I've been watching past seasons of Lost on DVD and noticed something interesting.
In the S3 episode, The Man Behind the Curtain, Ben takes Locke to see "Jacob" for the first time. No one appears to be inside the cabin, but when Locke turns on his flashlight, everything goes crazy (this could have been a Ben trick, as Locke suggested). At one point, Ben goes to the seemingly empty chair that is rocking and says (at least this is what I've heard after repeated hearings): "Matthew, stop. You've had your fun." I can think of no other word than "Matthew" that fits there. If you can, please let me know.
Now, the only character that I've found in Lost with that name is Matthew Abbadon (he introduced himself to Hurley in the mental hospital as an Oceanic lawyer).
What if Ben knew that Jacob wasn't in that cabin all along, but he knew exactly who was using it? And what if that person is Abbadon--a surrogate for either Jacob or TMIB? Or a third party--like Abbadon or a physical manifestation of Smokey? The series has a fascination with 3s. I've long thought that both Ben and Charles Widmore are being "played" and pitted against one another by a third party.
Although Abbadon was who Ben expected in the cabin all along, I don't think it was Abbadon sitting in that chair and saying, "help me," to Locke. The profile looked a lot like Locke, but it also looked a lot like TMIB from the beach scene in the S5 finale.
I predict that we'll see Abbadon in S6 and find out exactly who he is/was and that he'll play an integral part in the war.
Please let me know what you think about this. Thanks.
In the S3 episode, The Man Behind the Curtain, Ben takes Locke to see "Jacob" for the first time. No one appears to be inside the cabin, but when Locke turns on his flashlight, everything goes crazy (this could have been a Ben trick, as Locke suggested). At one point, Ben goes to the seemingly empty chair that is rocking and says (at least this is what I've heard after repeated hearings): "Matthew, stop. You've had your fun." I can think of no other word than "Matthew" that fits there. If you can, please let me know.
Now, the only character that I've found in Lost with that name is Matthew Abbadon (he introduced himself to Hurley in the mental hospital as an Oceanic lawyer).
What if Ben knew that Jacob wasn't in that cabin all along, but he knew exactly who was using it? And what if that person is Abbadon--a surrogate for either Jacob or TMIB? Or a third party--like Abbadon or a physical manifestation of Smokey? The series has a fascination with 3s. I've long thought that both Ben and Charles Widmore are being "played" and pitted against one another by a third party.
Although Abbadon was who Ben expected in the cabin all along, I don't think it was Abbadon sitting in that chair and saying, "help me," to Locke. The profile looked a lot like Locke, but it also looked a lot like TMIB from the beach scene in the S5 finale.
I predict that we'll see Abbadon in S6 and find out exactly who he is/was and that he'll play an integral part in the war.
Please let me know what you think about this. Thanks.