Here I give you, the possibility of two opposing monsters. A godly smoke monster as we may---one who appears to very few people, however is very much present for the most part, but is represented as the invisible. On the other end of the spectrum there is a evil monster, one that is always there and and always around.
One of LOST major themes is duality. We are faced with fate vs. free will, coincidence vs. destiny, good vs. bad, science vs. faith, karma vs. redemption, and so on. Many times these themes are symbolized through the theme of black and white. This has undoubtably been a long reoccurring theme and has been around since the pilot. Just as Locke said to Walt, "two players. Two sides. One is light, one is dark." There are plenty of other examples, the white bunny with the black numbers, the white and black stones found with Adam and Eve, the countdown timer on the swan, Lockes eyes during Claire's dream, games such as Chess and Backgammon, and the list goes on.
So why not two smoke monsters, one that is good and one that is evil. Since this is a major theme in the show, we should at least consider it right?
First, how fitting would it be, especially for you Locke fans if a godly white smoke monster payed a visit to Locke. Locke described what he saw in Walkabout to Jack as, "beautiful" and later to Eko as "a beautiful bright light."
His next encounter was much different in Exodus though. When he heard the monster, he began to follow the noises and seemed at peace with it, however, when he saw the monster, he immediately looked at it as if he was witnessing something he had never seen before and was undoubtably terrified. Before the monster began to even chase him, instead of standing tall like he did before, he sprinted off like he was getting the hell out of dodge. He later described this experience in Exodus during "A Man of Science, A Man of Faith" as a column of black smoke. Much differently as what he described in his prior experience with the 'monster.'
Also, he told Eko that he saw it once. However, he had to interactions with the monster. So could be a hint that he saw the beautiful bright lighted monster one time and since Eko was a spiritual man, he thought Eko might have saw it too?
I know there are some similarities between Ekos experiences the first time he saw the monster as well as the second time, but at the same time, they were very different. Same goes with Juliet and Kates experience, there are some similarities, but there are also many differences.
All I am suggesting is this, lets look at the major themes, look at the testimonials, and lets not so quickly rule it out. If there are two opposing smokeys, wouldn't that be something really special to reveal at the end of the series? I think so.
.... Yes this is a LONG theory and not just a question Theory by Nivek87
One of LOST major themes is duality. We are faced with fate vs. free will, coincidence vs. destiny, good vs. bad, science vs. faith, karma vs. redemption, and so on. Many times these themes are symbolized through the theme of black and white. This has undoubtably been a long reoccurring theme and has been around since the pilot. Just as Locke said to Walt, "two players. Two sides. One is light, one is dark." There are plenty of other examples, the white bunny with the black numbers, the white and black stones found with Adam and Eve, the countdown timer on the swan, Lockes eyes during Claire's dream, games such as Chess and Backgammon, and the list goes on.
So why not two smoke monsters, one that is good and one that is evil. Since this is a major theme in the show, we should at least consider it right?
First, how fitting would it be, especially for you Locke fans if a godly white smoke monster payed a visit to Locke. Locke described what he saw in Walkabout to Jack as, "beautiful" and later to Eko as "a beautiful bright light."
His next encounter was much different in Exodus though. When he heard the monster, he began to follow the noises and seemed at peace with it, however, when he saw the monster, he immediately looked at it as if he was witnessing something he had never seen before and was undoubtably terrified. Before the monster began to even chase him, instead of standing tall like he did before, he sprinted off like he was getting the hell out of dodge. He later described this experience in Exodus during "A Man of Science, A Man of Faith" as a column of black smoke. Much differently as what he described in his prior experience with the 'monster.'
Also, he told Eko that he saw it once. However, he had to interactions with the monster. So could be a hint that he saw the beautiful bright lighted monster one time and since Eko was a spiritual man, he thought Eko might have saw it too?
I know there are some similarities between Ekos experiences the first time he saw the monster as well as the second time, but at the same time, they were very different. Same goes with Juliet and Kates experience, there are some similarities, but there are also many differences.
All I am suggesting is this, lets look at the major themes, look at the testimonials, and lets not so quickly rule it out. If there are two opposing smokeys, wouldn't that be something really special to reveal at the end of the series? I think so.
.... Yes this is a LONG theory and not just a question Theory by Nivek87