(No, this is not fan fiction, it really is a theory!)
Is the new Locke the MIB, the Smoke Monster? Are the aforementioned one in the same?
Before season 4, we were shown a video of Edgar Halliwax, as he is known in relation to the Orchid, in the Orchid station. This video, as I’m sure we all remember, was first shown at Comic Con 2007.
This theory does not reference the Orientation video from season 4 finale.
I have a difficult time believing that the Locke we were “introduced” to in the last few minutes of the season 5 finale is not John Locke and is the MIB or nemesis using his form. Do I think it’s the smoke monster? More on that later.
Using what we know about the Orchid station, the donkey wheel and the fact that nothing on Lost is as it seems, the “new” Locke is nothing more than the version of Locke that traveled to the island’s future.
Since the vault in the orchid station feeds off of the energy from the donkey wheel, it seems reasonable that when Locke turned the wheel, one version of him went to Tunisia, and another version stayed on the island but ended up in 2007 (after the plane crash) or anytime beyond.
Remember, in the Comic Con video, two #15 rabbits were created due to the unpredictability of the experiment. And the two were not to be kept near each other.
Since the island is the natural source of this phenomenon, perhaps it balances this by sending one version away and keeping one on the island.
So why aren’t their two Bens? Either due to the fact that he was not supposed to turn the wheel or due to the fact that he was in the wrong side of the wheel chamber. Another reason: the unpredictability of the circumstances.
We know what happened to the “old” Locke, but what happened to the version that stayed on the island? While in the future, Locke finally found Jacob and Richard. Maybe he caught them conspiring, maybe he met them at separate times. Were they still working together, or did they have a falling out? Locke forces them both to fess up and explain what is going on. Where do they come from? My guess is that they are both from the future. They are part of a small group that survives the end of mankind, which the Valenzetti Equation (http://lostpedia.wikia.com/wiki/Valenzetti_Equation) predicted. They decide to use the technology available in the future to travel back to the time when there could have been a way to stop the Valenzetti Equation from being true. Jacob, Richard and the nemesis are chosen to be the “explorers” and they first head back in time to pay a visit to the ancients. This traveling continues until they find the island, as directed by the Egyptians who at o! ne time were connected to the island.
By the time they pin point the location of the island in the 1800’s, the nemesis has had enough of trying to change the future and Richard Alpert decides to take an alternate route as well. With Jacob and his nemesis as the lone inhabitants of the island, Richard goes to England to find Magnus Hanso, a name he is familiar with from his studies of the fabled Dharma Initiative.
He befriends Hanso, gains his trust and ends up sailing on the Black Rock. In the end, he is reunited with Jacob and the nemesis when the boat goes off course and ends up at the island.
Jacob, Richard and the nemesis join forces despite their differences when the smoke monster destroys the crew of the Black Rock that start exploring the island. The smoke monster has already given Jacob and N the task of protectors of the island with specific responsibilities and abilities. It allows Richard to stay and lets Jacob decide what his gifts should be.
Fast forward, Jacob continues to “bring people to the island”, N continues to look for his loop hole and Richard stays the advisor to the island’s next leader. History continues and as time goes on it is clear that they, just as the 815ers were always part of the island’s history, were actually always responsible for the events that lead up to the destruction of humankind by traveling back and finding the island.
So, after learning all of this history, John Locke has a decision to make. He can side with Jacob or Richard. He can let things play out as they always will, or he can be the variable and make a change. Locke, ever the revolutionary, chooses to make a change. He plays along and gets Richard to tell him how he can safely travel back in time.
When is the best time to go back to? Based info about the return of the 316ers, he goes back to 2007, ends up in LA and starts following “old” John Locke around. He sees him visit Jack, Kate, etc and he eventually sees Ben kill him and goes to the funeral home and sees “old” Locke.
“New” Locke decides to head the 316ers off at the pass by going back to the island before they do and setting up his ruse. He dresses similarly to the Locke in the coffin and waits in the water for them to find him.
His plan is to kill Jacob, Richard and the nemesis and avert whatever the major event is that will take place in the series finale.
So the future that Locke travels to will never happen and the end result will not be what Jacob, Richard and the nemesis experienced when humanity came to and end, if Locke number 2 hadn’t been produced. This is the real reason that everything had to happen WHH style, that the island influenced Jack to call the freighter, Ben to turn the wheel instead of Locke, so that a group could end up in 1977 and carry out the incident, so that the version of Locke that was no longer needed could end up in Tunisia.
As Charlie said way back in season 1, John Locke really will save them all, meaning mankind as a whole.
What will the final, corrected major event be? I would say destroying the island or more specifically the smoke monster as they both no doubt are the center piece of the problem that would destroy mankind.
Anyway, feel free to critique!
Is the new Locke the MIB, the Smoke Monster? Are the aforementioned one in the same?
Before season 4, we were shown a video of Edgar Halliwax, as he is known in relation to the Orchid, in the Orchid station. This video, as I’m sure we all remember, was first shown at Comic Con 2007.
This theory does not reference the Orientation video from season 4 finale.
I have a difficult time believing that the Locke we were “introduced” to in the last few minutes of the season 5 finale is not John Locke and is the MIB or nemesis using his form. Do I think it’s the smoke monster? More on that later.
Using what we know about the Orchid station, the donkey wheel and the fact that nothing on Lost is as it seems, the “new” Locke is nothing more than the version of Locke that traveled to the island’s future.
Since the vault in the orchid station feeds off of the energy from the donkey wheel, it seems reasonable that when Locke turned the wheel, one version of him went to Tunisia, and another version stayed on the island but ended up in 2007 (after the plane crash) or anytime beyond.
Remember, in the Comic Con video, two #15 rabbits were created due to the unpredictability of the experiment. And the two were not to be kept near each other.
Since the island is the natural source of this phenomenon, perhaps it balances this by sending one version away and keeping one on the island.
So why aren’t their two Bens? Either due to the fact that he was not supposed to turn the wheel or due to the fact that he was in the wrong side of the wheel chamber. Another reason: the unpredictability of the circumstances.
We know what happened to the “old” Locke, but what happened to the version that stayed on the island? While in the future, Locke finally found Jacob and Richard. Maybe he caught them conspiring, maybe he met them at separate times. Were they still working together, or did they have a falling out? Locke forces them both to fess up and explain what is going on. Where do they come from? My guess is that they are both from the future. They are part of a small group that survives the end of mankind, which the Valenzetti Equation (http://lostpedia.wikia.com/wiki/Valenzetti_Equation) predicted. They decide to use the technology available in the future to travel back to the time when there could have been a way to stop the Valenzetti Equation from being true. Jacob, Richard and the nemesis are chosen to be the “explorers” and they first head back in time to pay a visit to the ancients. This traveling continues until they find the island, as directed by the Egyptians who at o! ne time were connected to the island.
By the time they pin point the location of the island in the 1800’s, the nemesis has had enough of trying to change the future and Richard Alpert decides to take an alternate route as well. With Jacob and his nemesis as the lone inhabitants of the island, Richard goes to England to find Magnus Hanso, a name he is familiar with from his studies of the fabled Dharma Initiative.
He befriends Hanso, gains his trust and ends up sailing on the Black Rock. In the end, he is reunited with Jacob and the nemesis when the boat goes off course and ends up at the island.
Jacob, Richard and the nemesis join forces despite their differences when the smoke monster destroys the crew of the Black Rock that start exploring the island. The smoke monster has already given Jacob and N the task of protectors of the island with specific responsibilities and abilities. It allows Richard to stay and lets Jacob decide what his gifts should be.
Fast forward, Jacob continues to “bring people to the island”, N continues to look for his loop hole and Richard stays the advisor to the island’s next leader. History continues and as time goes on it is clear that they, just as the 815ers were always part of the island’s history, were actually always responsible for the events that lead up to the destruction of humankind by traveling back and finding the island.
So, after learning all of this history, John Locke has a decision to make. He can side with Jacob or Richard. He can let things play out as they always will, or he can be the variable and make a change. Locke, ever the revolutionary, chooses to make a change. He plays along and gets Richard to tell him how he can safely travel back in time.
When is the best time to go back to? Based info about the return of the 316ers, he goes back to 2007, ends up in LA and starts following “old” John Locke around. He sees him visit Jack, Kate, etc and he eventually sees Ben kill him and goes to the funeral home and sees “old” Locke.
“New” Locke decides to head the 316ers off at the pass by going back to the island before they do and setting up his ruse. He dresses similarly to the Locke in the coffin and waits in the water for them to find him.
His plan is to kill Jacob, Richard and the nemesis and avert whatever the major event is that will take place in the series finale.
So the future that Locke travels to will never happen and the end result will not be what Jacob, Richard and the nemesis experienced when humanity came to and end, if Locke number 2 hadn’t been produced. This is the real reason that everything had to happen WHH style, that the island influenced Jack to call the freighter, Ben to turn the wheel instead of Locke, so that a group could end up in 1977 and carry out the incident, so that the version of Locke that was no longer needed could end up in Tunisia.
As Charlie said way back in season 1, John Locke really will save them all, meaning mankind as a whole.
What will the final, corrected major event be? I would say destroying the island or more specifically the smoke monster as they both no doubt are the center piece of the problem that would destroy mankind.
Anyway, feel free to critique!