What we’ve seen in series 1-5 has been the result of what we are seeing in 1977 now and yes WHH. The thing is that WHH is only true up to a point. Series 1-5 has actually been WHH with Desmond cocking things up and our Losties setting things straight. What we’ve seen in series 1-5 IS the time line which has resulted from actions in the past as a result our Losties being sent back in time INCLUDING the fact that the O6 managed to leave the island and returned with Miles, Faraday, Frank and the rest, because WHH. Both WHH and ALT theorists are correct in their respective ways but what has happened has ultimately happened with help from course correction to keep it on track and there are different iterations of the time line.
This time line, the one we’ve been watching unfold in series 1-5, is different to the last because Desmond made a change which allowed our Losties to leave the island. As Ben said they shouldn’t have left. RH explains how Des has made things different in his excellent theory, “Everything happens for a reason”. WHH is sort of different now as a result of Desmond’s experience. The rules of WHH must remain because if they don’t then there will be a paradox, “God help us all!”
It’s important to realise that WHH is only true for events which lead to a person going back in time to prevent a paradox. Think about the analogy written by Theron in his theory “WHH and the Cognitive Cure”. If you don’t preserve the events that lead you to time travel then there will be a paradox because you don’t get to the future to get to the past then you cannot get to the future... If you are cyling down that street in the analogy, you cannot pull out a gun shoot the guy who is going to send you back in time but you could shoot someone else that you might not have shot the first time you rode down the street. For example Anna Lucia getting shot by Michael does not affect the time loop she is not instrumental in Ben or Locke turning the wheel which is what started on of the loops.
What our Losties need to do next is to to ensure that ultimately WHH and ensure that there isn’t a paradox. They must ensure that events which lead up to them travelling back in time occur again. This includes Des becoming different of course so that next time the loop plays out it will happen again. It could be that having been exposed to the EM at the blast site will be enough to enable our Losties to do this or maybe the wheel needs to be turned. I don’t think it’s necessary for me to decide which at this point. Ultimately they will be sent to different time periods again like they did when Ben turned the wheel and sent them “off on one” in the first place. In doing so they will have the opportunity to course correct anything which might cause a paradox as a result of Des making things different. The reason I know they did this? Because WHH!
We are going to be seeing the reasons why the series of Lost played out like it did and why WH ultimately H for our Losties. When Sawyer couldn't go up to Kate and Clare while she was in labour it was because it never happened. This time they time skip they are going to cause things to happen that we already know about. Of course they cannot do anything they didn’t do the first time, they cannot influence things to happen a different way. They must to stick to what they know happened because they don’t know which event might have set a certain other sequence of events into existence. They don’t have future knowledge. There’s probably lots of examples we’ve seen but here’s just one. Imagine Sayid and Jack skip to a time just before Shannon gets shot. Sayid wants to save Shannon but WHH must prevail, so Jack and Sayid have an argument, it’s heard as whispers which is what causes Shannon to get shot in the first place, WHH.
The whispers sound like our Losties according to some theorists and I agree. They also sometimes sound like Christian’s voice and he has also had a time travel experience do what I am proposing the Losties are going to do(more to follow). Some of the whispers could just be the echos of previous loops but I think it’s more likely that they are people hidden avoiding trying to affect anything they shouldn’t. They also sound like Dharma personnel and I think they are as well (more to follow).
Lost Dbutz reminded me of a whole load of reasons why WHH and I agree that most of those events are showing that WHH because they always did and they always will happen because the Losties either don’t jump to a point in time where they could make a difference, they will not interfere or they will actually cause the events as we know them to have happened. Ben will became an Other as a result of being shot by Sayid, Ethan is alive only because of our Losties, yes because the Losties always went to the past, WHH. It also must have happened in other iterations almost exactly the same. The only things that have the potential of being changed are things which won’t bring on a time paradox. Things that don’t affect the people who are travelling through time from travelling though time in the first place. Someone theorised about the Hurley bird being one of our Losties playing a trick on the Hurley from the past, it probably was!
We know the Losties shouldn’t have left and that was course corrected by Hawking getting them to come back. It had to be that plane to get Frank to the island, he was always meant to have been there too. Faraday and Miles were not there a few iterations ago but they were in the last one because WHH. As Lost Dbutz quite rightly pointed out, “Faraday had that conversation with young Charlotte while she was eating chocolate. He said that he would not let it happen, but despite his efforts, he did it. While dying, Charlotte even recalled the detail of the chocolate bar that she was eating when they had their conversation.” So back to the idea of the spiral on my last decent theory. Is it actually a spiral where things changed in the last loop have an affect on the next. How many times has this been going on? Which time loop are we in again? The seasons 1-5 we have seen is one of the next loops after Des made some changes by allowing the Losties to leave the island. Since B! en said that they were never meant to leave. I need to say again about an idea based on quantum supposition first before I carry on.
So this idea of quantum supposition. I read a theory which said, “I bring you this, an excerpt from an essay written by Egan that I found at his website: ''In quantum mechanics, alternative ways for the same outcome to arise are said to 'interfere' with each other: the possibility of something happening can just as easily be diminished as increased by the fact that it can happen in different ways.'' Egan is referring (I think) to an aspect of something called ''quantum supposition,'' which deals with probability. This concept would seem to present some intriguing possibilities for Lost. If I'm understanding quantum probability correctly — and please, tell me if I'm not — then the more ways there are to achieve a singular outcome, the less likely that singular outcome will actually happen.” This was posted on Dark UFO “Doc Jensen on Episode 5.14 - The Variable”, Posted by DarkUFO at 4/24/2009 10:59:00 PM. The idea of ultimate possibilities changing the ultimate ou! tcome rings so true of Lost. When you consider that Dharma are studying the Valenzetti Equation, where the ultimate outcome is the destruction of the universe, it’s not hard to surmise that they could have looked into creating a time loop to try to change it using this theory of quantum supposition or something else that they could be experimenting on. What if they did do that and that’s the loop that our Losties are trapped in? Maybe there was an incident in 1985 where it went wrong (according to the blast door map). Could pressing the button every 108 minutes also have been a mini loop or a test run that Radzinsky was involved in? When the blast doors came down maybe they were isolated from the rest of the space time continuum and they were sent back in time every 108 minutes. This no longer happens every 108 minutes of course and pressing the buttons might not have even been necessary for the process. I wouldn’t be surprised if Hurley instructed Chang to do it like! that after he told him that they were from the future after C! hang had asked him who the president was (yeah that “Hurley recorded the numbers” theory that has been ridiculed is probably true). If they have conducted tests on rabbits then the next step would be a human test subject, hense the hatch. That was why they were being videoed to watch what happened to them. Could it have even sent Radzinski insane and make him want to blow his head off.
Anyway Dan comes back from Ann Arbour with information about what Dharma was doing. Say they are trying to make a change in the Valenzetti Equation using the theory of quantum supposition. Dan now knows what he must do he must either make a change or preserve the loop. If the theory of quantum supposition is true then as long as he keeps it going then the laws of physics will do the rest. So if this loop can be preserved then maybe an infinite number of possibilities could mean a difference when the loop is finished. If there is a spiral of time or lots of iterations of the time loop then these small things that are changing then in a sense time is still progressing even though it is being played over and over, a progression is occurring within the loop. We could see the loop progressing and how the next iteration is different enough to end where Ben chooses not to kill Jacob.
Let’s just have another look at the conversation that Dan had with Charlotte for a minute but from Dan’s perspective which makes me think that Dan knows he’s trapped in the loop. Dan says to Charlotte (when he speaks to her as a little girl sat on the swing) something like, “I know what I say never makes a difference here…but I’m going to try anyway…”. To me it’s the word “never” that stands out, like he knows he is caught in a loop which is being repeated and he knows he cannot save her.
So is Dan going to make a change or not? Any change he tries to do must be small enough to not be course corrected by our time travelling Losties who are being helped by Mrs Hawking. By telling Des to look up his Mother he might have provided himself with a test as well as his own constant. He would be doing it to see if he can make changes from loop to loop. The thing is that when does actually find Mrs Hawking he doesn’t actually achieve anything, “But I am helping, Dear!” What Dan has done again is ensure that WHH and Des will travel back in time and ensure that he has a constant if anything goes wrong so he doesn’t die of a brain aneurysm. If Des doesn’t try to find Mrs Hawking he will not go to Oxford and meet Dan in 1996. Thing is Dan is gonna die he doesn’t need a constant, but that’s by the by for now. Doing this is what he always did and it proves to himself that things appear in the diary. We’ve already been shown a lovely example of the compass and! you can argue ontological paradox if you must. Let’s say then that it’s a family tradition that a diary is given as a graduation present and a blank diary was given the first time round. Every time after that of course it is filled with info gathered from the last loop.
It sounds complicated but it’s not, it’s all there and it will just take a few key scenes for us to get it in the show. Like we see what’s written in the diary, the information which is now in the hands of Mrs Hawking. She doesn’t know what’s going to happen next after meeting Penny in the hospital because there’s no more information in the diary. She does, however know what she needs to do now. That is to go find Desmond who has just remembered his conversation with Dan from the hatch. That’s because Dan DID make a change in the loop and Des just remembering it in 2007 is proof. He just remembered it because that’s the end of the loop. (I still think it should have been 2004 that he remembered it but there must be something I’ve missed.)
So Dan’s plan is that Mrs Hawking needs to get Des to have another mind time travel experience. In my theory The Spiral I borrowed an analogy from Theron’s theory WHH and the Cognitive Cure. I’ll have another go this time and tell it another way. The idea is of the advantages of travelling back in time into your own body to relive a certain point in time with future knowledge. The analogy is of a bike accident and you break you leg. You are the taken to a doctor who while fixing your leg says he has a time machine and would you like to go back in time to before the accident to try to avoid it. So you do and you might tell your past self about the accident so that they can avoid it by going down a different street. You cannot do this of course because it will create a paradox. If you go back in time as yourself though you have an opportunity to make a change. As long as you don’t do anything to jeopardise the accident and WHH then it’ll be OK. I suggest that you mig! ht wear knee pads instead. Is course correction going to stop you wearing knee pads? Well you still have the accident which is what you are fated to do but in the future you’re better prepared and you’re legs are not as badly damaged. The difference could be irrelevant or very important depending on what happens when you leave the doctors’ surgery. So after you come out of the doctors surgery there’s a massive attack by zombies. In the first instance with a broken leg, you’re gonna get eaten for sure. If you wore the knee pads, however, you have a chance to haul ass out of there. In the case of our Losties they might be better prepared to fight the MIB and/or the MIW.
OK I’m going to change my mind a bit now. Instead of getting Des to have another mind time travel experience she could just adjust the one we’ve already seen. Hawking writes something in the diary so that Dan or she in the next loop will know what to do differently. Lets look at the conversation she has with Des in the ring shop. This time she speaks to him she says you cannot make a difference yourself when you go back (except you must save Charlie a few times) but here’s how you can help your friends on the island. She will tell Des that he needs to influence all of our Losties so that they make different decisions in their lives so that they are slightly different people by the time they get back to the foot of the statue where Ben has just killed Jacob. Can they make enough of a change to influence the way Ben is so he decides to not kill him? They will of course still be bound by WHH within the loop and so they cannot make a complete difference. Actually the analo! gy above isn’t really quite appropriate, you could still tell yourself to wear kneepads, you wouldn’t need to actually go back into your own past mind to do that…but I’m digressing…I got distracted by the zombies, hee hee. The thing is that Des has to be able to influence the Losties without them realising. He may be enlisting certain people around our Losties because if they meet Des and are suspicious then it might affect WHH and we cannot have that now can we.
When Dan is arranging for the bomb to be detonated I think he must be setting up the incident and ensuring that WHH to preserve the loop. He knows the loop must continue so that he can accomplish the real task which something else entirely. It looks on the surface that he’s telling Jack about variables to convince him that they can make a difference. He is and that does help convince Jack but the real reason he is talking about variables is in the sense of minds time travelling and the differences that one can achieve that won’t be course corrected or affect the loop. WHH except for Desmond.
At this point you could say this is too complicated and a whole load of fan fiction, if you’ve even read this far, but I have written it all to try to give a direction to it all. The thing is once you know that the Losties have to go skipping in time again, it is possible that blowing up the bomb will do something else. The only other thing I could see it doing is the reset theory and that wouldn’t allow the writers to explain to us what really went on in this time loop we have been watching, what people have been writing off as continuity errors or production errors. The reason it looks like that is that some of the scenes we’ve seen have been from different loops and it’s kinda been out of order.
It seems like the MIB and the MIW are playing a game where they are influencing the lives of the Losties while they are on the island but what if it was mainly MIB. I think he has been making all their hopes, fears and desires become reality. Locke’s ability to walk, Rose’s cancer, Charlie’s drug addiction, Hurley’s fear from causing an accident which makes him see Dave, etc etc. The MIB has been influencing people to find his loophole and pull a long con on the MIW/Jacob. Tempting them with these things to see who he could manipulate the most to help him outwit the MIW. The most success he had of course was with John but he ultimately manipulated Ben who actually killed Jacob. Perhaps that was the trick to con Jacob into thinking that he could use anyone and Jacob wouldn’t see it coming. To do this MIB would need to know how the players he was manipulating would react based on their past lives, handy that we saw all those flashbacks, eh? What if Dan’s plan is to! change the players in the game? If these people are different to what they were then the MIB will not be able to complete his long con. Alternatively it could be that he is able to changes the Losties in a way so that they will react in Jacob’s favour perhaps. They feel that he their saviour because their lives are better being on the island because he brought them there and they’ve found their salvation. If you think about it they are all better off on the island with each other, aren’t they.
There’s actually one thing I spotted in the show which I think might already be evidence of how Des will be able to make a difference. That is the scene where Jack and Des meet in a stadium while they are both running. They discuss a patient Jack is trying to save, his wife to be, Sarah. Dan says something very strange, he asks if Sarah could be saved would he consider that a miracle. What if he didn’t say that to him originally? In the show we are led to believe that it could be the miraculous recovery of Sarah that gives him faith enough to push the button when Locke asks him to do it. If Des hadn’t said that to him would Jack not continue to press the button? Would that make a difference in the loop or could it be that in Jack’s faith being changed affects something else. It just seemed too weird a thing for a stranger to say. Especially considering she was actually saved, as if fate came in to change things after Des said what he did to Jack.
I hope it’s not too long for ya. Namaste!
This time line, the one we’ve been watching unfold in series 1-5, is different to the last because Desmond made a change which allowed our Losties to leave the island. As Ben said they shouldn’t have left. RH explains how Des has made things different in his excellent theory, “Everything happens for a reason”. WHH is sort of different now as a result of Desmond’s experience. The rules of WHH must remain because if they don’t then there will be a paradox, “God help us all!”
It’s important to realise that WHH is only true for events which lead to a person going back in time to prevent a paradox. Think about the analogy written by Theron in his theory “WHH and the Cognitive Cure”. If you don’t preserve the events that lead you to time travel then there will be a paradox because you don’t get to the future to get to the past then you cannot get to the future... If you are cyling down that street in the analogy, you cannot pull out a gun shoot the guy who is going to send you back in time but you could shoot someone else that you might not have shot the first time you rode down the street. For example Anna Lucia getting shot by Michael does not affect the time loop she is not instrumental in Ben or Locke turning the wheel which is what started on of the loops.
What our Losties need to do next is to to ensure that ultimately WHH and ensure that there isn’t a paradox. They must ensure that events which lead up to them travelling back in time occur again. This includes Des becoming different of course so that next time the loop plays out it will happen again. It could be that having been exposed to the EM at the blast site will be enough to enable our Losties to do this or maybe the wheel needs to be turned. I don’t think it’s necessary for me to decide which at this point. Ultimately they will be sent to different time periods again like they did when Ben turned the wheel and sent them “off on one” in the first place. In doing so they will have the opportunity to course correct anything which might cause a paradox as a result of Des making things different. The reason I know they did this? Because WHH!
We are going to be seeing the reasons why the series of Lost played out like it did and why WH ultimately H for our Losties. When Sawyer couldn't go up to Kate and Clare while she was in labour it was because it never happened. This time they time skip they are going to cause things to happen that we already know about. Of course they cannot do anything they didn’t do the first time, they cannot influence things to happen a different way. They must to stick to what they know happened because they don’t know which event might have set a certain other sequence of events into existence. They don’t have future knowledge. There’s probably lots of examples we’ve seen but here’s just one. Imagine Sayid and Jack skip to a time just before Shannon gets shot. Sayid wants to save Shannon but WHH must prevail, so Jack and Sayid have an argument, it’s heard as whispers which is what causes Shannon to get shot in the first place, WHH.
The whispers sound like our Losties according to some theorists and I agree. They also sometimes sound like Christian’s voice and he has also had a time travel experience do what I am proposing the Losties are going to do(more to follow). Some of the whispers could just be the echos of previous loops but I think it’s more likely that they are people hidden avoiding trying to affect anything they shouldn’t. They also sound like Dharma personnel and I think they are as well (more to follow).
Lost Dbutz reminded me of a whole load of reasons why WHH and I agree that most of those events are showing that WHH because they always did and they always will happen because the Losties either don’t jump to a point in time where they could make a difference, they will not interfere or they will actually cause the events as we know them to have happened. Ben will became an Other as a result of being shot by Sayid, Ethan is alive only because of our Losties, yes because the Losties always went to the past, WHH. It also must have happened in other iterations almost exactly the same. The only things that have the potential of being changed are things which won’t bring on a time paradox. Things that don’t affect the people who are travelling through time from travelling though time in the first place. Someone theorised about the Hurley bird being one of our Losties playing a trick on the Hurley from the past, it probably was!
We know the Losties shouldn’t have left and that was course corrected by Hawking getting them to come back. It had to be that plane to get Frank to the island, he was always meant to have been there too. Faraday and Miles were not there a few iterations ago but they were in the last one because WHH. As Lost Dbutz quite rightly pointed out, “Faraday had that conversation with young Charlotte while she was eating chocolate. He said that he would not let it happen, but despite his efforts, he did it. While dying, Charlotte even recalled the detail of the chocolate bar that she was eating when they had their conversation.” So back to the idea of the spiral on my last decent theory. Is it actually a spiral where things changed in the last loop have an affect on the next. How many times has this been going on? Which time loop are we in again? The seasons 1-5 we have seen is one of the next loops after Des made some changes by allowing the Losties to leave the island. Since B! en said that they were never meant to leave. I need to say again about an idea based on quantum supposition first before I carry on.
So this idea of quantum supposition. I read a theory which said, “I bring you this, an excerpt from an essay written by Egan that I found at his website: ''In quantum mechanics, alternative ways for the same outcome to arise are said to 'interfere' with each other: the possibility of something happening can just as easily be diminished as increased by the fact that it can happen in different ways.'' Egan is referring (I think) to an aspect of something called ''quantum supposition,'' which deals with probability. This concept would seem to present some intriguing possibilities for Lost. If I'm understanding quantum probability correctly — and please, tell me if I'm not — then the more ways there are to achieve a singular outcome, the less likely that singular outcome will actually happen.” This was posted on Dark UFO “Doc Jensen on Episode 5.14 - The Variable”, Posted by DarkUFO at 4/24/2009 10:59:00 PM. The idea of ultimate possibilities changing the ultimate ou! tcome rings so true of Lost. When you consider that Dharma are studying the Valenzetti Equation, where the ultimate outcome is the destruction of the universe, it’s not hard to surmise that they could have looked into creating a time loop to try to change it using this theory of quantum supposition or something else that they could be experimenting on. What if they did do that and that’s the loop that our Losties are trapped in? Maybe there was an incident in 1985 where it went wrong (according to the blast door map). Could pressing the button every 108 minutes also have been a mini loop or a test run that Radzinsky was involved in? When the blast doors came down maybe they were isolated from the rest of the space time continuum and they were sent back in time every 108 minutes. This no longer happens every 108 minutes of course and pressing the buttons might not have even been necessary for the process. I wouldn’t be surprised if Hurley instructed Chang to do it like! that after he told him that they were from the future after C! hang had asked him who the president was (yeah that “Hurley recorded the numbers” theory that has been ridiculed is probably true). If they have conducted tests on rabbits then the next step would be a human test subject, hense the hatch. That was why they were being videoed to watch what happened to them. Could it have even sent Radzinski insane and make him want to blow his head off.
Anyway Dan comes back from Ann Arbour with information about what Dharma was doing. Say they are trying to make a change in the Valenzetti Equation using the theory of quantum supposition. Dan now knows what he must do he must either make a change or preserve the loop. If the theory of quantum supposition is true then as long as he keeps it going then the laws of physics will do the rest. So if this loop can be preserved then maybe an infinite number of possibilities could mean a difference when the loop is finished. If there is a spiral of time or lots of iterations of the time loop then these small things that are changing then in a sense time is still progressing even though it is being played over and over, a progression is occurring within the loop. We could see the loop progressing and how the next iteration is different enough to end where Ben chooses not to kill Jacob.
Let’s just have another look at the conversation that Dan had with Charlotte for a minute but from Dan’s perspective which makes me think that Dan knows he’s trapped in the loop. Dan says to Charlotte (when he speaks to her as a little girl sat on the swing) something like, “I know what I say never makes a difference here…but I’m going to try anyway…”. To me it’s the word “never” that stands out, like he knows he is caught in a loop which is being repeated and he knows he cannot save her.
So is Dan going to make a change or not? Any change he tries to do must be small enough to not be course corrected by our time travelling Losties who are being helped by Mrs Hawking. By telling Des to look up his Mother he might have provided himself with a test as well as his own constant. He would be doing it to see if he can make changes from loop to loop. The thing is that when does actually find Mrs Hawking he doesn’t actually achieve anything, “But I am helping, Dear!” What Dan has done again is ensure that WHH and Des will travel back in time and ensure that he has a constant if anything goes wrong so he doesn’t die of a brain aneurysm. If Des doesn’t try to find Mrs Hawking he will not go to Oxford and meet Dan in 1996. Thing is Dan is gonna die he doesn’t need a constant, but that’s by the by for now. Doing this is what he always did and it proves to himself that things appear in the diary. We’ve already been shown a lovely example of the compass and! you can argue ontological paradox if you must. Let’s say then that it’s a family tradition that a diary is given as a graduation present and a blank diary was given the first time round. Every time after that of course it is filled with info gathered from the last loop.
It sounds complicated but it’s not, it’s all there and it will just take a few key scenes for us to get it in the show. Like we see what’s written in the diary, the information which is now in the hands of Mrs Hawking. She doesn’t know what’s going to happen next after meeting Penny in the hospital because there’s no more information in the diary. She does, however know what she needs to do now. That is to go find Desmond who has just remembered his conversation with Dan from the hatch. That’s because Dan DID make a change in the loop and Des just remembering it in 2007 is proof. He just remembered it because that’s the end of the loop. (I still think it should have been 2004 that he remembered it but there must be something I’ve missed.)
So Dan’s plan is that Mrs Hawking needs to get Des to have another mind time travel experience. In my theory The Spiral I borrowed an analogy from Theron’s theory WHH and the Cognitive Cure. I’ll have another go this time and tell it another way. The idea is of the advantages of travelling back in time into your own body to relive a certain point in time with future knowledge. The analogy is of a bike accident and you break you leg. You are the taken to a doctor who while fixing your leg says he has a time machine and would you like to go back in time to before the accident to try to avoid it. So you do and you might tell your past self about the accident so that they can avoid it by going down a different street. You cannot do this of course because it will create a paradox. If you go back in time as yourself though you have an opportunity to make a change. As long as you don’t do anything to jeopardise the accident and WHH then it’ll be OK. I suggest that you mig! ht wear knee pads instead. Is course correction going to stop you wearing knee pads? Well you still have the accident which is what you are fated to do but in the future you’re better prepared and you’re legs are not as badly damaged. The difference could be irrelevant or very important depending on what happens when you leave the doctors’ surgery. So after you come out of the doctors surgery there’s a massive attack by zombies. In the first instance with a broken leg, you’re gonna get eaten for sure. If you wore the knee pads, however, you have a chance to haul ass out of there. In the case of our Losties they might be better prepared to fight the MIB and/or the MIW.
OK I’m going to change my mind a bit now. Instead of getting Des to have another mind time travel experience she could just adjust the one we’ve already seen. Hawking writes something in the diary so that Dan or she in the next loop will know what to do differently. Lets look at the conversation she has with Des in the ring shop. This time she speaks to him she says you cannot make a difference yourself when you go back (except you must save Charlie a few times) but here’s how you can help your friends on the island. She will tell Des that he needs to influence all of our Losties so that they make different decisions in their lives so that they are slightly different people by the time they get back to the foot of the statue where Ben has just killed Jacob. Can they make enough of a change to influence the way Ben is so he decides to not kill him? They will of course still be bound by WHH within the loop and so they cannot make a complete difference. Actually the analo! gy above isn’t really quite appropriate, you could still tell yourself to wear kneepads, you wouldn’t need to actually go back into your own past mind to do that…but I’m digressing…I got distracted by the zombies, hee hee. The thing is that Des has to be able to influence the Losties without them realising. He may be enlisting certain people around our Losties because if they meet Des and are suspicious then it might affect WHH and we cannot have that now can we.
When Dan is arranging for the bomb to be detonated I think he must be setting up the incident and ensuring that WHH to preserve the loop. He knows the loop must continue so that he can accomplish the real task which something else entirely. It looks on the surface that he’s telling Jack about variables to convince him that they can make a difference. He is and that does help convince Jack but the real reason he is talking about variables is in the sense of minds time travelling and the differences that one can achieve that won’t be course corrected or affect the loop. WHH except for Desmond.
At this point you could say this is too complicated and a whole load of fan fiction, if you’ve even read this far, but I have written it all to try to give a direction to it all. The thing is once you know that the Losties have to go skipping in time again, it is possible that blowing up the bomb will do something else. The only other thing I could see it doing is the reset theory and that wouldn’t allow the writers to explain to us what really went on in this time loop we have been watching, what people have been writing off as continuity errors or production errors. The reason it looks like that is that some of the scenes we’ve seen have been from different loops and it’s kinda been out of order.
It seems like the MIB and the MIW are playing a game where they are influencing the lives of the Losties while they are on the island but what if it was mainly MIB. I think he has been making all their hopes, fears and desires become reality. Locke’s ability to walk, Rose’s cancer, Charlie’s drug addiction, Hurley’s fear from causing an accident which makes him see Dave, etc etc. The MIB has been influencing people to find his loophole and pull a long con on the MIW/Jacob. Tempting them with these things to see who he could manipulate the most to help him outwit the MIW. The most success he had of course was with John but he ultimately manipulated Ben who actually killed Jacob. Perhaps that was the trick to con Jacob into thinking that he could use anyone and Jacob wouldn’t see it coming. To do this MIB would need to know how the players he was manipulating would react based on their past lives, handy that we saw all those flashbacks, eh? What if Dan’s plan is to! change the players in the game? If these people are different to what they were then the MIB will not be able to complete his long con. Alternatively it could be that he is able to changes the Losties in a way so that they will react in Jacob’s favour perhaps. They feel that he their saviour because their lives are better being on the island because he brought them there and they’ve found their salvation. If you think about it they are all better off on the island with each other, aren’t they.
There’s actually one thing I spotted in the show which I think might already be evidence of how Des will be able to make a difference. That is the scene where Jack and Des meet in a stadium while they are both running. They discuss a patient Jack is trying to save, his wife to be, Sarah. Dan says something very strange, he asks if Sarah could be saved would he consider that a miracle. What if he didn’t say that to him originally? In the show we are led to believe that it could be the miraculous recovery of Sarah that gives him faith enough to push the button when Locke asks him to do it. If Des hadn’t said that to him would Jack not continue to press the button? Would that make a difference in the loop or could it be that in Jack’s faith being changed affects something else. It just seemed too weird a thing for a stranger to say. Especially considering she was actually saved, as if fate came in to change things after Des said what he did to Jack.
I hope it’s not too long for ya. Namaste!