First of all, excuse my English because it’s not my natural language.
I’m not trying to beat anyone theory, but I want to make a bet with myself and trying to share what after a lot of thoughts I believe it’s a framework of what happens and most important what it’s going to happens in this exceptional series. This analysis have to be written from the top down, explaining first the big picture and then going into every frame trying to attach every pieces together.
I believe a lot of mysteries wouldn’t be explain after the end of the series, but there’s no way, the producers are going to end this show without explaining the real nature of Jacob and Essau (Gonna go whit Essau to put a name on the black shirt guy), we already know they are enemies (No friends said: I want to kill you), they referrers as humans as “they” meaning they are NO humans and we can assume that both have a least the same “powers”, Jacob believe mankind its in progress the other one believes the other way, they can see the future or at least travel in time (Jacob knows when Locke was going to fall) and Jacob attract the humans to the island so he can prove his point.
This it’s a game like the Backgammon Walt-Locke conversation in the pilot, 2 sides but I don’t think we can say one its totally good and one its totally evil, the “island” it’s their playground and they had being force to play the game for a very long time.
It’s clear to me that we are talking about aliens here (Yeah I know the producers say No aliens in the show, but they say the same about time travel…and dud!!!), and the “island” it’s a kind of Special ship (No Space Ship), it could move trough time and space, it can remember things, it can heal people, etc. There’s no way an “ordinary” island could move (In space and in time) because somebody move a donkey wheel, we can assume the aliens have the knowledge to heal, travel in time, and “posses” a body…if it would be a game between gods then the interaction with the mere humans would be insignificant to the whole history and WHH. Jacob and Essau represent one or two aliens civilizations, they have been send to earth to make a diagnostic of the human race, Jacob believe that time would bring “evolution” to men Essau believes not, Essau wants to end “their report” and believe that to do so he have to end with Jacob but not by killing him…instead! he needs some human do the job of killing Jacob human form, that would be the final point to “the report” and Jacob in its real essence wouldn’t have anything to argue about what could potentially be the end of mankind…this history its definitive not about the losties (Locke, Ben, Aaron or Desmond) this its about Jacob and Esssau, and our characters are just pieces...but wait, some of them are aliens too….
To get this trough your throat you have to understand that the series its unfolding at the same time the characters are understanding what it’s happening (Time travel, demi-gods?, faith, etc), that means it could be no surprise to assume that time travel its not going to be the stop for science fiction fact in this series.
That was the whole picture, now when we get into detail there’s a big role for our losties because they are responsible to put upside down BOTH aliens (Jacob and Essau) strategies in the end game.
WHH not anymore for season 6, the losties did something and that something did change things (The barracks are NOT the same, the transmission from the tower it’s all about numbers…Rosseau messages gone), and until the explosion of the H-Bomb it’s was all according to Essau plan, what it’s not in Essau plans it’s some of the “inconsistencies” of the O6 to go back to the island…more on that ahead.
One thing we all can be sure by now it’s that NOBODYS have seen Jacob never! (The losties did, but they don’t know it was Jacob) I believe Richard did once, he had an interaction (special touch) with Jacob during the “First” (maybe third or fourth) incident when the statue was tear down and for some reason Jacob have to hide in the food (Can’t wait for that flashback), Richard received from Jacob a message to deliver to anyone who ask about who’s under the shadow of the statue(Ileana) and he was punish or granted by Jacob with immortality until he actually received the real leader chosen by Jacob (Sorry guys it’s not Locke) or he’s real time or purpose for leaving actually took place (Take in consideration that I don’t said dying), he have no more interaction with Jacob after that, and all that he has its time (A lot), faith and patience to wait and end his job, that’s why he have to made up some rules about Jacobs wishes…bringing Ben to the temple beca! use he believes he was special and telling Locke he was the one because somebody said he has, and most important giving orders to Ben in the “behalf” of Jacob…Richard haven’t travel thought time, he’s clueless about what’s going to happens, he is waiting for his successor or somebody that let him be free…Richard was fooled by Locke 2.0 and in season 6 he would try to help in fixing what happens, not only because he believes in Jacob side, instead because he wants to break the curse that it’s on him.
For some reason we would see in season 6, Jacob expend more time outside the island than in the island between at least 1950 and 2007 even if he’s home it’s the food in the shadow of the statue, I believe he can’t see all that’s happening in the island during that time, there’s no way he can see a purge, stealing Childs, killing people, etc all of those things be done in his name and still be the good guy. He plays he’s game (This time) outside the island because during the “first” incident in which Essau was trap in the cabin he was trap in the foot…Essau escape because the help of Widmore – That’s why Brams team its part of Jacobs team, he try to convince Mile to not go and help Widmore team - (This part its someone else theory) and since then he have been fooling Richard, Locke and Ben speaking in behalf of Jacob.
Jacob just could communicate to the island trough Walt (I guess we would see him again in season 6) or Locke, that’s why Locke hears Jacob on the cabin, he sees Walt on the pit and leaves he’s wheelchair, because when Jacob revive him (No just touch him), part of Jacob was in Locke, when Essau implied trough Christian Sheppard 2.0 that Locke have to leave the island and die it was so Jacob scents in Locke would disappear and Essau could them take Locke body (2 Lockes body, well that’s one hard I haven’t find out…jet)…the point it’s that the island have been all about Essau all this time around (At least 2004 and actual 2007 time) and Jacob time has have come to confront he’s nemesis trough the candidate, this could explain why during all this 5 seasons we just see the island will (Essau) and the characters actions in all the important decisions (imploding the hatch, moving the island, killing people, etc)…Because Jacob wasn’t there…he just can see the ! bad things Ben do outside the island and that’s why he confront him that way….Remember Jacobs its no a god, he can made mistakes as an alien.
What’s the role of our main character them? Well I believe the 1977 group would not come back to actual time, I repeat: the losties did something and that something did change things…And that was because of the inconsistency bring up by Hawking, they where suppose to be back in 1977 but not all of them did (Sun), and the actions of one of them (Of course Jack) just change everything in the moment he decides to conclude Faraday plan of detonating the H-Bomb…The losties put another time line with some changes, Dharma when away and maybe Rosseau never made it to the island to change the transmission. Indeed some things still the same, like Ben been an ex-leader of the others, Locke and some Losties crash/land on the island…but wait, I said “some” Losties…meaning some of them did not…why? Because they where touch by Jacob, and that cause that Essau Plan to get WHH when the Losties “land” in 1977 go south.
Definitively the show couldn’t live up with just Sun and Ben in season 6…Richard said he saw all 1977 losties die the day after he met them…well that means they don’t die in the bomb explosion (Because that happens the same day)…they die the day after the explosion in front of the others, the 1977 Losties haven’t received his time to leave jet…just like Richard they become ageless waiting for their time…They are part of the group that still on the temple…growing wise, ageless, but like Richard just clueless of his job on the war that’s going to happen in the war that’s going to took place in 2007, which side to take white Locke or black Locke…we would see jack, Hugo, Jin, etc in their same body but with 30 more years of knowledge. Desmond will also play an important role of how Widmore, Aaron and Walt? Make their way back to the island…and Island that its not the same, because the it change the way Sun and Jin would remember it in the 2004 flight 81! 5 crash scenario…that part make Jin Yeon as important as Aaron, a baby conceive in the island during a missing timeline.
And like another theory I see around, I believe they all (Ben, Losties 77 edition, Richard, Widmore, etc) have see their dead once they get one way or the other into the temple…that why Ben lost his innocence when as a little child he was enter by Richard and that’s why Widmore knows Ben can’t kill him and vice versa, that’s not the way they know the die…Paying the dues of all of them will be this season 6…and they have to decide which side to support.
Sure we are going to see some surprise and twits all the way trough season 6: What would happen to Ben, he is no side with widmore and Widmore its with Essau, John Locke its dead? I think like Jack said, don’t give up on Locke…he’ll be back (I hope, like a lot of people believe I think he is one of the most amazing characters ever in any series!), Lapidus Candidate? Claire? Etc…but most important they are some characters as Mile, Walt, etc that are definitive Aliens...They have powers that go beyond humanity and their presence on the island, somehow they where conceive by humans but had been chosen or affected by the aliens, that’s why Bram ask Miles if he knows this 3 questions: What you are? Why you have those powers? Do you know about your father? Do you know about what lies in the shadow of the statue?
The series finale conclusion it’s that this game ends, but not once for all…we see more progress for the human being…sacrifice and kindness…but the ball game will continue to be played by the next generation of progress (The Brady bunch: Aaron, Walt, Yi Jeon, Desmond Jr…etc)…and I’m sure that we have seen a flash forward in the season 5 finale….Ileana was approach by Jacob after all of season 6 events (That’s why she’s on all burn up), the favor he ask (at first he’s not sure if she’s will accept him) would be connected to the subsequent game with the Brady bunch…and she would be Richards substitute in immortality until her mission its over….Kaboom!
I’m not trying to beat anyone theory, but I want to make a bet with myself and trying to share what after a lot of thoughts I believe it’s a framework of what happens and most important what it’s going to happens in this exceptional series. This analysis have to be written from the top down, explaining first the big picture and then going into every frame trying to attach every pieces together.
I believe a lot of mysteries wouldn’t be explain after the end of the series, but there’s no way, the producers are going to end this show without explaining the real nature of Jacob and Essau (Gonna go whit Essau to put a name on the black shirt guy), we already know they are enemies (No friends said: I want to kill you), they referrers as humans as “they” meaning they are NO humans and we can assume that both have a least the same “powers”, Jacob believe mankind its in progress the other one believes the other way, they can see the future or at least travel in time (Jacob knows when Locke was going to fall) and Jacob attract the humans to the island so he can prove his point.
This it’s a game like the Backgammon Walt-Locke conversation in the pilot, 2 sides but I don’t think we can say one its totally good and one its totally evil, the “island” it’s their playground and they had being force to play the game for a very long time.
It’s clear to me that we are talking about aliens here (Yeah I know the producers say No aliens in the show, but they say the same about time travel…and dud!!!), and the “island” it’s a kind of Special ship (No Space Ship), it could move trough time and space, it can remember things, it can heal people, etc. There’s no way an “ordinary” island could move (In space and in time) because somebody move a donkey wheel, we can assume the aliens have the knowledge to heal, travel in time, and “posses” a body…if it would be a game between gods then the interaction with the mere humans would be insignificant to the whole history and WHH. Jacob and Essau represent one or two aliens civilizations, they have been send to earth to make a diagnostic of the human race, Jacob believe that time would bring “evolution” to men Essau believes not, Essau wants to end “their report” and believe that to do so he have to end with Jacob but not by killing him…instead! he needs some human do the job of killing Jacob human form, that would be the final point to “the report” and Jacob in its real essence wouldn’t have anything to argue about what could potentially be the end of mankind…this history its definitive not about the losties (Locke, Ben, Aaron or Desmond) this its about Jacob and Esssau, and our characters are just pieces...but wait, some of them are aliens too….
To get this trough your throat you have to understand that the series its unfolding at the same time the characters are understanding what it’s happening (Time travel, demi-gods?, faith, etc), that means it could be no surprise to assume that time travel its not going to be the stop for science fiction fact in this series.
That was the whole picture, now when we get into detail there’s a big role for our losties because they are responsible to put upside down BOTH aliens (Jacob and Essau) strategies in the end game.
WHH not anymore for season 6, the losties did something and that something did change things (The barracks are NOT the same, the transmission from the tower it’s all about numbers…Rosseau messages gone), and until the explosion of the H-Bomb it’s was all according to Essau plan, what it’s not in Essau plans it’s some of the “inconsistencies” of the O6 to go back to the island…more on that ahead.
One thing we all can be sure by now it’s that NOBODYS have seen Jacob never! (The losties did, but they don’t know it was Jacob) I believe Richard did once, he had an interaction (special touch) with Jacob during the “First” (maybe third or fourth) incident when the statue was tear down and for some reason Jacob have to hide in the food (Can’t wait for that flashback), Richard received from Jacob a message to deliver to anyone who ask about who’s under the shadow of the statue(Ileana) and he was punish or granted by Jacob with immortality until he actually received the real leader chosen by Jacob (Sorry guys it’s not Locke) or he’s real time or purpose for leaving actually took place (Take in consideration that I don’t said dying), he have no more interaction with Jacob after that, and all that he has its time (A lot), faith and patience to wait and end his job, that’s why he have to made up some rules about Jacobs wishes…bringing Ben to the temple beca! use he believes he was special and telling Locke he was the one because somebody said he has, and most important giving orders to Ben in the “behalf” of Jacob…Richard haven’t travel thought time, he’s clueless about what’s going to happens, he is waiting for his successor or somebody that let him be free…Richard was fooled by Locke 2.0 and in season 6 he would try to help in fixing what happens, not only because he believes in Jacob side, instead because he wants to break the curse that it’s on him.
For some reason we would see in season 6, Jacob expend more time outside the island than in the island between at least 1950 and 2007 even if he’s home it’s the food in the shadow of the statue, I believe he can’t see all that’s happening in the island during that time, there’s no way he can see a purge, stealing Childs, killing people, etc all of those things be done in his name and still be the good guy. He plays he’s game (This time) outside the island because during the “first” incident in which Essau was trap in the cabin he was trap in the foot…Essau escape because the help of Widmore – That’s why Brams team its part of Jacobs team, he try to convince Mile to not go and help Widmore team - (This part its someone else theory) and since then he have been fooling Richard, Locke and Ben speaking in behalf of Jacob.
Jacob just could communicate to the island trough Walt (I guess we would see him again in season 6) or Locke, that’s why Locke hears Jacob on the cabin, he sees Walt on the pit and leaves he’s wheelchair, because when Jacob revive him (No just touch him), part of Jacob was in Locke, when Essau implied trough Christian Sheppard 2.0 that Locke have to leave the island and die it was so Jacob scents in Locke would disappear and Essau could them take Locke body (2 Lockes body, well that’s one hard I haven’t find out…jet)…the point it’s that the island have been all about Essau all this time around (At least 2004 and actual 2007 time) and Jacob time has have come to confront he’s nemesis trough the candidate, this could explain why during all this 5 seasons we just see the island will (Essau) and the characters actions in all the important decisions (imploding the hatch, moving the island, killing people, etc)…Because Jacob wasn’t there…he just can see the ! bad things Ben do outside the island and that’s why he confront him that way….Remember Jacobs its no a god, he can made mistakes as an alien.
What’s the role of our main character them? Well I believe the 1977 group would not come back to actual time, I repeat: the losties did something and that something did change things…And that was because of the inconsistency bring up by Hawking, they where suppose to be back in 1977 but not all of them did (Sun), and the actions of one of them (Of course Jack) just change everything in the moment he decides to conclude Faraday plan of detonating the H-Bomb…The losties put another time line with some changes, Dharma when away and maybe Rosseau never made it to the island to change the transmission. Indeed some things still the same, like Ben been an ex-leader of the others, Locke and some Losties crash/land on the island…but wait, I said “some” Losties…meaning some of them did not…why? Because they where touch by Jacob, and that cause that Essau Plan to get WHH when the Losties “land” in 1977 go south.
Definitively the show couldn’t live up with just Sun and Ben in season 6…Richard said he saw all 1977 losties die the day after he met them…well that means they don’t die in the bomb explosion (Because that happens the same day)…they die the day after the explosion in front of the others, the 1977 Losties haven’t received his time to leave jet…just like Richard they become ageless waiting for their time…They are part of the group that still on the temple…growing wise, ageless, but like Richard just clueless of his job on the war that’s going to happen in the war that’s going to took place in 2007, which side to take white Locke or black Locke…we would see jack, Hugo, Jin, etc in their same body but with 30 more years of knowledge. Desmond will also play an important role of how Widmore, Aaron and Walt? Make their way back to the island…and Island that its not the same, because the it change the way Sun and Jin would remember it in the 2004 flight 81! 5 crash scenario…that part make Jin Yeon as important as Aaron, a baby conceive in the island during a missing timeline.
And like another theory I see around, I believe they all (Ben, Losties 77 edition, Richard, Widmore, etc) have see their dead once they get one way or the other into the temple…that why Ben lost his innocence when as a little child he was enter by Richard and that’s why Widmore knows Ben can’t kill him and vice versa, that’s not the way they know the die…Paying the dues of all of them will be this season 6…and they have to decide which side to support.
Sure we are going to see some surprise and twits all the way trough season 6: What would happen to Ben, he is no side with widmore and Widmore its with Essau, John Locke its dead? I think like Jack said, don’t give up on Locke…he’ll be back (I hope, like a lot of people believe I think he is one of the most amazing characters ever in any series!), Lapidus Candidate? Claire? Etc…but most important they are some characters as Mile, Walt, etc that are definitive Aliens...They have powers that go beyond humanity and their presence on the island, somehow they where conceive by humans but had been chosen or affected by the aliens, that’s why Bram ask Miles if he knows this 3 questions: What you are? Why you have those powers? Do you know about your father? Do you know about what lies in the shadow of the statue?
The series finale conclusion it’s that this game ends, but not once for all…we see more progress for the human being…sacrifice and kindness…but the ball game will continue to be played by the next generation of progress (The Brady bunch: Aaron, Walt, Yi Jeon, Desmond Jr…etc)…and I’m sure that we have seen a flash forward in the season 5 finale….Ileana was approach by Jacob after all of season 6 events (That’s why she’s on all burn up), the favor he ask (at first he’s not sure if she’s will accept him) would be connected to the subsequent game with the Brady bunch…and she would be Richards substitute in immortality until her mission its over….Kaboom!