When 815 lands, I believe Jacob’s touch (from back when john was pushed out the window) is what was responsible for him being healed and able to walk. I also believe in the instances that his ability to walk was taken away, that was the Adversary making a counter move to set John down a certain path. More on this thought later. I think once the Adversary sees John out in the jungle, he scans John, and he FINDS something within him. Here is a man who was easily taken advantage of, to the point he as almost murdered. Does the Adversary see this memory and realize Jacob healed him? Does this make him decide to take John and try to bring him to the hole in order to do whatever he did to Rousseau’s team? Whatever the reasoning, Jack is able to save him, and his plan, FOR THIS MOMENT, is foiled. Just like Chess/Backgammon, he must regroup and plan anew.
After saving John Jack and the others head back to camp, and there are many events that go down from this point forward. The radio and the message, Rousseau and Sayid meeting, The Black Rock and Artz getting blown to bit etc…I want to focus on a few things I think are rather important though…I believe that John was “possessed” by the smoke monster, who I believe is the Adversary in another form. Shortly after these events…Claire has a dream.
I want to take a moment to backtrack: when explaining backgammon to walt, john tells him several things:
1. A secret: That he was crippled before getting on the island? I subscribe to this idea.
2. A brief history of Back Gammon. There are many complex rules and strategies, I want to focus on just a few that I found particularly interesting.
a. "Duplication" refers to the placement of checkers such that one's opponent needs the same dice rolls to achieve different goals.
b. "Priming Game" involves building a wall of checkers, called a prime, covering a number of consecutive points. This obstructs opposing checkers that are behind the prime. A checker trapped behind a six-point prime cannot escape until the prime is broken. A particularly successful priming effort may lead to a "blitz", which is a strategy of covering the entire home board as quickly as possible while keeping one's opponent on the bar. Because the opponent has difficulty re-entering from the bar or escaping, a player can quickly gain a running advantage and win the game, often with a gammon.
3. At this time, John holds up the dark piece by his left eye, the light one up by his right eye
http://www.screencaps.org/SciFi/Lost/Se ... 1E2131.jpg
So back to Claire. She is in the caves, sleeping, she has a dream where Locke is at a table w/ tarot cards. Locke tells her Aaron was her responsibility, but she gave him away and now everyone must pay the price. When he looks up, his LEFT EYE is blacked out, and his RIGHT EYE is normal still, but it is covered in shadows.
So is this Jacob somehow warning Claire that Locke is not all that he seems to be? That he MAY pose a danger to her baby? I believe so…Claire then finds a crib (same one that the others had w/ plane mobile) which is something Locke made for her, Then she sees a flash of the knife and wakes up screaming her head off with bloody palms.
So why does the backgammon conversation and Claire’s dream matter? Well for one, the juxtaposition by the writers is foreshadowing the future in season 5 when John is ACTUALLY a replica disguise of the man in black! If you click this link, you see them paying homage to season 1 by very well placed lighting/shading to convey this idea. http://getlostpodcast.iimmgg.com/ima...d807689ed56511
1. Jacob's touch is what allowed john to come back to life, and POSSIBLY be healed on the island...however, MIB/SM is the 'island' that is always telling john things in se1 because I believe the Adversary’s conscience was giving suggestions like drugging Boone, thinking the Hatch was so important to HIS destiny, while it was just a plan given to him, the idea that the other 815ers AREN’T supposed to leave, and also the fact that he would need to die in order to bring the O6 back to the island.
2. I also believe the Adversary is the 'Jacob' Widmore WAS following (again, knowingly), and Ben and perhaps even Richard THINK they are following. Ben has come to the cabin before...but never the statue. I am of the mindset Richard knowingly allowed the Adversary to ‘control the others’ at Jacobs request.
3. It is obvious to me that this (convincing John down a certain path or destiny) is a 'long con' of the Adversary but did Jacob have HIS OWN CON in place? Ii think he is 'playing Aslan' in the idea that he has a 'deeper magic' that will allow him to come back (perhaps touching the 06 is integral to that plan, as I believe he gave a piece of himself for ‘protection’) for the record, I think ‘magic’ is the ability given by being born or conceived on the island. An idea I heard that I think is on to something is that Jacob and Adversary both represent the EME anomalies under the Orchid and the Swan, so they could be something other than human, but I am assuming they both are SUPER human, but human nonetheless.
4. What lies in the shadow of the statue? HE WHO WILL SAVE/PROTECT US ALL!
after that was said, who's body is dumped into the sand IN AN AREA THAT WILL BE IN SHADOW? John Locke!
5. I believe that JOHN was supposed to go back into the DI and drop the bomb into the EME anomaly. This was JACOB’S intent, and this is why he brought him back to life, because John would have the FAITH to do so when the time came. He would make the correct CHOICE. The loophole of the Adversary wasn’t just getting someone (perhaps the leader) from the others to kill Jacob; it was also an attempt to eliminate the ‘gambit’ or strategy Jacob has planned by convincing Locke to stay on the island by influencing his thoughts so Locke would think THE ISLAND was speaking to him!
John was ‘duplicated’ Literally and in a strategic manner!
“placement of checkers is such that one's opponent needs the same dice rolls to achieve different goals.”So basically, The Adversary need to ‘role a certain number’ or, for this analogy, have certain events happen so he could eventually doppelganger John Locke and ‘take his place’ as leader of the others…when Jacob had intended him to lead the left be-hinders in the DI and through the incident. The idea of WHH is because w/o events happening in JUST THE RIGHT way John wouldn’t have gone down the well. If he and the others had for instance, not bumped into Jin at just the right time, John wouldn’t have seen the well, and wouldn’t have attempted to go down it.
If Jin hadn’t stopped him for a brief couple of minutes to tell him not to bring sun back and give him his wedding ring, John may have made it down the well w/o holding on to the rope, which means the rope WOUDLN’T have stayed in the ground after the flash since he and sawyer wouldn’t be holding it, which means the well would never have been dug in the first place for him to go down…this is why WHH is so important in season 5. I believe circular paradoxes, or loops, needed to be created many times over in order to make a ‘hole’ for the Adversary to find. (The compass, the well/rope, the incident etc).
At this point, there is a stalemate. John is out of the game and won’t be traveling back to the Dharma days w/ Sawyer and the others as Jacob intended – remember, John was told in a vision (cabin fever) to FIND HORACE in order to find Jacob. Yes, Horace was in the DI mass grave, but I think this was meant to be taken LITERALLY. Instead, John takes it another way and finds the DEAD BODY of Horace, which happens to have a map to the cabin. This was the Adversary’s counter move to the vision sent by Jacob. He is now free to plant the idea that Christian speaks for Jacob, and also that John needs to move the island.
The adversary makes his trap move and in the form of Christian tells John ‘you have to die’ not, SHOULD, or MAY NEED…HAVE TO. There is NO CHOICE; this is why I believe he is the Adversary. I also believe he was telling the truth when he said ‘I speak for Jacob’. Again, if Widmore knowingly ‘transferred’ power to the Adversary, then it would make sense he speaks for Jacob, even if no body else knows that is the case (except Jacob of course).
‘The Priming Game’ Was the Freighter and Keamy and his men!
• involves building a wall of checkers, called a prime, covering a number of consecutive points. This obstructs opposing checkers that are behind the prime.
o The mercenaries and science team were the prime.
• A checker trapped behind a six-point prime cannot escape until the prime is broken.
o Ben broke the prime by calling the Smoke Monster and it came into the camp killing many of the mercenaries, breaking the ‘block/prime’ that Widmore had sent, via the Adversary. Why would he break his own prime? Because it allowed Ben to make a move he thought was on behalf of Jacob, but was really on the Adversary’s behalf still...not exactly a counter move, more of a loophole to another loophole.
• A particularly successful priming effort may lead to a "blitz", which is a strategy of covering the entire home board as quickly as possible while keeping one's opponent on the bar.
o Ben’s ‘blitz’ was evidence of taking over the chopper and killing the mercenaries (covering the home board) He then goes to move the island in the orchid (keep the opponents ‘on the bar’ or unable to make another move)
So where does this leave us for se6? i am of the mindset that Locke will be brought to life by Jacob, once the o6 flash back to the present era and all those whom Jacob touched are reunited. I believe Jacob will then actually have control/ take over/ co-reside in the body of John Locke. The war will be between the real locke, and the imposter; proxies of Jacob and The Adversary.
Also - another way to go is Jack died during the incident from the metal tool box (saw this on here as well, unsure who, sorry!) and jacob will actually take over his body and we will have a war between jack and john; proxies of the same however.
im not really CERTAIN what will happen, of course, but i would like to see the REAL JL come back...so here is hoping! Thanks for reading my way to long thoughts. scary thing is a have MUCH MORE but i trimmed this down best i could.
please comment on this expanded idea! im really excited about these connection, but you know how lost can be, you sometimes dont see the forest for the trees while formulating an idea.
thanks for reading!
After saving John Jack and the others head back to camp, and there are many events that go down from this point forward. The radio and the message, Rousseau and Sayid meeting, The Black Rock and Artz getting blown to bit etc…I want to focus on a few things I think are rather important though…I believe that John was “possessed” by the smoke monster, who I believe is the Adversary in another form. Shortly after these events…Claire has a dream.
I want to take a moment to backtrack: when explaining backgammon to walt, john tells him several things:
1. A secret: That he was crippled before getting on the island? I subscribe to this idea.
2. A brief history of Back Gammon. There are many complex rules and strategies, I want to focus on just a few that I found particularly interesting.
a. "Duplication" refers to the placement of checkers such that one's opponent needs the same dice rolls to achieve different goals.
b. "Priming Game" involves building a wall of checkers, called a prime, covering a number of consecutive points. This obstructs opposing checkers that are behind the prime. A checker trapped behind a six-point prime cannot escape until the prime is broken. A particularly successful priming effort may lead to a "blitz", which is a strategy of covering the entire home board as quickly as possible while keeping one's opponent on the bar. Because the opponent has difficulty re-entering from the bar or escaping, a player can quickly gain a running advantage and win the game, often with a gammon.
3. At this time, John holds up the dark piece by his left eye, the light one up by his right eye
http://www.screencaps.org/SciFi/Lost/Se ... 1E2131.jpg
So back to Claire. She is in the caves, sleeping, she has a dream where Locke is at a table w/ tarot cards. Locke tells her Aaron was her responsibility, but she gave him away and now everyone must pay the price. When he looks up, his LEFT EYE is blacked out, and his RIGHT EYE is normal still, but it is covered in shadows.
So is this Jacob somehow warning Claire that Locke is not all that he seems to be? That he MAY pose a danger to her baby? I believe so…Claire then finds a crib (same one that the others had w/ plane mobile) which is something Locke made for her, Then she sees a flash of the knife and wakes up screaming her head off with bloody palms.
So why does the backgammon conversation and Claire’s dream matter? Well for one, the juxtaposition by the writers is foreshadowing the future in season 5 when John is ACTUALLY a replica disguise of the man in black! If you click this link, you see them paying homage to season 1 by very well placed lighting/shading to convey this idea. http://getlostpodcast.iimmgg.com/ima...d807689ed56511
1. Jacob's touch is what allowed john to come back to life, and POSSIBLY be healed on the island...however, MIB/SM is the 'island' that is always telling john things in se1 because I believe the Adversary’s conscience was giving suggestions like drugging Boone, thinking the Hatch was so important to HIS destiny, while it was just a plan given to him, the idea that the other 815ers AREN’T supposed to leave, and also the fact that he would need to die in order to bring the O6 back to the island.
2. I also believe the Adversary is the 'Jacob' Widmore WAS following (again, knowingly), and Ben and perhaps even Richard THINK they are following. Ben has come to the cabin before...but never the statue. I am of the mindset Richard knowingly allowed the Adversary to ‘control the others’ at Jacobs request.
3. It is obvious to me that this (convincing John down a certain path or destiny) is a 'long con' of the Adversary but did Jacob have HIS OWN CON in place? Ii think he is 'playing Aslan' in the idea that he has a 'deeper magic' that will allow him to come back (perhaps touching the 06 is integral to that plan, as I believe he gave a piece of himself for ‘protection’) for the record, I think ‘magic’ is the ability given by being born or conceived on the island. An idea I heard that I think is on to something is that Jacob and Adversary both represent the EME anomalies under the Orchid and the Swan, so they could be something other than human, but I am assuming they both are SUPER human, but human nonetheless.
4. What lies in the shadow of the statue? HE WHO WILL SAVE/PROTECT US ALL!
after that was said, who's body is dumped into the sand IN AN AREA THAT WILL BE IN SHADOW? John Locke!
5. I believe that JOHN was supposed to go back into the DI and drop the bomb into the EME anomaly. This was JACOB’S intent, and this is why he brought him back to life, because John would have the FAITH to do so when the time came. He would make the correct CHOICE. The loophole of the Adversary wasn’t just getting someone (perhaps the leader) from the others to kill Jacob; it was also an attempt to eliminate the ‘gambit’ or strategy Jacob has planned by convincing Locke to stay on the island by influencing his thoughts so Locke would think THE ISLAND was speaking to him!
John was ‘duplicated’ Literally and in a strategic manner!
“placement of checkers is such that one's opponent needs the same dice rolls to achieve different goals.”So basically, The Adversary need to ‘role a certain number’ or, for this analogy, have certain events happen so he could eventually doppelganger John Locke and ‘take his place’ as leader of the others…when Jacob had intended him to lead the left be-hinders in the DI and through the incident. The idea of WHH is because w/o events happening in JUST THE RIGHT way John wouldn’t have gone down the well. If he and the others had for instance, not bumped into Jin at just the right time, John wouldn’t have seen the well, and wouldn’t have attempted to go down it.
If Jin hadn’t stopped him for a brief couple of minutes to tell him not to bring sun back and give him his wedding ring, John may have made it down the well w/o holding on to the rope, which means the rope WOUDLN’T have stayed in the ground after the flash since he and sawyer wouldn’t be holding it, which means the well would never have been dug in the first place for him to go down…this is why WHH is so important in season 5. I believe circular paradoxes, or loops, needed to be created many times over in order to make a ‘hole’ for the Adversary to find. (The compass, the well/rope, the incident etc).
At this point, there is a stalemate. John is out of the game and won’t be traveling back to the Dharma days w/ Sawyer and the others as Jacob intended – remember, John was told in a vision (cabin fever) to FIND HORACE in order to find Jacob. Yes, Horace was in the DI mass grave, but I think this was meant to be taken LITERALLY. Instead, John takes it another way and finds the DEAD BODY of Horace, which happens to have a map to the cabin. This was the Adversary’s counter move to the vision sent by Jacob. He is now free to plant the idea that Christian speaks for Jacob, and also that John needs to move the island.
The adversary makes his trap move and in the form of Christian tells John ‘you have to die’ not, SHOULD, or MAY NEED…HAVE TO. There is NO CHOICE; this is why I believe he is the Adversary. I also believe he was telling the truth when he said ‘I speak for Jacob’. Again, if Widmore knowingly ‘transferred’ power to the Adversary, then it would make sense he speaks for Jacob, even if no body else knows that is the case (except Jacob of course).
‘The Priming Game’ Was the Freighter and Keamy and his men!
• involves building a wall of checkers, called a prime, covering a number of consecutive points. This obstructs opposing checkers that are behind the prime.
o The mercenaries and science team were the prime.
• A checker trapped behind a six-point prime cannot escape until the prime is broken.
o Ben broke the prime by calling the Smoke Monster and it came into the camp killing many of the mercenaries, breaking the ‘block/prime’ that Widmore had sent, via the Adversary. Why would he break his own prime? Because it allowed Ben to make a move he thought was on behalf of Jacob, but was really on the Adversary’s behalf still...not exactly a counter move, more of a loophole to another loophole.
• A particularly successful priming effort may lead to a "blitz", which is a strategy of covering the entire home board as quickly as possible while keeping one's opponent on the bar.
o Ben’s ‘blitz’ was evidence of taking over the chopper and killing the mercenaries (covering the home board) He then goes to move the island in the orchid (keep the opponents ‘on the bar’ or unable to make another move)
So where does this leave us for se6? i am of the mindset that Locke will be brought to life by Jacob, once the o6 flash back to the present era and all those whom Jacob touched are reunited. I believe Jacob will then actually have control/ take over/ co-reside in the body of John Locke. The war will be between the real locke, and the imposter; proxies of Jacob and The Adversary.
Also - another way to go is Jack died during the incident from the metal tool box (saw this on here as well, unsure who, sorry!) and jacob will actually take over his body and we will have a war between jack and john; proxies of the same however.
im not really CERTAIN what will happen, of course, but i would like to see the REAL JL come back...so here is hoping! Thanks for reading my way to long thoughts. scary thing is a have MUCH MORE but i trimmed this down best i could.
please comment on this expanded idea! im really excited about these connection, but you know how lost can be, you sometimes dont see the forest for the trees while formulating an idea.
thanks for reading!