Lost is an adult version of Disney's Atlantis animated movie series
-1) Shepards Journal - versus Daniel's journal that contains all the information that they know and the blackrock journal which leads them to the island.
2) There is a group that survive a submarine crash that kills 200 people and about 5 main characters and a pet much like our core group of the O5'ers.
3) There is a loki (in NOrse lore it was the mistletoe that provided the loophole that allowed the Norse god to be killed).
4) The loki sets loose the balltle of two gods - one fire and one ice but both evil who battle for who will be the survivor when the use the energy of atlantis to c reate genesis again.
5) the island has special powers due to a secret energy held in stones/crystals.
6) there are smoke monsters in form of smoke coyotes that keep secret the knowledge that Atlantis provided to the outside world before its disappearance among them the knowledge of Egypt.
7) There is a union of men of faith and men of science who disagree with how to use the power of the crystals.
8) You can only reach the island by submarine or after the crystal is remvoed from under the island via a special elevator shaft.
9) there are whispers (not really explained in the movie thoughh or I didn't catch what they were)
10) the island chooses who it wants to be leader but they ahve to be of royal blood.
11) the sub has a hydra communication station
12) THe island is in decline from its original glory until helped by the ousside (similar to the Dharma villages and technology)
13) they have an eternal never aging character in the return movie but he forgot to ask for eternal youth so he is not a child but an older man.
14) The power source was hidden underneath the island temple chambers and had to be released to save the islanders.
-1) Shepards Journal - versus Daniel's journal that contains all the information that they know and the blackrock journal which leads them to the island.
2) There is a group that survive a submarine crash that kills 200 people and about 5 main characters and a pet much like our core group of the O5'ers.
3) There is a loki (in NOrse lore it was the mistletoe that provided the loophole that allowed the Norse god to be killed).
4) The loki sets loose the balltle of two gods - one fire and one ice but both evil who battle for who will be the survivor when the use the energy of atlantis to c reate genesis again.
5) the island has special powers due to a secret energy held in stones/crystals.
6) there are smoke monsters in form of smoke coyotes that keep secret the knowledge that Atlantis provided to the outside world before its disappearance among them the knowledge of Egypt.
7) There is a union of men of faith and men of science who disagree with how to use the power of the crystals.
8) You can only reach the island by submarine or after the crystal is remvoed from under the island via a special elevator shaft.
9) there are whispers (not really explained in the movie thoughh or I didn't catch what they were)
10) the island chooses who it wants to be leader but they ahve to be of royal blood.
11) the sub has a hydra communication station
12) THe island is in decline from its original glory until helped by the ousside (similar to the Dharma villages and technology)
13) they have an eternal never aging character in the return movie but he forgot to ask for eternal youth so he is not a child but an older man.
14) The power source was hidden underneath the island temple chambers and had to be released to save the islanders.