What if it's the bad guys who don't want Aaron to be raised by another, and he really is supposed to be raised by someone other than Claire?
There is something special about Aaron. Maybe he's supposed to be the next leader or protector of the Island? The two leaders that have been explored are Locke and Ben. Others have pointed out similarities between them. Both grew up without their mothers (this seems to be the main criteria), and both were abandoned (physically for Locke and emotionally for Ben) by their fathers. Neither seemed to have a real family. It's been speculated that these things may be requirements for becoming a leader.
Aaron was abandoned by his biological father, Thomas. Aaron's mother also abandoned him and may or may not be dead (it seems like she's part of the undead). It begins to look like Aaron may be one of the several candidates for becoming a future leader.
Whatever happened, happened. Whatever is supposed to happen, will happen, thanks to course correction. Aaron's father was always going to abandon him, and something was going to happen to Claire to make her incapable of being a mother to Aaron (an idea that would become stronger if we find out that Claire is indeed, not fully alive or... whatever).
Malakin's prediction that the child could not be raised by another cannot be valid, if the universe already decided that this was impossible.
Theory: Malakin is either a bad guy or was being used by the bad guys to make Claire believe that no one could raise Aaron. These bad guys want Aaron to be the next leader or protector of the Isalnd.
Let's speculate that Thomas is related to Charles Widmore somehow, since we've seen Thomas' artwork in Widmore's office. Widmore could've done one of two things. 1) He could've convinced Thomas to stay with Claire and tell her to keep the baby, even though Thomas himself did not want it. 2) He could've convinced Thomas to abandon Claire and the baby. By doing either of these things, Widmore could have been pulling strings and setting it up so that Aaron could be a potential future leader. He could've paid Malakin to convince Claire not to put the baby up for adoption, and then to get Claire on flight 815. This argument would gain even more momentum, if we found out Widmore somehow knew that Claire would eventually die/become undead/whatever happened to her.
Why would Charles do this? If Aaron is indeed his grandson, this connection might allow him to reconnect with the Island and give him a way to indirectly control the Island's future.
Claire, Christian, and maybe Jacob do NOT want Aaron to become the future leader. They could be against this for many reasons, although one of them could be that leading the Island (and the requirements needed to be chosen as a leader) is not a job that anyone would want for their child. This is why Claire and Christian were glad that Aaron was being taken by Sawyer to presumably leave the Island and be raised by someone else. If Kate and Jack or Kate and Sawyer or Des and Penny or Sun and Jin or anyone else raises Aaron (I think certain people are meant to raise him, I'm just not sure who), then his life circumstances would not meet the requirements needed to be the Island's leader. Claire believes that whatever 'condition' or 'state' she is in wouldn't make it possible for her to raise him, at least for the time being. Kate raising him was a huge point for the good guys and a setback for the bad guys. Aaron didn't lose his mother as a baby like Locke and Ben. Theref! ore, he has been unable to meet the requirements needed to be leader thus far. Whether or not Kate leaving Aaron with Carol will have any effect on this is yet to be seen.
Eh, I hope that made sense? Theory by Kaitrin
There is something special about Aaron. Maybe he's supposed to be the next leader or protector of the Island? The two leaders that have been explored are Locke and Ben. Others have pointed out similarities between them. Both grew up without their mothers (this seems to be the main criteria), and both were abandoned (physically for Locke and emotionally for Ben) by their fathers. Neither seemed to have a real family. It's been speculated that these things may be requirements for becoming a leader.
Aaron was abandoned by his biological father, Thomas. Aaron's mother also abandoned him and may or may not be dead (it seems like she's part of the undead). It begins to look like Aaron may be one of the several candidates for becoming a future leader.
Whatever happened, happened. Whatever is supposed to happen, will happen, thanks to course correction. Aaron's father was always going to abandon him, and something was going to happen to Claire to make her incapable of being a mother to Aaron (an idea that would become stronger if we find out that Claire is indeed, not fully alive or... whatever).
Malakin's prediction that the child could not be raised by another cannot be valid, if the universe already decided that this was impossible.
Theory: Malakin is either a bad guy or was being used by the bad guys to make Claire believe that no one could raise Aaron. These bad guys want Aaron to be the next leader or protector of the Isalnd.
Let's speculate that Thomas is related to Charles Widmore somehow, since we've seen Thomas' artwork in Widmore's office. Widmore could've done one of two things. 1) He could've convinced Thomas to stay with Claire and tell her to keep the baby, even though Thomas himself did not want it. 2) He could've convinced Thomas to abandon Claire and the baby. By doing either of these things, Widmore could have been pulling strings and setting it up so that Aaron could be a potential future leader. He could've paid Malakin to convince Claire not to put the baby up for adoption, and then to get Claire on flight 815. This argument would gain even more momentum, if we found out Widmore somehow knew that Claire would eventually die/become undead/whatever happened to her.
Why would Charles do this? If Aaron is indeed his grandson, this connection might allow him to reconnect with the Island and give him a way to indirectly control the Island's future.
Claire, Christian, and maybe Jacob do NOT want Aaron to become the future leader. They could be against this for many reasons, although one of them could be that leading the Island (and the requirements needed to be chosen as a leader) is not a job that anyone would want for their child. This is why Claire and Christian were glad that Aaron was being taken by Sawyer to presumably leave the Island and be raised by someone else. If Kate and Jack or Kate and Sawyer or Des and Penny or Sun and Jin or anyone else raises Aaron (I think certain people are meant to raise him, I'm just not sure who), then his life circumstances would not meet the requirements needed to be the Island's leader. Claire believes that whatever 'condition' or 'state' she is in wouldn't make it possible for her to raise him, at least for the time being. Kate raising him was a huge point for the good guys and a setback for the bad guys. Aaron didn't lose his mother as a baby like Locke and Ben. Theref! ore, he has been unable to meet the requirements needed to be leader thus far. Whether or not Kate leaving Aaron with Carol will have any effect on this is yet to be seen.
Eh, I hope that made sense? Theory by Kaitrin