Ok... So I know there is lots of Therories on here on the Black and White good vs Evil....And it all seems very predictable that, that is what the writers want you to think. But did we ever really think that Jacob had a brother or whatever he is. And that he would take form of a dead persons body and kill Jacob???
So here is my Therory.....
Never judge a book by its cover. Never judge someone by what he/she wears. Judgement is something we all face everyday and fear. So why not look at some things that we are so easy to judge on the Jacob, and Black shirted dude.
Jacob catches a fish, cuts it up and eats it, he offers it to the other dude, and he says he already ate. At this point they seem friendly towards each other, and its not till the end of the conversation we learn Black Shirt Dude want Jacob dead. Jacob seems very smug about this. Almost cocky about it.
They knew in the beginning a ship was coming in
Jacob "I'm guessing your here cause of the ship"
Dude "I am, How'd they find the Island?"
Jacob "Guess you'll have to ask when they get here"
Dude "I don't have to ask, YOU brought them here. They come they fight, they corupt, they destroy... It always ends the same"
Jacob "You are wrong"
Dude" Am I"
Jacob "it only ends once anything before that is just progress"
Key YOU brought them here... I replayed this many times and he says YOU refering to Jacob. Why would Jacob want them here to Corupt and destroy the Island?
Black shirt dude, I think wants to save the Island. He probably dies in doing so to protect it. He thinks Like John Lock about the Island, and beleives in it and wants to save it from people on the outside world. This is why he wants Jacob dead, cause after he has fought for it so long, Jacob never steps up and defends it physically. He instead, hides away in the temple lonley and allows people to believe that He controls how the Island thinks when really, he just wants it to end. Like Jack. Why hide away in a temple and not fight for something, that YOU brought here. You brought it here to be destroyed and allow the black shirt dude to fight for it? Even when the losties show, at least Black shirt guy is still working on the Island to make things happen, to kill Jacob who does nothing to save it. Of course it makes him look bad or evil, but what is Jacob doing hiding away what good is that doing allowing it all to happen.
This also makes me think about John and Jack. Jack wanted to bring the people in the freighter there to be rescued, while Jack tried at all cost to prevent it knowing it would go bad. Jack left the Island when John told him to stay and fight for it, only in the end for Jack to come back, and John to die.
So why did'nt black shirt dude, just go in the temple and kill Jacob? I'm sure he had plenty of chances. This is why there is the Cabin surrounded by ash. Jacob also hid here, and made it known that the ash if crossed would cause a curse. Therefore since everyone think Jacob speak for the island they all believe it. Black shirt dude knows its a lie but still does'nt cross it knowing that is not how he will kill him.
I think in season 6 you will see Black shirt dude, fighting for the Island to preserve it, while Jacob stands back and does nothing. Black shirt dude is looking for the loophole to kill Jacob so he can save the Island from Jacob bringing people there to corupt it. Is that so evil??? He fights for his land his home, while Jacob cowardly hides away.... and remember Jacob brought them there.
So here is my Therory.....
Never judge a book by its cover. Never judge someone by what he/she wears. Judgement is something we all face everyday and fear. So why not look at some things that we are so easy to judge on the Jacob, and Black shirted dude.
Jacob catches a fish, cuts it up and eats it, he offers it to the other dude, and he says he already ate. At this point they seem friendly towards each other, and its not till the end of the conversation we learn Black Shirt Dude want Jacob dead. Jacob seems very smug about this. Almost cocky about it.
They knew in the beginning a ship was coming in
Jacob "I'm guessing your here cause of the ship"
Dude "I am, How'd they find the Island?"
Jacob "Guess you'll have to ask when they get here"
Dude "I don't have to ask, YOU brought them here. They come they fight, they corupt, they destroy... It always ends the same"
Jacob "You are wrong"
Dude" Am I"
Jacob "it only ends once anything before that is just progress"
Key YOU brought them here... I replayed this many times and he says YOU refering to Jacob. Why would Jacob want them here to Corupt and destroy the Island?
Black shirt dude, I think wants to save the Island. He probably dies in doing so to protect it. He thinks Like John Lock about the Island, and beleives in it and wants to save it from people on the outside world. This is why he wants Jacob dead, cause after he has fought for it so long, Jacob never steps up and defends it physically. He instead, hides away in the temple lonley and allows people to believe that He controls how the Island thinks when really, he just wants it to end. Like Jack. Why hide away in a temple and not fight for something, that YOU brought here. You brought it here to be destroyed and allow the black shirt dude to fight for it? Even when the losties show, at least Black shirt guy is still working on the Island to make things happen, to kill Jacob who does nothing to save it. Of course it makes him look bad or evil, but what is Jacob doing hiding away what good is that doing allowing it all to happen.
This also makes me think about John and Jack. Jack wanted to bring the people in the freighter there to be rescued, while Jack tried at all cost to prevent it knowing it would go bad. Jack left the Island when John told him to stay and fight for it, only in the end for Jack to come back, and John to die.
So why did'nt black shirt dude, just go in the temple and kill Jacob? I'm sure he had plenty of chances. This is why there is the Cabin surrounded by ash. Jacob also hid here, and made it known that the ash if crossed would cause a curse. Therefore since everyone think Jacob speak for the island they all believe it. Black shirt dude knows its a lie but still does'nt cross it knowing that is not how he will kill him.
I think in season 6 you will see Black shirt dude, fighting for the Island to preserve it, while Jacob stands back and does nothing. Black shirt dude is looking for the loophole to kill Jacob so he can save the Island from Jacob bringing people there to corupt it. Is that so evil??? He fights for his land his home, while Jacob cowardly hides away.... and remember Jacob brought them there.