Back in season 4, off Island, Alpert visiting 5y old Locke ;Richard must have found John Locke at least a little special, since he drew smokie as a child. He also chooses the sand and the knife, which ARE already his. If Alpert was looking for some sort of reincarnation, he was wrong. But the test results made perfect sense. Locke is gonna become locke, and he already knew it deep down inside him.
If you wanna go further on this road, you can also assume that it was the same knife who would later kill Jacob. But i don’t think so.We know Locke will become a knife collector several years later.
So what does this mean ?.Could he be a reincarnation ? Of Jacob, or Anti Jacob ? Or was he always possessed by the anti Jacob? Or has he some recollections of his future life (which happened in a past when he wasn’t even born ?Sounds like a stretch to me.
What are the rules of the test ? What was Richard expecting ? Was he looking for the spirit of Jacob ? the Book of laws seemed important, so he was looking for a Ruler.
And as it happened, we saw that Locke wasn’t much of a good leader. He was more like a dictator, and more reacting than thinking. He never had the chance to lead for more than 10 minutes before time shifting. But when he came back (as Anti Jacob), the position of leader was still opened.
That leads me to another important point that I don’t fully understand : Richard doesn’t seem to understand what happenend to Locke during those 3 years. « You just disappeared ». But he saw him do the same thing back in 1954, and he can’t put the pieces together ? Either Alpert is dumb, either he’s playing a role, or he has been fooled, but I don’t think so, because he seems to get orders directly from Jacob.
And how could Richard have been fooled by the Anti Jacob ? I think the answer to that question leaves in the shadow of the Temple. Who’s temple is it ? At this point, we can only speculate. I think the Temple is just for Smokey, and both of our semi-gods have access
Last point about Christian being anti Jacob : we don’t know when AJ took the body of Locke. Where was he when Lapidus and Sun talked to Christian ?If he was already in Locke’s body, then Christian is just Christian. I don’t think he can be both at the same time. Others theories mentionned the black and white shoes. This could explain why Christian sent Vincent to wake up Jack. I think a lot of this mess will be cleared when we’ll know more about the Shephard connection.
If you wanna go further on this road, you can also assume that it was the same knife who would later kill Jacob. But i don’t think so.We know Locke will become a knife collector several years later.
So what does this mean ?.Could he be a reincarnation ? Of Jacob, or Anti Jacob ? Or was he always possessed by the anti Jacob? Or has he some recollections of his future life (which happened in a past when he wasn’t even born ?Sounds like a stretch to me.
What are the rules of the test ? What was Richard expecting ? Was he looking for the spirit of Jacob ? the Book of laws seemed important, so he was looking for a Ruler.
And as it happened, we saw that Locke wasn’t much of a good leader. He was more like a dictator, and more reacting than thinking. He never had the chance to lead for more than 10 minutes before time shifting. But when he came back (as Anti Jacob), the position of leader was still opened.
That leads me to another important point that I don’t fully understand : Richard doesn’t seem to understand what happenend to Locke during those 3 years. « You just disappeared ». But he saw him do the same thing back in 1954, and he can’t put the pieces together ? Either Alpert is dumb, either he’s playing a role, or he has been fooled, but I don’t think so, because he seems to get orders directly from Jacob.
And how could Richard have been fooled by the Anti Jacob ? I think the answer to that question leaves in the shadow of the Temple. Who’s temple is it ? At this point, we can only speculate. I think the Temple is just for Smokey, and both of our semi-gods have access
Last point about Christian being anti Jacob : we don’t know when AJ took the body of Locke. Where was he when Lapidus and Sun talked to Christian ?If he was already in Locke’s body, then Christian is just Christian. I don’t think he can be both at the same time. Others theories mentionned the black and white shoes. This could explain why Christian sent Vincent to wake up Jack. I think a lot of this mess will be cleared when we’ll know more about the Shephard connection.