than space. I think they were only altering the time co-ordinates rather than the co-ordinates used for longitude and latitude. I do think Dharma are still active are working behind the scenes in the experiment which has developed much more than when it was started in the 70’s. At the start they would move the island back a few minutes to create 2 bunnies for a short while. I am saying that in the bunny experiment they sent the island back in time not th! e bunny, by 20 minutes As a result of the experiment the island would be out of time by 20 minutes and it would be out of phase with normal time. They would then be able to move it back again to be back in sync with off island time.
Of course their experiments would have continued onto human subjects, like in the Swan for example. Another theory that the Swan is like a Faraday's cage, which is said to, “dissipate any electric currents generated from the external electromagnetic fields”. This could prevent the EM from penetrating the Swan to stop the inside of the Swan from moving in time. The island time travels but the people in the Swan stay in the same time period as off island. Having the blast doors down would also mean that the people inside wouldn't accidentally encounter their "other selves" the ones who were outside of the hatch out of time. Say they would move the island to spatial grid 4,6,13,16,21,40 for arguments’ sake and that moves it back 1 day in time. The first and fourth numbers were longitude and latitude in the Lamppost and the others are unknown but must relate to points in time. They would of course need to move the island back again and to do this they would need to reset t! he island to the same spatial co-ordinates that they left from 4,8,15,16,23,42. This was what was supposed to happen in the experiment but it didn’t.
They drilled into the pocket of EM and this would have been catastrophic, this would have ended the world, but they covered it in concrete. This was only a temporary fix though. The EM would leak out the first time Dharma conducted an experiment causing the incident which was the end of the universe. However the people in the Swan at the time were OK in a time in the past. This team consisted of several Dharma personnel which probably included MIB, MIW, Christian, Radzinsky, and maybe Chang and Ilana, maybe more. At some point they realised what had happened and started trying to fix the problem. They have managed to delay the end of the world and are still manipulating the time line to stop the end of the world that they actually started in the first place. As long as they don’t affect WHH to stop the Swan sending them back in time or the numbers being inputted they can carry on experimenting.
To try to fix their mistakes they started more experiments and Radzinsky was the one who was introducing the changes. He goes back in time and poses as his other self. In that way he can build more Dharma stations to do different experiments to help them in their task. The rest of them tried to go back further and further into our history to try to solve the problem by manipulating the course of events which leads Dharma destroying existence as a result of their experiments. They went back so far to 1845 when they must have arranged for the ship to come to the island. They then used the people who came on the boat in their experiments and they became known as the Others. They have of course been added to and probably lost as well over the years.
The DST (Dharma Swan Team) at first would not have realised that they were stuck in a loop but at some point they realised that someone needed to enter the numbers to regularly reset the island's spatial co-ordinates, every 108 minutes. This somehow allows them to remember what they did last time in the loop so that they could continue their work from where they left off each time. That’s why they set up the Pearl, so that they could record what they’d done in the previous loops. Until they worked out how to input the numbers they had people recording everything that they did. It may have taken them years to set this up by rereading a load of notes made by observers in the Pearl each time they reset in time. Of course it may have taken years to learn that inputting the numbers was the way to do it. Putting into action, however would be easy the next time the loop got to 1980 they asked Chang to film an orientation video for people enlisted to do the job. After they’d s! et up the numbers there was no need for the Pearl any more. They then arranged for someone else to be enlisted who wouldn’t know what was going on, eg Inman, to input the numbers for them. They would have invented some excuse for him not to go outside like a disease, hence the quarantine hoax. If they did go outside he might realise that he was actually out of time…
I think the DST discovered about special people, like Walt, Hurley, Miles who can see the overlaps in time may be as a result of some past exposure to EM and so their focus changed. They decided to experiment again and invented the Temple where certain people have been changed so that they don’t reset like everyone else does when the island goes back in time. This must have been at least Richard but maybe several of the Others. Obviously not Juliet because she went skipping though time with our Losties when the wheel was off it’s axis. We know Ben was templed due to his comments about when they last celebrated Birthdays and of course that we did see him go into the Temple, but which iteration of the loop this was who knows. I think we have been seeing a mixture of scenes from different iteration and that explains why things don’t fit. It did seem a lot of the time that Ben was winging it so he definitely wasn’t given all the info he needed while he was follow Jacob�€! ™s orders. In fact the DST set themselves up to be God-like and so the Others worshiped them thinking that they were achieving something else entirely.
So to the FDW. This allows someone to time travel like Des did into his own consciousness instead of in person like the DST did. It exposes a person to a concentrated amount of EM and allows them to leave the island. Something to do with the idea that two bodies cannot occupy the same space and time. The idea was that if they could become their past selves then maybe they could make a difference. I have a feeling that most of them gave up except for the MIB and the MIW and went off island into themselves in the past and started to self destruct and caused their kids all sorts of problems. Christian obviously became a drunk and eventually got his son and daughter pulled into this messy time travel experiment which had gone drastically wrong. I think Jacob was trying to get them involved to try to get the team back together and the MIB is trying to stop the whole thing. Radzinsky must have felt to blame and thought it was all pointless and he shot himself unless it was Inman w! ho did it discovering what Radzinsky had done.
The failsafe blew up the Swan and ended the world again but this time the Losties got caught up in the blast and they went back in time as well as the DST. In the meanwhile I think the Black Smoke is the differences between all these loops and like Monika was saying the Losties cannot interpret what it is that they are actually seeing. It’s a cross over of time discrepancies trying to course correct in a way. Also people are trapped in the loops as being dead or undead depending on which loop they were killed in and it’s all gone a bit loopy.
The Losties have been caught in the loop for a while now with Des blowing the failsafe. They don’t keep their memories like the DST. Except the FDW is the next level of the battle. Jacob wants to send Locke back in time with information from the future to see if he can make a difference. I think he will gain future knowledge from the point he fell out of the window and Jacob touched him. He also has Kate, Jack, Hurley and Sayid lined up to have a go at turning the wheel. Frank is also a possible candidate according to Ilana.
So what could these people have done differently which will affect the MIB? It would seem that the MIB’s idea is to manipulate the players involved in the game. Since we’ve seen his manipulation of Ben I think that he has been looking for someone to kill Jacob and he discovered Ben’s jealousy and played on it. The people who are coming are not the people the MIB thinks they are for this time they are ready for the counter strike. They are different people than they were and they have changed things since last time MIB saw them in the loop. I think that it’s the decisions that we have already seen our Losties make in the flashbacks that could make the difference in the end. Sun was going to leave Jin except she didn’t she ended up on the island. Her meeting with Widmore makes more sense to me now too. I think this is all due to Jacob’s touch and giving them future knowledge. Actually come to think of it I bet Sun is the main swerve ball in the scenario. Of course ! Hurley has decided to take something with him in the guitar case to help him since he was touched after he left the island.
So that’s my theory of what’s happened to date. I am missing a big bit and that when Ben turned the wheel it did something different. I think when I get a chance to look into this further I may change my mind a bit about the end of Lost. As to theory for season 6 the war must be between the people who want to end the world and those who wish to continue to eek out an existence of sorts. Unfortunately I think the MIB will win and the end of Lost will be the white screen although I hope our Losties gain higher consciousness at the same time. A series to watch again and again until all the little seemingly inconsistent elements are explained. I’m so glad I’ve bought all the box sets up till now!