Extending on the biblical reference theory by jbdean...
The Others seem to be Egyptian or something. The Israelis were freed from Egypt.
When Ben meets Jacob, he asks about Locke: "What is he? Moses?"
Alex once says Ben is dangerous. Ben thinks Jacob was in the cabin. Ben was being guided by whatever was in the cabin? Blackshirt was in the cabin possibly. When Locke shines light in there everything goes crazy because light and darkness don't go together.
If the biblical references are right, would anyone be surprised to see Jacob come back to life? I just don't understand the "they're coming", unless it's "Jacob's people" and Blackshirt (in Locke) fears that.
To me, the Blackshirt and Jacob scene made the biblical reference idea clear, with Blackshirt trying to find a loophole to kill Jacob. It was all part of Blackshirt's plan to kill Jacob. Ben was tricked. Jacob tells Ben he has a choice no matter what "Locke" told him. There's the idea of free will. Locke's grin over the burning Jacob is also suggestive of evil. "Locke" also wanted everyone to see Jacob die and establish his own leadership, questioning the authority of Jacob by saying they're following him blindly without even seeing him.
The Latin saying by Richard that what lies under the shadow of the statue is the one who will save/protect them also turns Jacob into a savior figure.
I don't know what to think about how Widmore ties into all this.
The Others seem to be Egyptian or something. The Israelis were freed from Egypt.
When Ben meets Jacob, he asks about Locke: "What is he? Moses?"
Alex once says Ben is dangerous. Ben thinks Jacob was in the cabin. Ben was being guided by whatever was in the cabin? Blackshirt was in the cabin possibly. When Locke shines light in there everything goes crazy because light and darkness don't go together.
If the biblical references are right, would anyone be surprised to see Jacob come back to life? I just don't understand the "they're coming", unless it's "Jacob's people" and Blackshirt (in Locke) fears that.
To me, the Blackshirt and Jacob scene made the biblical reference idea clear, with Blackshirt trying to find a loophole to kill Jacob. It was all part of Blackshirt's plan to kill Jacob. Ben was tricked. Jacob tells Ben he has a choice no matter what "Locke" told him. There's the idea of free will. Locke's grin over the burning Jacob is also suggestive of evil. "Locke" also wanted everyone to see Jacob die and establish his own leadership, questioning the authority of Jacob by saying they're following him blindly without even seeing him.
The Latin saying by Richard that what lies under the shadow of the statue is the one who will save/protect them also turns Jacob into a savior figure.
I don't know what to think about how Widmore ties into all this.