I was thinking and this is my first time, so I am not as savy as many of you here.
Jacob travelled off Island to visit some of the Losties. I think he did this for 2 reasons. One was to make sure those who came to the island were there for all the right reason rather then wrong. As stated in the beginning, when the black rock ship was coming in, not word for word sorry but hence.... "they are coming, we brought them here, they will fight and destroy the island.....and I want to kill you Jacob, I will find a loop hole. When you find you know where to find me"
Ok so, I think the Island, is a place where it was meant to be peaceful, not have wars and killing and taken advantage of. Which the DI clearly may have done. The Black rock ship was like a curse coming, in. It brought people to the Island, where havoc was created and carried on throughout the times.
Jacob went to see Kate as a child. She stole a NKOTB lunchbox, he paid for it and asked her to never steal again... She did and due to that ended up on the ISLAND!!! He was saying this to her as a warning. He did not want her to steal again, which she did more than steal mearly in her life, but she still did. Kate is not suppose to be there on the Island I believe.
Hurley, well Jacob was in the cab. He left the gutair, he never really stated anything to prevent him from going, he actually told him what flight to take. Why cause Hurley is suppose to be there, on the Island with the gutair. Hurley has not really caused many problems being on the Island in the past. He never wanted to kill anyone, and always was looking out for people's best interests. Unlike Kate who was always on the jouney to kill and hunt, and be involved with any war.
Jin and Sun - He was at there wedding told them to never take there love for granted. Basically cause if you do, you will end up on the ISLAND!!! They do, cause Sun cheats, and Jin is not an attentive husband. They are not suppose to be there.
John - Falls out a window, is clearly dead, till Jacob walks over revives him by placing his hand on his shoulder and telling him he is sorry. Cause John is suppose to be there. On the ISLAND!!!!!
and so on with the other characters, you can kinda see who belongs, and who does'nt. Those who don't belong on the island and do end up there, are bring the curse to the Island, by not being what they should as people. By not being honourable. Like the Apple in the Garden of Eden. The Island can be someones hell, and anothers Heaven. Like Rose and Bernard. "are you guys still shooting people, we came here to retire. Why would'nt we want a place by the beach, we just want to be together" that is the proper way to look at it. Not as a place to cause war and hate upon each other.
Jacob travelled off Island to visit some of the Losties. I think he did this for 2 reasons. One was to make sure those who came to the island were there for all the right reason rather then wrong. As stated in the beginning, when the black rock ship was coming in, not word for word sorry but hence.... "they are coming, we brought them here, they will fight and destroy the island.....and I want to kill you Jacob, I will find a loop hole. When you find you know where to find me"
Ok so, I think the Island, is a place where it was meant to be peaceful, not have wars and killing and taken advantage of. Which the DI clearly may have done. The Black rock ship was like a curse coming, in. It brought people to the Island, where havoc was created and carried on throughout the times.
Jacob went to see Kate as a child. She stole a NKOTB lunchbox, he paid for it and asked her to never steal again... She did and due to that ended up on the ISLAND!!! He was saying this to her as a warning. He did not want her to steal again, which she did more than steal mearly in her life, but she still did. Kate is not suppose to be there on the Island I believe.
Hurley, well Jacob was in the cab. He left the gutair, he never really stated anything to prevent him from going, he actually told him what flight to take. Why cause Hurley is suppose to be there, on the Island with the gutair. Hurley has not really caused many problems being on the Island in the past. He never wanted to kill anyone, and always was looking out for people's best interests. Unlike Kate who was always on the jouney to kill and hunt, and be involved with any war.
Jin and Sun - He was at there wedding told them to never take there love for granted. Basically cause if you do, you will end up on the ISLAND!!! They do, cause Sun cheats, and Jin is not an attentive husband. They are not suppose to be there.
John - Falls out a window, is clearly dead, till Jacob walks over revives him by placing his hand on his shoulder and telling him he is sorry. Cause John is suppose to be there. On the ISLAND!!!!!
and so on with the other characters, you can kinda see who belongs, and who does'nt. Those who don't belong on the island and do end up there, are bring the curse to the Island, by not being what they should as people. By not being honourable. Like the Apple in the Garden of Eden. The Island can be someones hell, and anothers Heaven. Like Rose and Bernard. "are you guys still shooting people, we came here to retire. Why would'nt we want a place by the beach, we just want to be together" that is the proper way to look at it. Not as a place to cause war and hate upon each other.